Has anyone done this?

Hey! So I ran across this program called Body by Vi? Has anyone heard of this? If so what do you have to say about it?



  • brittbarnes
    My sister in law sells this and recently gave some to my husband to try. He is still in the beginning stages. I tried a sip, it wasn't bad, but he told me he is supposed to drink it twice a day and then have one meal. On the website he told me the shakes were only 150 calories. I think that is outrageous that he is supposed to drink 2 shakes and then eat a normal meal. I will put in a disclaimer, my hubs can misread information, so I wouldn't be surprised if he misread that, but even at more calories, he wouldn't even get 1000 calories a day so of course he would lose weight. (Can you tell I'm not a fan.)

    Anyway, the other reason I don't subscribe to it is because my SIL is not fat, not even towards to overweight on the BMI chart, she is normal weight. So when she talks about loosing weight, well it would be inappropriate if I even respond to that question.

    It will be interesting if anyone else has tried it and there results.