Returning Fitness Pal User


I have a question for those exercising.
I'm 49yrs old and doing a life change, not a diet. I am using prepped meals, BistroMD,
to help me reset on portion controls. I did change jobs recently, my old job was hectic and strapped to a desk for 11plus hours a was horrible for my overall health. Now I have time to get up/stand up and walk around during my day! it's wonderful! Where I may only get 200/500 steps during a 11hr day, I'm not getting a mile in just at work!(over a 10hr stretch).

All great things in motion, I'm losing about 1lb a wk and I'm ok with that progress, it's a LIFE CHANGE, not a race. BUT, I still struggle with 2 major obstacles
Chocolate cravings and exercising.

I now have a very delicious choc protein smoothie, with all my veggies in it
for breakfast(considering moving it to the evening, that's when I crave the chocolate).

but Exercise is still a problem and I don't know what to do.
I walk, but I no longer live in an easy neighborhood to walk. I've considered joining a gym, but my experience in the past is-I don't show up. I have every DVD, exercise piece of equipment at home
but I struggle being committed each week. Hard honesty! I suck at exercising.

I have osteoarthritis in both knees, hurts to exercise-BUT I know that if I get the weight off and build strength that I'll feel better.

Any motivators out there?
Small town, so the gyms are small and filled with hardcore body builders.
But I am desperate for a routine. NO HOME SUPPORT, my husband is very happy with his
growing older and eating/doing whatever he wants. I can no longer join him in that area, or say my body doesn't handle it as well as his does :wink:

What motivates you to show up each day to exercise?
and I do not have anyone local to exercise with...except maybe a goat or two.


  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hello and welcome!
    Sounds like your on the right track and are planning for success!
    For exercise I found that it becomes easier for me once I'm in the routine. I'm a creature of habit and thrive off of routine. At first I pushed myself and forced to make an hour or 30 mins per day for workouts. After a little while it just became part of the day for me so I no longer needed to push myself to do it. I just did it. Once I started to see results it became even easier because I liked what I saw. I liked how I felt and liked how I looked so I stuck with it.
    I wish I had more meaningful advice for you about the exercise but I don't.
    Find something that you don't hate and give it a go. Walking, biking, DVDs, weight lifting can all be done without a gym.

    (I would definitely talk with your doctor first and get the okay to begin a workout routine)

    Best of luck to you!
  • Cranny
    Cranny Posts: 27 Member
    Good Morning! I'm 'new again' to MFP.
    To make a long story short... Lost 100 10+ years ago, went through cancer, couldn't exercise, then a divorce, then moved, then a job that I sit all the time. POOF - 100lbs plus some back on.

    About 2 weeks ago, I realized how out of control my weight gain had gotten. I took a few moments to myself and thought about the changes I've been through. I had done it before...sure 10+ years ago, but I did it. I could do it again, with the right motivation. What motivated me LAST time?

    I realized my answer, and it may help you.
    Richard Simmons Sweatin' to the Oldies DVDs.
    I used them when I originally lost the weight. Over the years when I heard any of the songs, I'd actually REMEMBER the moves and start doing them! LOL

    So I went on eBay, found 4 video's ($20) and started doing them. I popped #2 in the DVD player yesterday and as soon as I started, it was like I hadn't ever stopped! I was SMILING and SINGING!!

    Just to hear the music, do the moves and realized that I CAN still do this!! They're VERY low impact, include aerobics, toning, and stretching.

    I hope that helps! Good Luck to you!!!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    @hendje - As @100_PROOF_ says, check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Also, know that most of what takes the weight off is diet. So if you keep weighing/measuring and logging your food and sticking to your calorie goal, the load on your knees will go down. The decreased pressure on your knees may make exercise more manageable. (I know someone who lost weight while mostly stuck in bed for health reasons, through sticking to their diet.)
  • mds1207
    mds1207 Posts: 42 Member
    hendje wrote: »

    I have a question for those exercising.
    I'm 49yrs old and doing a life change, not a diet. I am using prepped meals, BistroMD,
    to help me reset on portion controls. I did change jobs recently, my old job was hectic and strapped to a desk for 11plus hours a was horrible for my overall health. Now I have time to get up/stand up and walk around during my day! it's wonderful! Where I may only get 200/500 steps during a 11hr day, I'm not getting a mile in just at work!(over a 10hr stretch).

    All great things in motion, I'm losing about 1lb a wk and I'm ok with that progress, it's a LIFE CHANGE, not a race. BUT, I still struggle with 2 major obstacles
    Chocolate cravings and exercising.

    I now have a very delicious choc protein smoothie, with all my veggies in it
    for breakfast(considering moving it to the evening, that's when I crave the chocolate).

    but Exercise is still a problem and I don't know what to do.
    I walk, but I no longer live in an easy neighborhood to walk. I've considered joining a gym, but my experience in the past is-I don't show up. I have every DVD, exercise piece of equipment at home
    but I struggle being committed each week. Hard honesty! I suck at exercising.

    I have osteoarthritis in both knees, hurts to exercise-BUT I know that if I get the weight off and build strength that I'll feel better.

    Any motivators out there?
    Small town, so the gyms are small and filled with hardcore body builders.
    But I am desperate for a routine. NO HOME SUPPORT, my husband is very happy with his
    growing older and eating/doing whatever he wants. I can no longer join him in that area, or say my body doesn't handle it as well as his does :wink:

    What motivates you to show up each day to exercise?
    and I do not have anyone local to exercise with...except maybe a goat or two.

    Continued good luck on achieving your goals. I've found the YouTube is an excellent resource of workouts of virtually every genre. I've been doing several of the HASFIT workouts with my wife during the week. Hope that this helps.