Looking for friends over 40

Not to discriminate, but I would really love to meet some friends over 40 who have had success with weight loss. I feel like my metabolism has all but shut down, and really need a little inspiration and encouragement. Before 40, I could just cut back a little and lose weight, but now I have to struggle for every ounce. Just wondering if I'm the only one with this issue. Thanks so much! :)


  • liyabug
    liyabug Posts: 5
    You said it girl. I just turned 40 in June. My weight has been increasing steadily for the last 2 years even though I work out and am very careful what I eat. I was a personal trainer for 10 years, so I definitely know how to work out and eat healthy. However, nothing I did would work. It was so frustrating.

    I finally made an appt with my doctor and asked her to check my thyroid. Well turns out, I am hypothyroid, so that's probably the reason for the weight gain. My endocrinologist started me on synthroid 3 weeks ago. Since then I have been working out 6 days a week and eating 1200 or less calories per day. I have lost 8 lbs. I am still VERY frustrated. I feel like the weight should be coming off quicker than this.

    But, back to you... have you had your thyroid checked by any chance? It definitely gets harder the older we get. Our metabolism just doesn't work like it used to and even recovering from workouts is harder. Then add in all the hormonal changes that will come sooner or later. Aaaggh!

    Good luck! And please if anyone has any advice or words of encouragement for me as well... I'd love to hear them!!!!
  • sabrina_11
    sabrina_11 Posts: 28 Member
    No, I haven't had it checked, but thanks for the idea! I wish you much success...this getting older is so great sometimes!? lol
  • Hi. I don't have a success story - yet. I started this about a year ago and kind of dropped off. I was continually frustrated that - as you noted, I would cut back but it felt like I had to work so hard for each pound and I would get frustrated and quit. Meanwhile, my husband manually tracks his food and has lost 40 lbs.! Yes, he's a man but do you know what he did? Everything that I told him to do. Portion control. Regular exercise. Track what you eat. Yes, - it's much harder now. Going through a really stressful time right now and although I recently loss 5, just put it back on. I'm determined that I'm going to get over my emotional eating this time though and keep the scale moving in the right direction. I'm 47 and my metabolism seems to have come to a full stop. So, I clearly need to get in some weight training mixed with some aerobics to jump start it a little. That's the next plan... I don't enjoy it so I've been avoiding it but it's time to just do it...
  • tyadrake
    tyadrake Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Sabrina! You are definately not alone. I think my metabolism changed even before I hit 40! And being women it is even worse! My husband can lose weight with no effort, eat whatever he wants, and go play basketball 3 days a week with no worries. Can I say Jealous!!!!!!!! But with the lifestyle changes we have made, continuing to take care of our bodies (and our minds) we will see results! I feel better now, both physically and mentally, than I have since I was 25 and I am LOVING my life! I don't dread going to the gym and I feel wonderful when I am done with my workout! Stay focused on your goals and watch the transformation in the mirror not necessarily on the scale. It will happen! Have a blessed day!
  • I totally understand where you are coming from... I have been battling with my weight for several years. Lost 35lbs in 2002 (weight watcher) and then put it all and then some back on due to me not tracking and just giving up... Last year i went back on WW with a friend and have lost 44 lbs - only 10 more to my goal.. I have went from a 16-18 to a 12..... I do have thyroid problems. i have taken meds for the past 16 yrs.
  • jlzrdking
    jlzrdking Posts: 501 Member
    I'm about to turn 41 and I have had a really good experience with MFP and I have been losing weight

    It's slow going for me but the weight is coming off and that's what matters

    I was going to send a friend request but..... all that orange in your pic...... it hurts my eyes

  • sabrina_11
    sabrina_11 Posts: 28 Member
    LOL! I was thinking the same thing about the big red "A"!! Thanks for the encouragement and WAR EAGLE!! :)
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    43 here, will be 44 in February and you are not imagining it. I lost all my weight nearly 4 years ago but after a uterine ablation in 2009 I started to struggle and then I broke my hand and my extra 10lbs became 20. I have never, ever. had such a hard time losing weight as this time around. Before I could drop 7lbs in a week just by getting back to a good diet and working out. This time I have spent 2.5 months to lose 10lbs and even then I could easily undo it in a week. feel free to add me.