What do you think of those toning shoes?



  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I have a pair that I never wear! I thought maybe they would help me after my knee surgery, but they seemed to aggravate my knee more than help. Very expensive pair of shoes sitting in my closet. :cry:
  • Manda3183
    Manda3183 Posts: 19 Member
    I've heard that the Sketchers ones are really comfortable, but I don't know anyone who's really noticed any significant difference. I have a pair from Fila - not as well known, but I got them inexpensively because I wanted to try them out. At first I didn't love them, but after I'd worn them a few times they are great. I do notice a difference in my leg muscles, especially my calves. They are good for some walking, but I wouldn't wear them all day or to run or for aerobic/dance exercise. You do have to think more about your walking or you will lose your balance.

    There have been a lot of articles published comparing some of the different brands and styles. Some are supposed to be good - others can actually cause more harm than good. I would recommend doing some searches and researching as much as you can before buying. Just keep in mind, like so many things, toning shoes aren't going to be a miracle worker. They may or may not make a difference, but eating right and keeping active is always the best bet.
  • ditzee
    ditzee Posts: 49
    I wear both Sketchers shape up and toners. I have had them for three years. I followed the directions to a tee as I have back, knee, and hip pain/ problems. I now wear them all the time. The back , knee and hip pain are gone. I tried on a pair of regular tennis shoes and can't walk in them! They take a while to get used to. Follow the directions they send with the shoes. I found doing this that the shoes did everything they said the will do and gradually worked my way to wearing them 10-12 hours a day to work! Best investment I have made in a long time. I alternate every other day with the shape up and toners. Good Luck
  • ditzee
    ditzee Posts: 49
    I wear both Sketchers shape up and toners. I have had them for three years. I followed the directions to a tee as I have back, knee, and hip pain/ problems. I now wear them all the time. The back , knee and hip pain are gone. I tried on a pair of regular tennis shoes and can't walk in them! They take a while to get used to. Follow the directions they send with the shoes. I found doing this that the shoes did everything they said the will do and gradually worked my way to wearing them 10-12 hours a day to work! Best investment I have made in a long time. I alternate every other day with the shape up and toners. Good Luck
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    If you have bad knees, you have made the worst mistake of your life. Your lower back and knees will never forgive you. I couldn't wear them for long enough to know if they worked or not. :)
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    I LOVE MINE!!!

    my cousin gave me a pair of Shape Ups. (she works at a shoe store, and got them free)
    I do not feel like they are "shaping" any thing, BUT they have completely eliminated my foot pain from walking and running. I use to not be able to walk or run more then a mile becuase of pain on the bottom of my feet, now I can do up to 7 miles with no pain.
  • I had a pair of toning trainers. I fell over in my kitchen, I had to have a plate on my broken fibula and 3 screws in the inside ankle and 2 screws in the outside ankle. I fell over on 17th April 2011 and I am still having physiotherapy and have to use a pair of crutches though I am on my way to being able to use just one crutch. :-) I would urge anyone who is planning on buying a pair of toning trainers to check out the website www.toningshoeinjuries.com, if you have ever had an ankle injury before these are probably not a good idea. Please do the research and make your own mind up, I think the shoes should be used with the same caution as any exercise equipment, they should also come with the same warning and you should definately consult your doctor before using them. Hope this helps as I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I have been through. Good luck!