
Howdy! My name is Jo and I am 22 years old. I am currently a student and I will be graduating in Dec. WHOOP! I enjoy working out on a daily bases, I count my calories and I try to watch what I eat. I am new to MFP and I want to get more tips to stay healthy and fit. I would like to tone up more, I lost 30lbs and I would like to lose 10lbs by October. So if anyone has any tips I would love to hear them. I am glad to be here. :D



  • rexharris
    Hi Jo, welcome!

  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Howdy Ag! :wink:
  • Mumblelove
    Mumblelove Posts: 19 Member
    Howdy!! Welcome to Mfp!! I hope by the time I graduate in 2015 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! I will be in as good of shape as you already are :) great job so far and gig 'em!