Posting for the first time!

Hi everyone -

Just wanted to introduce myself as I am brand new to mfp. My name is Shanna. I just turned the dreaded 3-0 a couple of weeks ago and am ready to get my younger, in-shape self back. Big problem - I HATE working out. Hopefully with a little motivation and inspiration that will change. Looking forward to getting to know you all.


  • Suze2010
    Hey there welcome!
    I think you just need to find something you like to do when it won't feel like "working out" and then you will dread it. Try a zumba, boxing or spinning class and see what you like stick with it for a while and see if it helps you lose weight or feel better about yourself. I just started at the YMCA after doing strictly boxing for about 6 months and i really love the Y they have so many different classes i have been trying and they are all so different it's fun and i don't feel like i am "working out" and just being bored on a treadmill.
    I also, like to walk around the lake by my house and if you are doing something you enjoy it doesn't feel so much like work.

    Good luck :-)
  • taraodowd
    taraodowd Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Shanna,

    Welcome to MFP! This site is fantastic and really helpful. Like you I'm trying to get my younger in shape self back, feel free to friend me and I'll help keep you motivated on this very bumpy weight loss journey

    Best of luck

    Tara :)
  • mindysreadyforchange
    mindysreadyforchange Posts: 107 Member
    Hi!!! Welcome! I love this site and the people on it! I am trying to lose weight too to look younger and I HATE working out too! FRIEND me and we can work on this working out thing together ;)

  • Michelle9939
    Welcome! Right before I turned 30 I was having a problem with it but it's just another number.
    Before I decided to get serious and lose weight, I also hated to workout. I have been working out for over 3 weeks now. I just made a habit of working out. I feel so much better.
  • TalulaEllen
    Hello Shanna!

    I am new to mfp as well and I am hoping that it will help me reach my ultimate goal. I like working out... when I'm working out. It's the getting to that part that gets me. And then I tend to get frustrated that it is so much work to get healthy. I am at the heaviest I have ever been, even when I was pregnant with each of my kids I wasn't this heavy.

    I'm hoping that being on here, and really being active in this eCommunity with others like yourself to talk to, cheer on, vent to, etc will be the missing link to helping me succeed. We just gotta do it!

    Good luck to you and everyone else!
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    Hi,we were all new once.Great site cant get enough of it just wish it had been around when I was your age.Excercise,it neednt be daunting and if its something you enjoy like zumba or salsa dancing it need not be a drag and the good news is you can eat more when you move lol.I just joined aqua aerobics and couldnt stop laughing it was so much fun.You can add me as a friend if you like up to you lol.I promise to try to support you as best as I can good luck on your journey.