Hi, my name is Sharon and I need help

I am not a newbie really. I have been trying for many years. Now I am 58 and my body just simply will not budge. Now to be honest, I noticed this about 2 years ago. This is my problem: I just want to eat healthy and I want to enjoy, like, encouraged etc exercise. I seem to start a good healthy day and by the end I just want what I want. How do I get my head in the right direction. How do I beat this? Any suggestions...I do mean any, please let me know. I truly want to get this on the right track.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    edited October 2018
    Track your calories for a week. After a week of tracking, see if you can make any small changes to your intake. Counting calories is eye-opening.

    We need more information. Your stats and your weight loss goal.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I can't tell you what to do, but I can share what has helped me. I was the same way, I would desire to eat well and start out doing so, but stress, time, other people would be my excuse for why I fell off the wagon over and over again. Then in Feb 2017 I ended up in the Cardiac unit and that gave me pause, by May my kidneys were losing function and that scared me. I found a health coach and she helped me look at my behaviors and attitudes around food and my life in general. Today I address my stress, so it does not run my life, I prioritize my time so I have the time for me to be healthy and I am no longer controlled by what I think other people think about me.
    Find your "Why." Is it just to lose weight, or would losing weight get you something that you are really wanting?
    I chose to follow a Whole Food Plant Based way of eating and it has worked for me, but more importantly is choosing a way of eating that meets your needs and is sustainable for you. Reduce processed foods, eat more whole foods and when you start to crave foods that do not support optimal health take time to ask yourself why it's important to eat off plan? With a little journaling and work you might find that there is an unmet feeling or stressor and if you address it, the cravings for less then optimal foods reduce. Find healthy foods that can satisfy your cravings. Educate yourself, listen to ted talks, youtube, audio books, read books and while knowledge does not guarantee action, it can help motivate you at first and maybe momentum can find its foothold.

    I've lost 158lbs in the last 18 months, reversed Type 2 Diabetes, high BP, COPD is better and 99.99% of the time I eat only foods that heal and fuel my body. Does that mean I never indulge, no, but I have learned not to beat myself up and use a misstep as an excuse to spiral down. If I trip and fall I can get back up at the next meal and get back on track, we do not have to beat ourselves up for being human. The self-beatings are far more damaging than the trip and the more we practice self-love the more often we will pick the more optimal choice for us. Goodluck! You can do this! I don't log every day, but often enough to keep me on track and I know I am at a place where I will continue to be healthy and love myself.
  • ross2sell
    ross2sell Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am new at this, but does it help to plan in for a cheat? So if I am having trouble resisting a temptation that I hav e a Go To ready or does it mean I will use it all the time?
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    I am 63 years old. This is what helped me: EXERCISE!! Of course it helped my body, but it REALLY helped my head. There is something about a vigorous workout that improves my general outlook on everything, including eating properly. When my head is in a good place, I don't feel the deprivation and frustration one often feels from changing eating habits, and when I do slip up, it does not feel like the end of the world. Plus, burning more calories gives me a bit of a "cushion" in my total daily caloric intake....
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am not a newbie really. I have been trying for many years. Now I am 58 and my body just simply will not budge. Now to be honest, I noticed this about 2 years ago. This is my problem: I just want to eat healthy and I want to enjoy, like, encouraged etc exercise. I seem to start a good healthy day and by the end I just want what I want. How do I get my head in the right direction. How do I beat this? Any suggestions...I do mean any, please let me know. I truly want to get this on the right track.

    eat what you want, just in portion sizes that put you in a calorie deficit.