looking for more friends and support

i have been on MFP for several years, and it did me a lot of good when i first started (i lost over 50 lbs), but life happened, and stopped doing the right thing, so i gained all my weight back plus some, but im starting over with working out, eating better, and logging it all..i just looked at my friend list, and i only have 12 friends, but only 1 is active, and she IS a great supporter, its just not enough..im looking for more..i live in upstate SC so anyone around this area would be awesome, but of course, anyone who is active on here daily is welcome to add me..have a great sunday :)


  • eryn0x
    eryn0x Posts: 138 Member
    Hello! I’m in exactly the same boat. I lost around 40 lbs 4 or 5 years ago and it slowly crept back on, especially in the last year alone. Yesterday I recommitted met my goals and this time it has to stick. I’ll send you an add!
    CW 186
    GW 140
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    I offer mutual support. Wishing you good luck on your journey
  • alliebabe8035
    alliebabe8035 Posts: 3 Member
    I'll add you! I've been here since 2010 but I haven't been very social the last few years. I'm in Missouri but I'll be happy to help motivate from here!
  • cidplady
    cidplady Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, I am the same, did well and lost the weight, then the past 6 months have been eating too many cakes....... so back on the regime again!!
  • reflectionofme
    reflectionofme Posts: 310 Member
    Your situation is very similar to mine.
  • LeafyPoo
    LeafyPoo Posts: 18 Member
    edited October 2018
    Feel free to add me, guys! I could use active, motivational friends :smiley: I only just lost my first 5lbs but we have to start somewhere. I should add, I have previously lost 30+ pounds twice in my life, and I've always gained it back and then some. My current starting weight is the heaviest I've ever been :/

    SW 276.6
    CW 271.4
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    Add me.
  • sherrsuntha
    sherrsuntha Posts: 55 Member
    I am looking for active friends on here too! I find tgat having friends on mfp that are constantly active and supportive and make me qant to keep going! I hope I can do the same for others!
  • nisha_a_hussain
    nisha_a_hussain Posts: 5 Member
    I have been bouncing in and out for years now and sprinh of 2017 I finally changed all that and lost around 100lbs until about March of 2018 when I found out I was pregnant. Joy of my life ofcourse. However I have put on about 50lbs since. (Embarassing I know) I’m petrified to gain the rest back and would love to be inspired by everyone else’s successes in the hope to keep me motivated. Add me if your on here for the long haul and regular users of the app. Good luck with your journeys everyone x
  • ik126
    ik126 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I've recently since July 1st lost and gained 10kg. In short there are many lifestyle reasons for this but I'm not a quitter. My goal is to get to 65kg but 1st begin the trend which I had for 2 months of losing via food and lots of training. I think we can all possibly help eachother sharing our experiences. I will give more details of my history, recent journey and end goals. I will try to log in and encourage everyone as much as I can. I'm not really a social media type person but I think this forum is a way for encouragement and accountability for us all. I think the more i write about my flaws the easier it will be to put my finger or you guys on ways forward.

    I'm about 85kg 184cm. Im Male, I've always been fit but my peak which is based on middle distance runners of my height is my goal as I want to be very lean, strong, fast, agile and mobile, hence 65kg target.y recent journey began July 1st 84.5kg and new gym membership all good losing approx 0.75-1kg a week for 5-6 weeks. August 14th I'm 79.5kg travelled abroad/back home got to 75.5kg on 1st September then travelled on 11th to 5 star hotel waiting for a new work visa .I got as low as 73kg in early September but after being stuck abroad at a 5 star hotel waiting for a visa for 6 days 😋 the food was great too good to resist I tried my best to skip lunch and train but anyhow, got back to work life Sept 18th at about 79-81kg but sharing a car and biking for 1st time, the car sharing I didn't realise had a major impact on when I trained and ate and i would often not be bothered to bike to the gym as I was tired from work but also hungry so i would eat then sleep then eat to try to get energy to do things but probably overate , which is what i do (overeat) , ive been doing this even when I was doing great in UK at my lowest 73kg however i was training close to 6 hours daily as I had no work so maybe I have had a bigger underlying problem since I travelled on 14th of August, before which I would train once or twice then eat a salad and main meal and just have lots of fluids. I joined a cycling,Triathelete and running clubs recently to self motivate. I decided from today to stop car sharing on the way back at least and not go directly home after work 4pm , instead either go gym or do some other work or business related desk studies, worst case if im in need of a nap i can. But what i cant do at work as easily is binge eat and the gym is 5mins away. I've been as low as 79.5 on 12th October and as high as 86kg on 16th. This needs to stop and I need to gain control back. I've even paid for a calorie counted diet for a month amongst other things to make myself feel full etc, when I think most of my problem was mindless eating i.e bad habits and cravings. Not actual hunger. I hope for better reports in the near future firstly control of my eating habits,2. stop to the weight increase and huge fluctuations , 2. A steady decrease 3 reaching of my goals😁. Wow that was long😂 must have burned a few calories writing this. This is of the back of pushing myself for a late night swim and 50km cycle.😬. I don't know how to add people am not very Social media savy but i will try my best to be active on this forum and encourage others in a non judgemental way like I would like for myself. I hope we all reach our goals. I think this could be the 1st step back for us all in this renewed journey. I read everyone's post and see that we all have been on the journey and succeeded before so we have it in us all we need now is perseverance despite any obstacles we face. I hope we all succeed.
  • Nomseys
    Nomseys Posts: 43 Member
    I am in. I also am in the same boat. I lost about 20 lbs last year and gained back 30. The year before that I lost 30 and gained back 40.
    SW: 176
    CW: 164
    GW: 130

    This time my activity levels are high. I am very motivated to work out and have been planning my meals. Add me.
  • robynleegetsfit
    robynleegetsfit Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I have no friends on mfp yet :dizzy:

    SW: 106 kg
    CW: 104 kg
    GW: 60 kg

    I have a long way to go and can use the motivation. I'm an active member looking for friends I can motivate and vice versa
  • VirtualMellie
    VirtualMellie Posts: 68 Member
    Feel free to add me guys! I'm 9 months pregnant right now but still tracking exercise and plan on getting back on track as soon as baby is born!
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm currently working off the 80 pounds I've gained slowly over the course of 2 years. Feel free to add me!
  • trainor06
    trainor06 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new and need friends to help keep me motivated need to loose 15 pounds
  • Steura
    Steura Posts: 22 Member
    I believe I started about 3 yrs ago. At first I lost 40 pounds and I also fell back and became pregnant and gained it all back. Losing weight is always on my mind. It’s definitely consumed me. Since then I’ve been on and off from mfp and honestly at the beginning of my journey it was a HUGE part of it. I’m here for some newer pals, accountability and motivation!! staura10 LETS DO THIS PALS!!!
  • rileyskye1
    rileyskye1 Posts: 38 Member
    I have been on my journey for a month now and am down 8 lbs. I log in daily but dont post daily but would love more friends as well!
  • shellifish7295
    shellifish7295 Posts: 50 Member
    I could use some more active motivated friends. I have been a mfp user for a long time but maybe within the past year have really focused on using it more. I was doing good and had lost 30lbs and almost 10%body fat and then I got sick. After 6 months I gained it all back and more. I recently found out I had a liver and kidney infection causing my thyroid and heart to over work and I also found out I’m allergic to corn and chicken which caused an unnatural amount of water retention. With the infection gone and staying away from corn I am back on track. I am trying to be very active on here posting daily statuses, commenting on posts, posting my daily diary and exercises.
    Feel free to add me!
    SW: 210
    CW: 201
    GW: 160
  • Anabel_101
    Anabel_101 Posts: 4 Member
    I’ve been in and out of MFP for a while, but I’m finally ready to commit to consistently logging to reach my weight loss goal. I’m adding you. I’m not sure how or why but I have zero MFP active connections and hope people will add me please! I need the motivation!! :smile:
  • ik126
    ik126 Posts: 4 Member
    How do you actually add friends?
  • Steura
    Steura Posts: 22 Member
    Go to friends and click on + top right hand and add the name of whoever you see on here
  • GetZet
    GetZet Posts: 126 Member
    If you're still accepting, count me in. I find I work harder and am more consistent if I have people I'll disappoint otherwise.

    I worked hard to be invisible for a long time. Am now far enough along in the healing process that I'm ready to lose the weight.

    SW: 220

    A friend gifted me Beachbody on Demand. I've started Liift4 (strength training) and Core De Force (cardio in the form of mixed martial arts) this week. Completely new to strength training; this week has been a large jolt of muscle-soreness inducing caffeine.

    I'm good at cheering you on, and just listening when that's all you need.
  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    GetZet wrote: »
    If you're still accepting, count me in. I find I work harder and am more consistent if I have people I'll disappoint otherwise.

    I worked hard to be invisible for a long time. Am now far enough along in the healing process that I'm ready to lose the weight.

    SW: 220

    A friend gifted me Beachbody on Demand. I've started Liift4 (strength training) and Core De Force (cardio in the form of mixed martial arts) this week. Completely new to strength training; this week has been a large jolt of muscle-soreness inducing caffeine.

    I'm good at cheering you on, and just listening when that's all you need.

    core de force is a great workout. I am starting at the basics and doing P90 right now. I'm looking for more mfp friends.
  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    leomom72 wrote: »
    i have been on MFP for several years, and it did me a lot of good when i first started (i lost over 50 lbs), but life happened, and stopped doing the right thing, so i gained all my weight back plus some, but im starting over with working out, eating better, and logging it all..i just looked at my friend list, and i only have 12 friends, but only 1 is active, and she IS a great supporter, its just not enough..im looking for more..i live in upstate SC so anyone around this area would be awesome, but of course, anyone who is active on here daily is welcome to add me..have a great sunday :)

    I too am starting over. I have been on mfp since 2009 and I lost 80 lbs, but in last 2 years due to shoulder injury and then this summer a leg infection I have gained back 50lbs.
    I started working out again last week and I post daily on my page. i seem to have no friends active any more either guess time to clean them out.
    I would like to find people that are active on here and will give motivation and encouragement, as I will back to them.
    I am 55 yrs old and live in BC Canada.
  • fightinglj
    fightinglj Posts: 8 Member
    Hey all, I'm LJ! I've been on and off MFP for years, but this time around I'm trying to make it work by reaching out to the MFP community. In the past, I haven't been so great with holding myself accountable, but now I have hope and determination that I'll do better. I'm looking for active users to exchange motivation and encouragement with, sharing both the highs and lows of our journeys. So feel free to add me!
  • GetZet
    GetZet Posts: 126 Member
    Liift4 day4 Legs done.
    Core De Force day4 power sculpt done.
    Thankfully, I did Core De Force first as there were a lot of lunges and squats today.

    I didn’t think I worked that hard with Liift4 as my 2nd workout, but my wick-away clothing was soaked through and my legs are still quivering.