I feel silly on a treadmill



  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    Well, darlin'..in MHO, you've got nothing to worry about. I see all sizes at our gym. I walk along at this pitiful pace next to the hard core runners, and it's all good! Wear what YOU are comfortable in (don't worry about what they are wearing) take headphones and just do your thing. At my stage of the game (have dislocated my hip 2x this summer), I'm just barely walking at 2 mph. Either hook up to your ipod, or plug into the tv's they usually have. You will be just fine!!! Hop to it! It'll be great!
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    I agree with the above posts! As someone who has also attended the Y and done the whole treadmill, elliptical thing too, the other people really aren't thinking about what size you are. If they are, they are there for the wrong reasons, but I can guarantee you that probably every one of them is not paying attention and if they are, they are just glad to see you are working out and not being sedentary like so many these days. I now have an elliptical at home, but I know when I was doing spin class and the treadmill at the Y, most everyone around me had on their earbuds listening to music, or the t.v.'s. They really didn't pay attention to anyone else except for a glance and that was it. I am not a runner due to it hurts my knees. I do a fast-paced walk and that feels better for me. Don't feel like you have to run to lose weight because you honestly don't. But, if you enjoy running, just do it and don't worry about anyone around you. I really think if you could get into the mind of each one of them, you would probably hear them sifting through their own daily struggles, etc. It is VERY rare that you would ever find one thinking "oh, look at that fat person..why are they even here?". You go for it and know that you are doing a great job!!!!!
  • I'm right there with you. Even though I know the people I'm working out around aren't there to judge me, I can't help but think to myself that they are, and it causes me to not want to run on the treadmill. My goal right now is to just speed walk with random hills on, and I keep myself motivated to continue this way for now by telling myself that it's distance over speed. I stay on the treadmill for an hour, and I hate when a skinny girl or guy comes onto the treadmill next to me and spends 20 minutes running. It makes me feel like I'm lazy. But I reassure myself by telling myself that each workout is for me, and me only. I'm there to reach goals I set for myself, and get there how I am capable of getting there. Don't feel alone in feeling silly on a treadmill. Like I said, I'm right there with you. <3
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    jJUMP ON THAT TREADMILL!!!!!!!!!!!! When I first joined the gym, I walked in with a cane (talk about sticking out like a sore thumb) and when I did the treadmill and elliptical, I was able to do a whole TWO MINUTES on each. The trainer at the gym said the next day add a little more intensity or a little longer time and do that each day you go. Now I do 30 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the bike each day.

    I seem to always wear baggy clothes to the gym so that no one will see my "JIGGLE" and my daughter laughs at me, but I feel more comfortable.

    I have absolutely no coordination so I can't drink water and work on a machine at the same time! I have to stop or pause the machine..drink my water... and then resume the workout.

    With that being said, I go to the gym everyday and I respect every single person there with me who took the time out of their day to get to the gym and make the effort.

    As silly as I may feel at the gym sometimes, I'll never forget the guy who came to work on the treadmill next to me and took a long piece of paper towel and wrapped it around his head like a sweatband, hopped on the treadmill and did his thing.

    Somehow that made me feel I was going to be ok!!! You will be too!!
  • Firs off remember this : "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" . You'e in the gym because YOU want to get healthier not to worry about whether or not someone is snickering at you. I say step on that treadmill with pride and do your thing , each week you'll get better and better until it's as natural as breathing. Take your ipod with so you can listen to music while you're working out . Chances are more than not are admiring you for taking steps to becoming healthy , sometimes we let our minds runaway with our own fears of how we think others will perceive of us. Go work it on that treadmill and have a great time doing it! :wink:
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    I was much like you in that I was thinking / feeling like everyone would be watching me. I can confirm that 99.9% of the people in the gym have their headphones on (or a boog / magazine) and are in their own world. I would suggest 9as others have) to start with a walk and build to running.
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    justyourtypicalgirl Posts: 136 Member
    Everyone goes to the gym for the same reason and it's not to get in an hour of making fun of people. I was self conscious in the beginning and then I seriously got over it. And the skinny people who look great on a treadmill didn't just wake up one day looking like that or having that ability. We are all there to work out and work on ourselves. So shake it off and get your booty on the treadmill! Or better yet...hit the elliptical machine...much less opportunity for unfortunate jiggling.
  • pita160
    pita160 Posts: 7 Member
    I usually do not post on sites, but I wanted to say I understand how that experience feels. I am sorry anyone has to go through that. Unfortunately, no one can be sure how another person is going to react in any situation.

    I purchased a Tony Little Gazelle (at the time $79 at ****'s) many years ago and, while it was a useful clothes rack (like most of my equipment), I have finally been motivated to use it on a regular basis. I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for over thirty years so for me, this piece of equipment works well (less impact on joints). Perhaps something like this would be more doable.

    As for joining MFP, I can honestly say it has had a tremendous impact on my motivation and has helped me stay on track.

    Good Luck
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    can't really say anything else that hasn't been stated. except that you should do what is comfortable to you. as is, get on that treadmill, and walk the first few times and then start increasing your speed every so often. the highest i can jog at now is at 4.0 and i can do that for 1/2 a mile which is somewhere over 10minutes. this took me several months though and I came from 300pounds. point is, God forbid I thought someone cared what I was doing and cranked that machine up any higher to impress anyone. do it for yourself and forget about others. of course people are going to be looking at you, but I'm sure they're not thinking negatively. you're at the gym and that's a great thing. get going love :)
  • I have couple of things to say. One is people are very self absorbed. I tell that to my oldest ds. he is embarrassed to take insulin( he has diabetes and is insulin dependant) in public but I have observed when he has and no one cares. I am firm believer in you are out there you are doing it. How many people are sitting on their back side? Getting out there is half the battle. Ok as far as running it is a process. It can not happen overnight if you don't run. I did a C5K (couch to 5K). I always hated running now I do but I now I don't have anyone to run with so I speed walk more than run but when i do run my speed has increased. Stick with it don't let other people "run" you our of the gym. You can do it!! But with that said if you don't enjoy running don't do it. Find something that you truly enjoy and it really don't let anyone make you feel bad for enjoying it! IMHO
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    I know how you feel. Before I lost weight, I could feel everything on my body jiggle and always wondered, what are the people behind me thinking about my butt?

    Well, I decided to tell myself every day that I have every right to be there and this is MY workout. That forced me to focus only on my run and think about all the money I was spending on the membership. I had to get my money's worth! Eventually, I didn't give a flip about anyone anymore! Start with walk, progress to walk/run intervals and before you know it, you'll be running and feeling confident!

    Don't let what others think about you stop you from fulfilling your goals and dreams. It's time to put that aside and do it something for you! You're unstoppable. You can do it!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    These replies have been really great. Thank you so much for catering to my low self esteem. I'm loading music up on my phone right now, and I'll bring that with me.
    Again, thank you. This site is so amazing, you are all so amazing.
  • Everyone at the gym is there for the same reason. Those gorgeously fit women...who says they didn't start attending the gym at the same stage as you? If you do catch them looking at you like "Do you even know what you're doing?" just smile and ask them if they've got any tips for you. They'll be flattered that you think they know more than you, or else they'll smile shyly and never look at you again ^_^ It's what I always did in the equipment room at school and I always got one response or the other...usually followed by the teacher telling me to just get on with it mind...but no one ever said anything negative back. And I was NOT popular at school :P

    This is what I was going to say....how do you know what these people looked like before they started at the gym. They maybe looking at you because they've been there before too and am happy you're taking the steps to a healthier life. Don't worry about others. Just worry about you.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 741 Member
    In a recent poll, the #1 reason for people not going to the gym was: "They weren't in good enough shape/didn't feel good about their body". This is the #1 reason TO go to the gym.

    I can state that I would never look down on anyone of any size doing something to get healthy. What I do internally criticize are the way people put into their body, and they wonder why they are overweight.

    You will be judged more in your daily routine of shopping and eating out, than you will by going the gym!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Why not just run on a track or around your neighborhood when no one's out? That's what I did at first. I only went to the track when it was empty, but now I don't care.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Um, eff everybody else and what they think. You are ON the treadmill, and you are WORKING HARD for what you want, and the only way you're going to make progress is if you keep getting back on over and over and have the determination to keep going. Other people may be intimidating, but after a few months, you're going to be one of the fit people working out, too. Don't worry about them, worry about you and your successes!!!
    what SHE said!!!!
    Put your head set on and get to stepping...then jogging...then running... YOU can do it because you have ALL of us here to cheer you on.
  • You know it's funny but we always think that other people care what we look like. :-) They don't. I have a coworker who is a marathon runner. We were at a conference together and I ran into her in the early a.m. down in the gym. I said hi and then went about my C25K workout (which if you haven't heard of - it's a good way to try to build up to running). I was so embarrassed but I just kept doing my thing. Later that day I talked to her about it and she said besides saying hello, she didn't really notice me or anyone else down there. She had to get in 15 miles, ran for over two hours and was in her own zone. Everyone is working on their own thing. Really. :happy:
  • Kristy144
    Kristy144 Posts: 166
    There will always be someone hotter, thinner and more in shape, who cares if you get stares or people say something? That's their problem! You can't guarantee what others will do, but only what you will do. Get your butt there, work out, stay focused and pretty soon you'll be that thin person running on a treadmill! :) You can do it! Sorry if I sound harsh, I do not mean to come across that way you just can't live your life worried about what others will think, its not worth it! :)
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    start with power walking, running for one minute every 4 minutes. everyone is at the gym to improve their fitness.. we all have different starting points, don't feel discouraged. :)
  • Many people that look fit and great on their treadmills were once not so fit. If anyone heckles you, they're not worth the space. If I saw you I'd congratulate you on sticking it out and would run next to you. If you have a magazine or headphones, make your own little world at your treadmill. It's all about YOU!