Hitting the reset button

gmphilips Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2018 in Motivation and Support
I am hitting the rest button. I started this app back in 2013. I lost 55 lbs in the 1st year. In 2 years I lost 85 lbs and keep it off until I got married, and more directly, had my first child.

I gained 37 lbs back with my daughter but within 4 months I had lost it again plus 5 more lbs. But life began to take over. My husband lost his job, my financial situation changed, relationship trouble began, friend and family support lessened. So, as you might've guessed, I gained some of the weight back. In the passed year I have gained back 16 lbs back which may seem like nothing but it is a lot when you can't find motivation, energy, and most times, well time itself, to focus on eating properly and exercising and you become afraid you will soon be 300 lbs again. In the passing weeks I have been thinking about the hitting the rest button and not only resetting my health journey but also my inner self. I have consumed myself with the many things that have gone wrong for me this year that I put the amazing blessings that have occurred in my life on the backburner.

With this being said, I hope that if you are like me and your health focus has been clouded by the unfortunate circumstances that you have encountered understand this; you are not responsible for those things that you had no control over but still negatively impacted your life. And as for those things that you may have had control over which also negatively affected you, you still have time to either change those circumstances or if those circumstances cannot be resolved; learn and grow from those situations.

You are ONLY in control of you and you consists of your thinking, your actions, your eating, and your response to the things in which you have no control. So let us push the reset button together, not just on our healthy eating and exercise but also our healthy thinking. For the head leadeth to where the body will follow.


  • L8dyJ
    L8dyJ Posts: 103 Member
    Hi my name is Jae and this is EXACTLY what I need. Accountability! I have been trying to hit the reset button for some time now and just keep letting distractions get in the way and get the best of me. Even as a student of dietetics and nutrition you would think it would be easy to stay motivated but no go! I am all in and would love partners in this.

    We can do this 👊🏾
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    I'm here too, first day (AGAIN) today, losing weight I've lost and gained 10x over. We can do this, and you are so right, it is only ourselves that can make that happen! Go well girls, I am here with ya!! :)
  • FarmerCarla
    FarmerCarla Posts: 470 Member
    Sound advice @gmphilips ! I hit the reset button a month ago tomorrow on my fitness/weight loss, and I'm not letting up until I'm immobilized, which I'm not expecting anytime soon. Challenges of all kinds arise, but I have my husband and God on my side. If something happens to my husband, God will still be with me. God bless you all!
  • nicole3921
    nicole3921 Posts: 97 Member
    Hey. I’ve hit the reset button recently as well. My first year I lost almost 60 now I’ve gained 30 lbs of it back! My reasoning are personal as well. Just a long emotional year last year. Feel free to add me. It’s always nice having people to help in the process.
  • InvisoningMe
    InvisoningMe Posts: 26 Member
    I hit the reset button two days ago.. Noticed all my fitpal friends are inactive . While i was gone , getting fluffy again .. Was very successful in my last journey. Accountability & motivation seem to be my down fall in past months. Id love to have the support i had before and support others in this journey .. Let me know if youd like to join me !
  • amberellen12
    amberellen12 Posts: 248 Member
    I’m gaining and need to put a stop to it. Right Now! I’m in.
  • mbmart60
    mbmart60 Posts: 16 Member
    Me too please!!!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,324 Member
    I understand how you feel... you don't want to regain ..all the time and hard work you did to lose the weight, you don't want to go back to square one. I realize you're going through stressul times..but just think about the fact that gaining the weight back isn't going to fix any of it.

    My thought is; if you could just get back to your exercise. I find now that I'm keeping my weight off..exercise is the thing that works more than my diet. If you could just fake it till you make it.. go through the motions of carving out time to workout for 45 minitues to an hour ... i think your eating will naturally improve and you can keep from gaining more and even slowly losing back down.

    just go through the motions. keep trying..it will stick eventually and you'll have your reset