Calf Feeling Super Weak After 30DS?

Not sure what's wrong with it. Before I started the 30DS I was doing jump rope and swimming and my muscles felt fine. Then I started C25K (muscles felt fine through this as well) and the 30DS about 3 weeks after that. About 5 days into the shred my left calf started feeling super weak. I can't properly walk down the stairs most of the time. Right after the workout it's hard to put any weight on that leg. During the workout I can't do proper jumping jacks or some other moves involving the legs because my calf is all NOOO FUUUUU >:(

Anyone else get this problem or know how to get through it? I don't know what to do =[ I took a 2 day break from Jillian, hoping that would help, but alas, it did not. I've also been stretching it after my workouts, which sadly doesn't seem to help either. I really really really don't want to take more breaks from working out because it's one of the things I look forward to in my day D: Blarrrg.

I appreciate any advice =]


  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    I just started 30DS 4 days ago and I have been in a little bit of pain as well in my calf area. However I have been walking 4 times a week as well so that could be part of it. I say if its too bad take a day off and rest it, but if its bareable(like mine is) just try and get through it. Ive seen AMAZING results from 30DS from other people and having a lil pain is gonna be worth it I think. Goodluck hun! :smile:
  • OhYou
    OhYou Posts: 6
    I really think you need to see a doctor. That isn't a little bit of pain. If you cannot put any weight on it, something's wrong. Check it out! Good luck! ;]
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    You probably strained your muscle. Take it easy for a little bit. Do some low-impact exercises until it feels better. I'm also doing 30DS, on level 2 day 3 now. I felt a little soreness in my calves but now they're pretty solid and I've got a lot of muscle going on there. I don't know if you take weekends off but I do, got to have rest days to recuperate.