Just starting and feeling discouraged

I have been nervous to step one the scale for fears that I've hit 200lbs. That would be the heaviest I've ever been. I stepped on this morning and iim 199.4. I wanted to cry. Ive has two great day with eating. Im joining a kick boxing circut today as well. I need to get this weight off.
Thanks for letting me vent


  • Blythmag
    Blythmag Posts: 252 Member
    Start now and set a long term goal.

    Stick at it, it works but you have to earn it
  • tamekahend
    tamekahend Posts: 18 Member
    The first step is the scariest, so congrats! Stick with the program and you will see success. Just take it one meal at a time, good luck!
  • Its_Haleeyyy
    Its_Haleeyyy Posts: 39 Member
    I started about the same weight as you (195.7) and it's really hard sometimes but you feel good once you start making progress and it gets easier. I started 3 weeks ago and down 8 pounds so far and it feels awesome
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    Congrats on getting on that scale, it can be a tough number to face.

    Kick boxing is great and should provide a decent calorie burn - but like someone else said, you may have some water gain while your body adapts to the new routine.
  • RideLiftRun
    RideLiftRun Posts: 23 Member
    You made a start, so well done you. There is a wealth of information in this forum - so read the stickies, and look at the Success stories section too, I've found it hugely inspirational.

    You can do this.
  • cgibson522
    cgibson522 Posts: 31 Member
    For me, the first few weeks were the hardest - hungry because I was controlling my calories and not seeing results. It took a few weeks, but I dropped several pounds- a lot of it was water weight. You will too! 200lb is just your starting point. You have a community here and you'll only see that number go down!
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    You have started on your journey and lifestyle change. Knowing that is what it is, because we cannot view it as just a diet with a start and end date, or we will fall back on the bad habits that caused the weight gain. This is what I remind myself of every day. It is a journey for the rest of my life, and I am good with this. You have taken the first step and there will be some hills, and valleys but you will have lots of support, and lots of good posts to read. Good Luck.
  • mds1207
    mds1207 Posts: 42 Member
    @myluvzs6629 - 200 is just a number, and you don't EVER need to define yourself by a number. Being discouraged is natural as we are all in the "right now" generation. Please don't give up as the health benefits of what your doing "outweigh" (pun intended) any number that you may see on a scale. Continue working out and following the calorie count on MFP and you WILL get healthier, and it may include weight loss. Take care, and GOOD LUCK!!!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Good for you for facing the scale! I started working to lose weight and get healthy back in January. For me, making progress has taken a lot of patience and hard work. What worked well for me was focusing on building new habits. I would make a big change (like weighing and measuring all my food), and then give it 3 weeks or more to get to where I was really reliable for that and it was no big deal, and then tackle a new thing. (At this point, I am 69 pounds down, with just 56 to go. The work is paying off.)

    Be patient and kind with yourself. Building a new you will take work and time and attention and some kind of changes to your habits and attitudes. You'll have to take action even when you don't feel like it and even when you hit a plateau for no apparent reason. There are lots of great people here who will support you.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    I have been nervous to step one the scale for fears that I've hit 200lbs. That would be the heaviest I've ever been. I stepped on this morning and iim 199.4. I wanted to cry. Ive has two great day with eating. Im joining a kick boxing circut today as well. I need to get this weight off.
    Thanks for letting me vent

    199.4 (or 200+) is just a number on the scale, just data. It's not a "personal worth as a human being" score.

    Gradually make some positive, sustainable changes in how much you eat, and how much you move, and you'll lose weight, and learn a lot about yourself along the way.

    Consider reading some posts in the "Success Stories" part of the forum. Many people have succeeded at this; you can, too.

    Hugs and best wishes!