Lordy I'm Forty and STILL FAT!!!

Hi I'm new to the site and excited to jump in and get started. I am not new to weight loss, I have been chubby, overweight or obese practically my entire life. I have been a vegetarian for 8 years...(If I could only break up with sugar and bread the way I did with meat I would be at a normal body weight!) I have been on more diet or fitness programs than I can count, and I could literally get a Phd in nutrition, I have read SO many books!!
So the issue for me personally isn't that I don't know HOW or WHAT to do to get healthy....it's the "WANT to" that I am working on.
I will post positive encouragement and the raw truth about my journey with no filters! I will also blog, share articles, bible verses, progress pics, post recipes, etc...
I look forward to being inspired by you and my hope is that I will encourage and inspire others as well.


  • notttarra3598
    notttarra3598 Posts: 1 Member
    I love your introduction, I feel exactly like you. Now that I’m 43, I need to get serious about getting the excess weight off, just to feel better. I would love to see what bible devotions you use during your journey. I’m praying for our success!
  • happytomebe
    happytomebe Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Guys.... hope all is well. I understand...this struggle is real. I have been up and down with weight since I was 35 yrs old due to early set of menopause. So I started reading books, listening to tapes, looking at videos, presentations, went to few doctors, nutritionalists, taken diet pills, and supplement. I was a vegan for 6 months, taken fiber, probiotics. It was wearing me out. I felt as if I do not get a handle on this soon, I will be spending the rest of my life chasing a dream.

    One day after having a break down in store dressing room and feeling like an overgrown whatever of a something... I cried so hard. The next day after my pity party. I sat down I had a real talk with myself. I talked to my body asking it to tell me what I am doing wrong. I prayed for an answer asking God, the Holy Spirit to talk to me. Believe it or not I got an answer. I am not getting the right information for my body to be able to at prime...

    I sat down with a piece of paper wrote down what is my plan, based upon all the information I know... with that I found this app. Also I became friends with my body like it is my best friend and she talk back. I know that sound funny but is she is with you all the time.

    I found that everything I was eating had some type of toxins, even wine has arsenic. My body told me I had to many different chemicals that my hormones, intestinal trackways out of wack. Everyone is different, it could be something else for you.

    I came up with a plan... I did see my last doctor ... hormone therapy and yes body release chemicals that made it was confused. I cut bread , pasta, sugar out of my diet in which those items was causing inflammation in my body in which was release other chemicals. I know that is hard. @veggiegal78 it became a circle
    Long story short... I am 53 yrs old my start weight was 310 lb. I have been dedicated to my body for 3 yrs now... I lose 160 lbs within this time. I also found passion of dancing. I do have an exercise plan, Apple Watch to help track and this app helps keep all in check. I encourage you guys... you got the knowledge you know what you should be doing. Stop ignoring your body.

    Within whatever you got going on... who, what, is more important than you?

  • MrWeather81
    MrWeather81 Posts: 14 Member
    I am a guy in my late 30's. Have always had to work on keeping to a weight that is proportional to my height. I'm currently seriously overweight for my height.
  • dyfalbarhad
    dyfalbarhad Posts: 19 Member
    Wonderful wisdom, happytomebe. Taking it to heart myself.