Lose 5 lbs – in a month

CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member
edited October 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Want to lose weight by New Year's Eve? Me too!

Either you're just above your healthy weight goal, or you just want to try to start off small, whatever your challenge, here's one way to go about it:

1. Commit to 30 minutes of activity every day. Walking is easiest to incorporate.

2. Cut out one or two unhealthy foods you eat every day for the whole month (cream in your coffee? sugary pop? fast-food meals?). Watch food portions at meals.

Helpful tips .....

1. Weigh yourself once a week, at the same time, to keep tabs on your progress.

2. If you fall off the wagon, get right back on. Don't waste your efforts. A bad day is just a bad day.

3. As clothes become too big, remove them from your wardrobe and give them to charity.

4. Drink plenty of liquids, about 6 to 8 glasses a day.

Remember: to keep the weight off, you'll have to continue being physically active and watching your calories.........”Eat Less & Move More!”



  • CynthiaByrne
    CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member
    My starting weight is 193.0

    My goal is to cut out the evening crap. I am a habitual snacker. And I don't snack healthy. I would like to lose 10 pounds by the end of 2018. Hopefully, by changing my bad habits into good habits, I can achieve my goal!

  • CynthiaByrne
    CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member
    Thanks for the input. All good points to consider.
    Danp : you mention a weight trending app to show progress. Is this available for an iphone and what is it called?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Thanks for the input. All good points to consider.
    Danp : you mention a weight trending app to show progress. Is this available for an iphone and what is it called?

    Happy Scale is the app that you can use for that.

    For anyone who uses an android phone then it would be Libra.

    All the best with your weight loss OP, I will agree with the others who say there's no need to cut out certain foods, they can be eaten but just in moderation. If you are tracking everything you eat and are consistently eating less than you burn you'll see results in time.

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited October 2018
    No problem :smile: The trending app will help you focus on the average trends, weight loss is full of ups and downs but if the average is downwards then all is good.
    If you don't already log your food, that would be where to start and log every single thing. Using a food scale also is eye opening. When weight loss stalls its usually because we are eating more than we think.

  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I like my wifi logging scale. It stores my weight and graphs it so I can see trends. I can tell yo my weight on any day for the last two years. So happy with that I just got a new blood pressure meter that also logs BP for my wife and I. Doctors are always trying to put her on high blood pressure meds because it is always high at the Dr's office. Now she can show the graph to prove it is normal.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    nrtauthor wrote: »
    Want to lose weight by New Year's Eve? Me too!

    Either you're just above your healthy weight goal, or you just want to try to start off small, whatever your challenge, here's one way to go about it:

    1. Commit to 30 minutes of activity every day. Walking is easiest to incorporate.

    2. Cut out one or two unhealthy foods you eat every day for the whole month (cream in your coffee? sugary pop? fast-food meals?). Watch food portions at meals.

    Demonizing food is not necessary. There is nothing wrong with any of these if you choose to fit them in your daily or weekly goals. Unless you are having food with trans fats.

    I used to think that too but there are people who can graze and people who cannot.

    For example, it's the difference between the person who can eat three chips and the person who will eat the whole bag. If you're a whole bag person it's better to cut that food out of your diet completely until you've gotten to a point where you're stronger (and you may never get stronger - it depends on your personality).

    I think this is something I've struggled with my whole life. I am not a grazer. I cannot eat just one. I have to eat the whole bag. Because of this I've learned I have to cut the 'junk foods' out completely because moderation just isn't something I can do, especially with foods I LOVE.

    Carrots, for example. I never eat just one. I'll eat the whole garddang bag! LOL! But that's not as big or bad a deal as eating an entire bag of potato chips.

    Anyway, it's not about demonizing food, it's about learning your triggers, learning your personality and then working within those parameters.

    (She says as someone who is still obese and still learning her own triggers)

    Agreed! This is why IF works well for me. It’s more psychological rather than physiological.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    I like my wifi logging scale. It stores my weight and graphs it so I can see trends. I can tell yo my weight on any day for the last two years. So happy with that I just got a new blood pressure meter that also logs BP for my wife and I. Doctors are always trying to put her on high blood pressure meds because it is always high at the Dr's office. Now she can show the graph to prove it is normal.

    Which BP meter do you have? Like you, I have a wifi scale and love the ease of using it.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    Honestly the "weigh yourself once per week" plan always seems like a recipe for failure to me. Do you weigh every Monday, and Sunday you happened to indulge in some salty food? Oops, you may have lost fat, but your weight is up 2 pounds. Repeat the next week, and now your weight is only up 1 pound, but you've invested 2 weeks in this plan without making scale progress... many of us quit right about here.

    I weigh myself every day and the weight I log is the lowest one I've ever seen. If a few days later it's lower than that, I log that. I never get bummed about the weight going up if I've been logging, and I can chart it going down every couple days pretty reliably.

    There isn't a right or wrong way on this - but presenting the other side of the coin.....

    Weekly weighing works for me and many others.
    I weigh once a week and yes of course weight loss is not linear so there will still be fluctuations . As long as trend is downward
    Scale progress doesn't mean continual linear drop. People understand that with weekly weighing too.
  • CynthiaByrne
    CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member
    I am slowly learning to use my willpower for good. I usually use poor willpower as an excuse....as in "I don't have any willpower therefore I can't control myself".
    I'm loving the Happy Scale app, and I ask myself "would you rather have that cookie, or see a dip in the scale". So far the dip in the scale has won for the past 3 nights. I know I can't hold off forever, but maybe, by eating a small portion, a couple times a week, it will stop the binge that we all know will hit.
    We are all different, and what works for you might not work for me (and vise versa), but all the handy hints are definitely helpful and that's what it's all about. Helping one another get through a tough time! I appreciate all the input you've provided. Some of it is standard common sense, and I just needed to hear it again and some of it was new information with an App to boot! Thank you.
  • Dinow
    Dinow Posts: 113 Member
    I am in to loose 5 pounds
    Starting weight 167.5 lb