Newbie Logging Full body workout

So I joined the gym last week and you get 2 free personal trainer sessions. Had mine today. Ow eeee I am gonna feel that tomorrow.

My question is how do I log what she called a full body workout?

We started with a weighted ball that you slam down, then moved to TRX straps and the fun one, ropes, plus your usual crunches, bicep curls, overhead press, etc

Lasted about 30 minutes and I was shaking by the end.

How would you Gym peeps log that?


  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    Honestly, depending on your size and weights that you used, probably only 100 to 200 cal. Resistance training has 1 million wonderful benefits, but calorie burn is not one of them.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 31,966 Member
    Log it using the circuit training entry in the MFP database, would be my advice.
  • carlaringuette
    carlaringuette Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks ya'll!