help please TMI you have been warned

hi all well this week ahs been a bit of a bad week for me and ive notice i havent been to the toilet in 3 days :embarassed:
any sujestions on what i can eat to make me go. im supper bloated and my belly feels like a rock! im drinking my water everyday and eating okish! (NOT AMAZING) :sad: Motivation is lacking this week unfortunetly but i hope once ive weighed sunday it will kick me back into shape.

any help would be appreciated


  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    fiber one cereal - make sure you drink like 2 glasses of water with it or it will make it worse

    prunes, fresh fruit, salad - just stay away from bananas
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    I have IBS when i get constipated i take a senna tablet or drink a couple of hot drinks that always seems to week like herbal tea x
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Plenty of fibre and a coffee!
  • tanyadawsonryan
    I know you said that you are drinking your water, but are you drinking enough? Try drinking extra water. If I have trouble using the washroom, I eat some fruit and drink at least ten glasses of water. If you eat foods high in fiber (like vegtables), you really need a lot of water to get your system moving.
    Great job on your weight loss! You should be proud.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    try anything from fiber one. They have cereal which is only 80 calories per serving and I eat 2 servings of that and the problem is resolved. They also have yogurt and new totally awesome brownies. You can also try natures own double fiber bread-2 slices. I am bnot a coffee drinker either so when I drink a hot cup of coffee well in about 10 min I am headed straight for the bathroom.
  • maryzcontrary
    I make a smoothie every morning that has 1 tsp of fiber in it -- best thing I could've ever done - you may be lacking in fiber, or not drinking enough water to hydrate the bowel.....when "push comes to shove" I use those glycerin suppositories you get at the store - that way I am not taking any chemicals that my bowel might become dependent on......
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Plenty of fibre and a coffee!

    Yea, that works for me. A strong coffee seems to get things moving. Drink a LOT of water. Without it, your body will draw the water from your stool, making it harder to pass.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Metamucil has a berry flavor and a pink lemonade (both delicious!). Not only do they help keep your fiber regulated, they have psyllium to help lower cholesterol.
    Make sure you're getting enough fiber in your diet and drink plenty of water. Water is the "magic pill" of good health.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    fasting might actually work - but keep the liquids coming like water, hot teas etc. but skip the milk if you use it. I wouldn't recommend adding more fiber to an already backed up system. Fiber can backfire if not used properly. Stick to the fruits and liquids for a day or two and you might even consider trying dulcolax for a week once you get moving that will help keep things moving smoothly. I suffer from this on a regular basis but if you know that's not your normal and it's really really uncomfortable and making you feel sick to your stomach, try an enema. That will get the water where it needs to be and help break up the obstruction but don't use them regularly. Emergency treatment only. Sennakot has an ingredient that will cause muscle cramping that could add to your suffering if it's not moving. Try two more days and then consult your doctor.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I drink a slim fast shake with coffe and lots of water and seems to do the trick. Good luck!
  • sugarbugger
    It's good to eat a high fibre diet and up your water but really the very best thing you can take is a stool softener like lactulose. It provides relief in a mild, gentle way, within 12-24 hours. It won't give you diarrhea, it will just make you able to go comfortably. It's available over the counter, you just take a tbsp in some juice or water, it's like a sugary syrup. That's what it's called in the UK anyway, apparently it also goes by the name of Duphalac, Lactugal, and Regulose. Hope this helps, poor you!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    a cup of coffee? raisins or other dried fruit?
  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member
    Try a couple spoonfuls of Benefiber in a cup of coffee or apple juice. It's odorless & tasteless. You can put it in your food or anything really.