Starvation Mode???

Posted on 08/18/2011 by kimsciolino

I have a ? regarding starvation mode. How in the world do you know if your body is in starvation mode? I do not feel like I am starving I feel pretty full,I have been eating very healthy and I excersise everyday for the past 11 weeks. I have been doing the Turbo Fire Workout program plus walking,riding my bike or swimming. I just joined the 1,000 jumping jacks a day and I have only lost 5lbs and that was a week that I did the shakeology cleanse. This just does not make sense how hard I have been working the past 11 weeks. I am always under my calorie goal ( I do not know what it means to eat your calories back I just stay under what my daily goal is). Sometimes I may be over in protein and fiber but just by a little bit. There are 2 factors that I know work against me and that is I am about to be 40 next week and I had a complete hysterectomy 9 years ago. I do not take any hormone pills. My food diary is open for anyone to view, if anyone has any advice or suggestions i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you and I hope you all have a great stress free day.:smile:


  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    your diary is not open for public, maybe its just open for friends
  • CindyWard4u
    CindyWard4u Posts: 40 Member
    I couldn't see your food diary.
    If you don't mind sharing some much do you weigh? How many calories are you burning with TF?
    How many calories are you taking in daily?

    Now that I can see your definitely need to be putting more calories into your body...especially with TF and all the other activity you are doing...from what you are averaging over the past week or so it is going to feel like a lot to add 500-700 calories...but that is what you need to me. (not that you would because you don't know me...but I had this exact same problem a couple of years ago and I was amazed that I started losing weight by eating more food! )
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    Like previously stated, your diary is not open to the public. Eating your calories back means that if your daily calorie goal is 1,500 but you burn 500 calories exercising, then you "eat them back" and you can now eat 2,000 calories that day. Since MFP already aims for weight loss before it even gives you your numbers, if you eat them all you *should* still lose the amount of weight that you want to.

    EDIT: Like last week I ate 1,900 calories per day, and lost 5 lbs, this week I've been eating 2,400 calories per day and lost 2 lbs after 3 days. I burn 900 calories at least when I exercise.
  • HisSonbeamer
    Are you taking your measurements? I was told that you may lose inches before lbs based on the amount/type of exercise.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Your net cals should be 1200. So after exercise and food, if your net cals are lower than 1200, then you should probably eat a little more.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    If you're doing everything that you think is right and not losing anything, that's a good sign that maybe you're not eating enough. What is your daily goal? When you eat to your daily goal, you're already eating less than before in order to lose weight, so if you don't eat back your exercise calories then you're likely not getting enough.

    This site is comletely divided on exercise calories, some say eat them (I do) some say don't. But in your case since something is obviously wrong and you're not losing weight, it would only make sense to start eating them and see if it makes difference.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    If you eat the calories listed as "total goal" that includes your exercise calories and contrary to what some people say on here you should eat at LEAST some of them. I used to eat all of them or almost all of them. Starvation mode doesn't mean you feel starved, just that your body perceives that it is starving. You might try increasing your calorie intake for a couple of days (weekends are nice once in a while) and see if that helps. It used to help me kick my metabolism back in when I was losing the weight.
  • adamcf
    adamcf Posts: 126
    I couldn't see your diary either. but starvation mode works like this; your body is constantly trying to adjust so it can survive. it does this without you even knowing or willing it to happen. when people don't eat very often, our bodies store as much food as possible in the form of fat. I used to not eat breakfast or lunch thinking that if I skipped those meals and only ate one evening meal then I would lose weight. But what my body did, was it noticed that I hadn't had any food all day and finally when I had that one meal, my body stored it as fat so I'd have enough energy later because I wasn't getting food often enough. But later I learned that if I eat 5 meals a day starting right when I wake up, my body started rejecting food that it didn't need, because it was used to getting constant food and is now expecting that to keep happening.

    Starvation mode is when our bodies react to possible starvation based on our eating patterns.
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    I am often under my calorie goal - not always but more often than not. It does worry me sometimes that I might be too low but I think if you're genuinely not hungry then you shouldn't really force yourself to eat. Thats my opinion. I used to force feed myself a lot, because I felt guilty if I didn't eat all of a meal someone else cooked, or if someone brought me food that wasn't on my diet plan - I would put other people first instead of me. So now I put me first and if I'm not hungry I won't eat.
  • cshelgol1
    cshelgol1 Posts: 29 Member
    There is a section in the Curves memeber edition book that talks about the metabolic tune up. Sometimes our metabolism is so screwed up by the dieting and other things that we do that we just can not shed lbs. I really like the book and it can be purchased online at amazon for 2 or 3 bucks. Its an older version. Sometimes we need to get our bodies geared up to lose weight correctly.It has been working for me. Good Luck!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Idk if there are any visible physical symptoms of going into starvation mode but here
    is a link on what starvation mode is & how it affects the body internally.
  • scj0409
    scj0409 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello. Say for example your daily calorie goal is 1390 calories per day and you do exercise that burns 400 calories on a particular day - this means that in total your body has only had 990 calories on that day, which in real terms which is far too low and not enough for your body to function. If 'eat your calories back', you will still be at your calorie goal for the day (999 + 400 = 1390) this will facilitate you to lose weight as MFP sets you a calorie goal that will allow you to lose weight if you follow it. If you continually fail to eat your calories back you can significantly slow down your weightloss rate, it can even grind to a halt because your body goes into so called 'starvation mode' because you are not taking on enough calories each day. As a result your metabolism slows down and your weightloss stops. You might think why exercise? Well, regular exercise increases your metabolism which is an aid to weightloss, but simply trying to burn off excess calories with exercise does not guaratee weightloss if you are continually failing to take on enough calories each day. I hope this helps, feel free to add me if you like.
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    I just looked at your diary and it seems like every day you are way under your calories. WIth all of the exercising that you're doing, I would definitely try getting closer to your calorie count and see if that makes a difference.