Does smoking really helps in weight loss?

I actually heard over and over that smoking is a habit that can make you lose weight, Admittedly I'm a real time smoker and the result of lose weight is really obviously true when the first months I started to smoke even thought I'm not in a calorie deficit I do eat so much and drink so much that time right now I'm trying my best to quit this habit but I'm afraid to gain weight over time. My question is is it weight loss because of smoking is true and if you quit smoking you'll gain weight? Need your answers and opinions pals thanks


  • eccentricplaza
    eccentricplaza Posts: 115 Member
    I believe that's because nicotine is an appetite suppressant, but if it's not acting as such (since you stated you currently eat and drink just fine) you should be fine.
  • ferdhavebeenback
    ferdhavebeenback Posts: 4 Member
    This kind of thread is dangerous as it might give someone desperate enough the idea to start smoking to lose weight.

    Smoking destroys your lungs. Everything after that fact should not matter. Would you rather have a couple pounds more or completely destroyed lungs (100% chance when you smoke) and possibly cancer (greatly increased chance when you smoke)?

    no sir actually I don't encouraged others here to smoke just to lose weight it pops out of my mind that I'll ask some experts here to have some supports, but that was my experienced before I've started smoking.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Quit smoking because it's going to mess up your health eventually in big, inconvenient and unglamorous ways, and because it smells bad and makes you smell bad, and because you're choosing to pay money to achieve those things.
  • robthephotog
    robthephotog Posts: 81 Member
    Its got nothing to do w making you lose weight. Instead of snacking many smoke instead. And when most stop smoking food replaces the habit. I have nothing personal against anyone who smokes, but there are ZERO health benefits to smoking. You are more than welcome to search side effects of long term smoke inhalation. It goes way beyond even lung damage or dieing a slow painful death from cancer.
  • bigbandjohn
    bigbandjohn Posts: 769 Member
    lililomo2 wrote: »
    please quit smoking. i have stage four cancer and smoked for years socially. it was the best decision i ever made to quit after i was diagnosed. after a time i lost the weight i wanted to lose *20 lbs* be patient as the weight loss will come . give yourself some time to get used to living smoke free, and the rest will fall into place... best of luck on your journey <3

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I lost an aunt from her smoking, and I lost my father last year to stage 4 pancreatic. My mom is stage 3b melanoma.

    And to the person who asked the original question.... Gum is a good substitute, but not nicotine gum. Avoid the nicotine. It's more the habit of putting something in your mouth that causes extra eating after you stop, based on experiences of people I have known (honestly, I never smoked).
  • Johnd2000
    Johnd2000 Posts: 198 Member
    The “benefit”, such as it is, only comes from the nicotine. The disbenefits of smoking are well known, and lethal.

    There are, of course, other sources of nicotine that don’t come with poisonous smoke.

    I know several people who vape to suppress their cravings for sweets.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    The first time I quit, I lost weight. The second time, I gained. The difference? Activity level and how much food I shoved in my face. You have the choice, but I wouldn't keep smoking for fear of gaining.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Smoking is what I did when stressed or bored. I don't smoke now, so I eat when stressed or bored. If you control how much food you eat, you can lose weight without smoking.

    Basically, you're trading one vice for another.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    So what if it does...

    Starving yourself will help you lose weight.. Doesn't mean you should do it