Biking question

Which burns more calories - biking at a low speed so that it's easier to pedal or biking at a high speed so that's harder to pedal? Any help is appreciated!!

(PS - I'm new here - add me and want to meet you! I'd love to meet some moms trying to lose the baby weight - lets share stories!)


  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Harder to pedal = more calories and a great way to build muscle.. .just don't make it too hard; you don't want to pull a muscle or hurt yourself.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    More resistance gives a better burn. But whatever it is that keeps you on the bike longer do that for now.
  • CindyWho4
    I'm no fitness expert by any means, but I thought I'd pipe in here based on my own experience. I burn more calories at an easier speed, going for longer. Otherwise I tire out way sooner. I may burn more calories in that shorter ride, than I burn in the same amount of time of the slower ride, but I am able to ride twice as long, and therefore burn more calories in the long run. I hope that made sense.
  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    Harder to pedal = more calories and a great way to build muscle.. .just don't make it too hard; you don't want to pull a muscle or hurt yourself.

    right, the harder you push yourself....the more you burn. period.
  • LisaM100
    LisaM100 Posts: 14
    Biking is my exercise of choice too! I'm not sure if it matters, but it's hard to compare not knowing if it's hilly or not. I would think the faster you go the more calories you are burning. But if you are going slow and it's hilly you are burning a lot of calories! It depends on the terrain. Just keep on biking!!
  • Michellerw1
    Per hour, harder cycling will burn more calories. However, per mile it is the same. :)
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Definitely pushing yourself to go faster does. I have a HRM and I typically do 11.5 miles in an hour (with hills) and burn around 1000 calories.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If you are going the same distance the faster (harder) would be faster so you may only burn slightly more than doing the same distance slower. i.e. jogging 1 mile will burn a bit more calories than walking 1 mile and will be faster.

    If you are going for a specified amount of time the faster (harder) will burn much much more.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I'd say start out slow and steady and gradually increase from there. Can anyone tell me how much the stationary works the butt/thighs/legs??? Thanks!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    The harder you work the more calories you'll burn. The amount you burn is based more on how many RPMs the pedals are turning and the force needed to push down the pedals. So you could leave it in a really easy gear and spin at a really fast RPM and you'll burn out fairly quickly, or put it in a harder gear, turn less RPMs, move faster, and probably burn close to the same calories.
  • strongdog68
    Try mixing it up. Alternate riding at a slow pace and riding at a higher pace. Interval training ups your calorie burn and can be fun too.
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    I'm no fitness expert by any means, but I thought I'd pipe in here based on my own experience. I burn more calories at an easier speed, going for longer. Otherwise I tire out way sooner. I may burn more calories in that shorter ride, than I burn in the same amount of time of the slower ride, but I am able to ride twice as long, and therefore burn more calories in the long run. I hope that made sense.

    I agree. I bike longer and more steadily without injuries if I bike at a medium speed with light resisitance.
  • slickracer
    If you ride at a less intense pace your body will burn more fat (about a 50-50 ratio for fat to carbs) but you will burn less calories overall so to get the same calorie burn you need to cycle longer. The more intense you go the more you shift the ratio to burning more carbs yet net more calories burned per unit time. Of course more intense means long term more muscle which in the long run helps burn more calories. The Time Crunched Cyclist by Chris Carmichael has a good chapter on how your body burn energy.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    Push yourself, But NOT TOO HARD! I went to a PT yesterday bc i overused my knee. mainly from biking. I thought, if i stand up while going up hill, i will work different muscles. Appearantly, your knee joint isnt a happy camper when you are putting that kind of load on it, especially with the angle it was in. (I ride 23 miles twice a week.) This is my personal experience and it probably wont happen to you, but definitely be weary of the new stresses that you will be putting on your muscles and joints. Also, get lots of electrolytes.
  • 2girlymama
    Thank you all for your advice! It does help.

    So many experts here - I don't know where to start...I have a million questions! (hmm...what next...)
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    feel free to send me a friend request. I love biking, it would be nice to have someone to swap info with!
  • routerguy666
    Here is some data from two rides I did, same course both times. The faster pace was me grinding out every hill, never letting the speed dip. The slower rate is me riding with someone at their pace. Heartrate monitor strapped on for both rides.

    Distance: 11.22 mi
    Calories: 698 C
    Moving Time: 01:01:14
    Avg Moving Speed: 11.0 mph
    Max Speed: 21.1 mph
    Avg HR: 116 bpm
    Max HR: 148 bpm

    Distance: 11.20 mi
    Calories: 721 C
    Moving Time: 00:50:45
    Avg Moving Speed: 13.2 mph
    Max Speed: 19.9 mph
    Avg HR: 163 bpm
    Max HR: 176 bpm

    22 extra calories burned in 11 less minutes. Not that big a deal imo, even if you double the ride length.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Here is some data from two rides I did, same course both times. The faster pace was me grinding out every hill, never letting the speed dip. The slower rate is me riding with someone at their pace. Heartrate monitor strapped on for both rides.

    Distance: 11.22 mi
    Calories: 698 C
    Moving Time: 01:01:14
    Avg Moving Speed: 11.0 mph
    Max Speed: 21.1 mph
    Avg HR: 116 bpm
    Max HR: 148 bpm

    Distance: 11.20 mi
    Calories: 721 C
    Moving Time: 00:50:45
    Avg Moving Speed: 13.2 mph
    Max Speed: 19.9 mph
    Avg HR: 163 bpm
    Max HR: 176 bpm

    22 extra calories burned in 11 less minutes. Not that big a deal imo, even if you double the ride length.

    He's too kind to point out it was me that was going slower! However, just to make a point everyone is different. I burned 936 calories on the same ride that he was on! And yes, I used a HRM!
  • 2girlymama
    Here is some data from two rides I did, same course both times. The faster pace was me grinding out every hill, never letting the speed dip. The slower rate is me riding with someone at their pace. Heartrate monitor strapped on for both rides.

    Distance: 11.22 mi
    Calories: 698 C
    Moving Time: 01:01:14
    Avg Moving Speed: 11.0 mph
    Max Speed: 21.1 mph
    Avg HR: 116 bpm
    Max HR: 148 bpm

    Distance: 11.20 mi
    Calories: 721 C
    Moving Time: 00:50:45
    Avg Moving Speed: 13.2 mph
    Max Speed: 19.9 mph
    Avg HR: 163 bpm
    Max HR: 176 bpm

    22 extra calories burned in 11 less minutes. Not that big a deal imo, even if you double the ride length.

    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!