Looking for motivated friends!

Hey all!

I used my fitness pal years ago to lose s ton of weight before I joined the Army. Over the years after the army the weight crept back. At 306 pounds I had had enough, I started keto and lost 35 pounds ish so far. I’m looking for friendly individuals who wanna be friends on this and help motivate and inspire one another. I also could use some people who tell it as it is. If this is something you’d be interested in please send me a friend request. Thanks!


  • Geesj
    Geesj Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me 😊
  • heidi4fox50
    heidi4fox50 Posts: 18 Member
    I am once again starting my journey with Keto i have been very sucessful with it in the past. add me :smile:
  • mathdad41
    mathdad41 Posts: 119 Member
    I’m down. Doing IF but not sure about Keto yet. I need to read more about it and see if it’s doable for me.
    Feel free to add