Ready to glow up! Looking for accountability partners local (Tampa/Riverview) or far

Redefiningyou Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! I'm starting my weight loss journey again ... for so long I was working towards goals like a good career while building my family- that once I reached those goals I forgot how important staying in good shape/health was inorder sustain everything I'd worked so hard for. So far I have lost 3lbs- started 10 days ago. Joined my fitness pal today after remembering how helpful the loseit app was years ago when I lost my pregnancy weight... For me I became an emotional eater when work/life became stressful and drank/snacked my way to being 60lbs overweight. I look forward to our progress- add me- near or far. The only thing standing in the way of us acheiving our goals is ourselves... Let's go! I welcome friends and challenges to get the motivate needed to achieve the much needed results.


  • daniellebennett3532
    Hey! I grew up in Tampa. I like how positive your post is. I’m on a Self Love Journey after a divorce and part of that is losing this extra weight. So far I am about. 70lbs down and I want to lose about 30 lbs more. Let’s be friends and help keep eachother motivated!
  • chogeland62
    chogeland62 Posts: 9 Member
    Good morning! I am right up the road about two hours from you in Ocala!! I know about emotional/stress eating. It’s my knee jerk reaction to most everything. I joined MFP five days ago. Starting the weight loss journey for hopefully the last time. We can cheer each other’s accomplishments and encourage each other over the rough spots. 🙂👍