Motivation needed

Hey guys...I am struggling with my weight for 28 years now..I can't stick to anything I start. I am really low on confidence and self esteem.i just want some cheer up and motivation. If you guys can help me I will be glad.


  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,516 Member
    You might feel better if you had some control over the process. Here are some things not to do. Don’t calculate the most severe deficit. Don’t start calculating how much you should lose by X date. Don’t come undone if/when you go over your calorie number for the day.

    What to do instead. Calculate a modest deficit. Make a plan for each day and week to try to hit your number. Get and use a food scale.

    Start a food diary. Keep your food diary no matter what, good, bad or ugly. The process is more important than the numbers. The food diary is a thing to do. The only way not to do it is to make a conscious decision not to quit. Don’t.

    When you go over your number, or find that you mismanage situations, problem solve. Plans that don’t work out at times can be made better for next time.

    Don’t let your brain, with its old bad habits, trick you with its negativity. CICO works. With determination and patience it will work for you. Work the process and the scale will follow.
  • sammage100
    sammage100 Posts: 2 Member
    I totally agree with 88olds! But add an accountability buddy to the overall process