article: Fat and Healthy? Being slim isn't always superior

So I found an interesting article about how being slim isn't always better than being fat. It is possible to be both fat and healthy and your body size is not always a good indicator of proper health.

What are your thoughts? Does this change your perspective on people who are overweight or obese?


  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    I know it's possible to be skinny and be unhealthy, I know several people like that , but they're skinny because of there metabolism, But I know several other people who eat super healthy and are still big, first off they're women with a wider body frame, and wider hips-which makes them not able to ever wear a size 0, secondly they have bad metabolism, they eat right and exercise daily, yet still cant get past a certain weight, it's like there metabolism has a huge *CAN'T AND WON'T* stamped on its forehead
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i dunno, if your obese, i dont see how it can benefit you. It has to be putting a strain on your body to be carrying all that extra weight. like on your joints and what not. Ive heard that being a little overweight really isnt as bad as everybody makes it seem to be too.
  • rfcollins33
    So I found an interesting article about how being slim isn't always better than being fat. It is possible to be both fat and healthy and your body size is not always a good indicator of proper health.

    What are your thoughts? Does this change your perspective on people who are overweight or obese?

    Maybe being too thin isn't better than being fat in some cases, BUT being fat is definitely NOT good. Being too thin isn't either. One good way to look at it (or I should say how I look at it) is be STRONG. If I put my focus there instead of being skinny or thin, I think I'll get the best results!
  • CindyWard4u
    CindyWard4u Posts: 40 Member
    very interesting....I have a friend who says his dr says he is in good BP Diabetes issues...etc...but he weighs over 400 lbs!
    He is of course still trying to lose weight...he was not this overweight when he was younger and he feels miserable because his mobility is not great.

    Personally for most of the people I know who are obese...they do have diabetes, bp, cholesterol issues. This does stem from their poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.
  • PuzzleGirl65
    PuzzleGirl65 Posts: 81 Member
    I don't know. The article seems kind of circular. What I got from it is that obese people who are active and eat well are better off than fat people who aren't active and don't eat well. So yeah, healthy fat people are healthier than unhealthy fat people. That doesn't really seem like a breakthrough to me. :huh:
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I can relate to this. My husband is 5'8 and 135-140lb soaking wet. He has a tummy and looks about 3 months pregnant. He also has fat on his legs and hasn't had it checked but I think he has a pretty high BF%. I can out walk him when we go walking and im 100lb heavier than him. He doesn't work out AT ALL and I do 5-6 days each week. Id be interested to know how our BF% compares.
  • luminescence
    luminescence Posts: 21 Member
    Maybe being too thin isn't better than being fat in some cases, BUT being fat is definitely NOT good. Being too thin isn't either. One good way to look at it (or I should say how I look at it) is be STRONG. If I put my focus there instead of being skinny or thin, I think I'll get the best results!

    So you don't think overweight people are strong? What about people who have a slow metabolism?

    I think people take how you look into account to much. I believe you can be perfectly healthy underweight, overweight and somewhere in between. I also think you can be terribly unhealthy anywhere on the weight spectrum as well. I think as a society, we should start ignoring size and worry more about health. If you're healthy and fat, more the power to you!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I see where it is coming from. My old boss was very slender. But she smoked, and only ate food from the gas station. At the same job another girl was naturally very slim but all she ate was fast food. I would rather be me with some extra weight and good eating then freakishly skinny stuffing my face with fast food. Yeah they were both thin, but I bet they felt like crap every day.