I REALLY need advice. Thanks!

So the thing I have found most intriguing in the past 2 weeks and one day since the beginning of my lifestyle change is that I cannot seem to get my net calories to 1200. Right now I am for the most part making healthy choices and paying attention to my portion sizes.

This morning I added exercise to my routine. I waited the two weeks because I felt I really needed to focus on one thing at a time and get one thing under control before I jump in with both feet. For me, the biggest thing was food, I knew once I got to a place where I could start to see and feel a difference in myself, exercise would be easier to add. Since today was my first day of cardio, I decided not to eat breakfast before because exercising because I figured eating, then bouncing around the living room to an exercise DVD would not be a good combination, instead I exercised, drank half a bottle of water then felt super nauseous because the water was sloshing around in my empty stomach lol. Soooo needless to say, I didn't eat breakfast. I decided that tomorrow I will eat a piece of fruit or something light, exercise and see how I feel. Even if I HAD eaten my breakfast my net calorie intake for the day would still have only been around 600!

I only eat when I'm hungry, and I make sure to always have healthy little snacks with me. Tonight I ate an extra half a cup of dinner to try to overcompensate for the lack of calories and I ended up with that all too familiar feeling of being TOO full. This is sad to say and by no means am using it as an excuse to eat horribly but the only time I have been over my calories is when my very skinny boyfriend (who balks at the words reduced fat, low fat, and whole grains) and I went to Arby’s (I tried to be healthy with a roasted chicken sandwich but they slathered a ton of sauce on there and added bacon and cheese which I scraped/picked off) or when we had hamburger helper (and I am trying to get away from red meat). I do want to try turkey burger but with the recent salmonella scare I am a little leery of that still and I haven’t heard of an “all clear” yet. I need to remember to google that after I’m done with this post.

My boyfriend has been very supportive. He tries everything I make, and then lets me know if the recipe is a “keeper” or a “toss”, that way he doesn’t actually have to SAY he doesn’t like what I made lol. Economically we cannot afford to cook two meals. If we have spaghetti, I will make myself whole grain pasta and keep a bit of sauce out of the hamburger meat but not everything is that easy…

Anyways, I guess what I am asking is for advice. What can I do to get my net calories up? I do not want to eat more just to get it up to 1200 if I’m not hungry but I also don’t want to hit a weight loss wall or wonder if I’m starving my body. I appreciate any advice you have to share!



  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I struggle with eating enough during the day. It is easy for me to gulp down a few pints of ice cream to reach my calorie goal, but I understand the importance of nutrition.

    Makes it rough to eat clean and eat well when you aren't hungry.

    Try adding nuts to every meal. They are high in fat and protein (healthy fats, no worry).

    Try spreading avocado on your sandwiches or having a few cubes/bites in between meals (also high in fat, but good stuff)

    You can try and eat a bit more chicken in your hamburger helper, maybe just grill one piece on the side. I know I buy my chicken for a great price in huge packages then freeze them/use them as needed. :)
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    You could increase your calories with high fat healthy foods like almonds, olive oil and avocado. Search other posts as well because I've seen this question before and there were many other ideas given.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    Something to ponder....

    The only thing wrong with "eating when you are hungry" is that you have to consider that those of us who have either overfed or underfed ourselves......which is basically everyone on MFP (!) has to re-learn HOW to eat. Because at this point we have to realize that somehow our brains and bodies got disconnected or we wouldn't be here in the first place!

    Nothing wrong with listening to the body....nothing at all!! :love: My point to you is that a little structure is a good thing right now. So if you are having a hard time making your net of 1200 (which is the absolute MINIMUM unless you are a tiny petite gal), then you may benefit with a little force feeding through structure and planning!

    Ad in some higher calorie foods - healthy ones - almonds, avocadoes, olive oil to cook with and drizzle on veggies and salads, etc., peanut butter......

    Food for thought!

  • Nikki206
    Nikki206 Posts: 69
    Thanks everyone! All great ideas. I very much appreciate it!
  • pancake_26
    Avocado and peanut butter could really up your calories. I'm also on a 1200 calories diet, I change it to 1100 today because I do make myself to eat more sometime even when I am not hungry. Although they are healthy food, I just don't want to make myself feel sick. Plus i am really short (5'1.5) so I don't think that affect me much. Feel free to add me and take a look at my diary.
  • tragicpixie
    I have that problem too. I am always struggling to eat all of my calories and I have yet to eat away my exercise calories.

    I have found that by eating a bunch of small snacks throughout the day rather than 3 "meals" I actually have come closer to meeting my calorie goal because I don't ever feel "really full."
  • Ash_76
    Ash_76 Posts: 186 Member
    try to eat every 2-3 hrs, small but often, the only time you should feel hungry is when you 1st wake, stay away from processed or refined foods, as these can take longer for the body to break down, try eating more whole wheat (bread , pasta), its not just getting calories right, it is also which foods you consume to get your daily intake,,,,, as jamie oliver says, we are what we eat.
    my food calender is open to public if you want some ideas
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    I have this problem too! i LOVE veggies so i rarely hit my calorie goal... I added whey protein shakes to compensate for some of the calories, and added avocado and nuts. I still am lower than my goal but i'm at least closer! :)
  • Fatty_Fatass
    Try eating a small quantity of something really dense... like peanuts...

    Or instead of eating just fruit at lunchtime, have a scoop of vanilla ice cream with some raspberries, blackberries, straberries and light whipped cream......

    Or add some weight control shakes to your diet. Slim Fast offers very superior nutrition at a fairly low calorie cost. Having one at breakfast time with that piece of fruit will definetly give you a boost that will not weight you down and will give you 200+ "perfect" calories.

    Or add some fruit juice to your diet in the middle of the day in place of (or in addition to) a snack.

    Try adding some salad dressing that isn't low cal instead of the 1 calorie spray......

    Add some sunflower seeds to whatever you are eating. They are very dense and they add flavor and texture to ANYTHING. Whether you are eating pudding or sald, ice cream or stir-fry, Pasta Bolognese or Zuppa Di Pesce, sunflower seeds will make it yummier :)

    Good Luck !