First Post....Many more to follow!

Hey there. I was introduced to this site by someone on the Beachbody site. I love how easy it is to use and navigate. I look forward to making some friends and joining some workout/nutrition groups.

I have been a professional start and stopper for so many years I lost track. Start a workout program, see some success and stop. Start a nutrition plan, have some success and stop. BUT, I keep coming back to it thinking there is going to be a breakthrough. I believe the key for me is going to be accountability and support. I have perused the community section of the site and think this is going to help me achieve my fitness goals.

I'm 43, a police officer, married 23 years with 3 daughters. And I'm about 40 pounds over my ideal weight. That's it in a nutshell. I look forward to becoming a part of this community.

Thanks and God Bless,


  • MikeVT93
    MikeVT93 Posts: 13
    Welcome. I've had a similar start and stop path as well. Turning 40 next month and need to lose 30-35 lbs. Just started here the beginning of August, and off to a good start.

    Good Luck!
  • scattymum1

    Welcome to MFP. It's nice to know that people are going through the same challenges as yourself...and every question you could possibly think of has already been asked by you know you are not alone! I am also a stop/starter but have been on here for a while now and although my weigh isn't dropping off I am feeling so much better in myself! The support is fantastic. Good luck and feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Nicju30
    Nicju30 Posts: 14
    Welcome! I just joined as well and I'm hoping to get to a place where I feel comfortable again. I too am about 40 pounds over my ideal weight. I'm 30, 3 children and have been married for 11 years. I hope you find the success you are looking for. Good Luck. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you if you keep yours crossed for me!