Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • vvyldvvitch
    vvyldvvitch Posts: 6 Member
    More friends! Yaasss
  • kilojules64
    kilojules64 Posts: 4 Member
    Looking for other people who are also trying to cook more and push themselves harder in the gym :blush:
  • Carneyje3
    Carneyje3 Posts: 48 Member
    I could always use new friends!
  • jessimia
    jessimia Posts: 130 Member
    Please add me! I’ve lost 60 lbs each time after two babies. In 2016 I got super fit by stroller running up hills with my two toddlers. After they kept growing and the weight I was pushing was 130 lbs I got injured pretty dang bad. Injuries lasted a year plus but I kept trying to maintain. I just couldn’t lift or run heavily with out shooting pain. I gained about 15-20 lbs but worse I lost all that lean muscle🙁

    I’ve never liked keeping track of food (I get too obsessed) but I think I’m gonna have to in order to reach this goal. I need a lot of support cause’ I’m going low carbs Keto and counting calories plus running long once a week (7-10 miles), weight training early morning and doing cardio in afternoons 5-6 times per week.

    Please please add me!

  • punkrocklibrarian
    punkrocklibrarian Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I'm a serial on-and-offer with this site. Frankly, i'm rubbish at dieting - and anything that involves being organised, motivated and, well, a grown-up. Boo. Fellow vegetarians/vegans, especially UK and Ireland, would be particularly welcome to add me, in hopes i might get some inspiration from your food diaries. Other than that, anyone similarly hapless and bumbling, to commiserate with when the weighing scales mysteriously refuse to co-operate... ahem.
  • Scottybebop718
    Scottybebop718 Posts: 32 Member
    Could use some more buddies on here
  • ClevelandMike159
    Feel free to add!
  • pmm300
    pmm300 Posts: 542 Member
    Y’all add me.
  • criselia95
    criselia95 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes :)
  • nancy_uw
    nancy_uw Posts: 1 Member
    would love new friends and motivation!
  • TonyaV33
    TonyaV33 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me!!
  • couturebody
    couturebody Posts: 71 Member
    Always looking for new friends! Have lost 56kg and now I'm trying to build muscle! So if anyone is on the same journey hmu!
  • sequimtrim
    sequimtrim Posts: 42 Member
    I'm over 60, fairly fit, 50+ pounds overweight. Would love friends!
  • rayanhijazi243
    rayanhijazi243 Posts: 2 Member
    Consider me in:)
  • SPR86
    SPR86 Posts: 10 Member
    Add me 😊😊
  • the_vegan_geordie
    Hi guys

    I have been vegan for 4 years. I would love more vegan friends but don't know how to add people 😂
  • Nnika2741
    Nnika2741 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I’m not looking for a ton of friends but maybe just a handful that are really interested in supporting each other by checking in, charing meal ideas etc. vegetarians preferred :)
  • iamjinfinite
    iamjinfinite Posts: 44 Member
    Whats up people im 6'2" 185 24% body fat looking to shred and build muscle also looking for some friends add me i appreciate it alot