Nasty gas coming out of my back side ....HELP



  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Hard boiled eggs = bad
  • happytree923
    happytree923 Posts: 463 Member
    Beans and large amounts of lactose make me very gassy but if I keep eating them for weeks it gets a lot better. I think the type of bacteria in your gut changes based on what you're eating (ie bacteria that likes beans will thrive when you eat lots of beans) and the problem food gets easier to digest.
  • somethingsoright
    somethingsoright Posts: 99 Member
    Whey protein does not agree with my stomach at all. Gassiness cleared up after switching to pea and rice powders.

    Also, did anyone else think of 'Walmart shart' when reading the title? :D
  • suzievv
    suzievv Posts: 410 Member
    telm2018 wrote: »
    I think I will lay off the shake for now, see how that goes. I have increased my fiber intake come to think of it. I probably should eliminate one food at a time and see what happens. thanks for the suggestions and comments

    Anytime you change you fiber intake, it will cause a change in your gas. That’s my understanding from a nutrition class, plus personal experience, lol. I would just continue eating how you want to eat and see if your body adjusts to the change in diet.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    laurabini wrote: »
    Some things that make me very gassy are: pea protein, spirulina, legumes, gluten and dairy.
    I'd say try to cut back on those and see if you have the same problem.
    How long have you had this? If it's persistent might be worth getting tested for food allergy or intolerance?
    Taking probiotic supplements has also helped me.

    Hmm, I don't have an issue with gas despite exceeding my fiber goal most days, eating broccoli and legumes regularly, and protein powder daily, so perhaps the probiotics I take help? Or I'm just used to all the fiber, etc.

    My protein powder has very few ingredients:

    Whey protein isolate, Natural french vanilla flavor, soy lecithin, xanthan gum
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    smolmaus wrote: »
    A friend of mine has this issue. I've not noticed it personally but some people are more sensitive to lactose/ dairy than others so it could be a factor. You could try a vegan protein, like pea protein and see if that makes a difference? Or just get your protein from non-dairy food.

    I thought adding chickpea flour to my diet (make my own flatbreads, they're delicious) was getting me too much protein and that's why I was producing such interesting fragrances... but it turns out it's just the chickpeas. Nothing to do with protein levels. Some things just don't agree with some people.

    @smolmaus Would you mind sharing your recipe for the flatbreads?
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Dilvish wrote: »
    the gas part is always present when you consume a lot of fiber...the smell part is due to foods being consumed that when processed in the gut become foul smelling. Typically people who eat a lot of crap, sweets, pastries, fast food, processed meats, have generally foul smelling gas and poop due to all the crud in the food.

    It is likely your "smelly gas" is due to the protein powder. If you are in a maintenance program and are not exercising to lose weight, I'd skip the protein shakes in favor of high protein foods. Eggs, Pumpkin seeds, Greek yogurt, Trail mix, Tuna or Salmon, lean meat and poultry are better for you.

    That is so not true at all. Smelly farts usually are a result of high fiber. lots of vegetables and beans. Oh and hard boiled eggs. At least for me.
  • smolmaus
    smolmaus Posts: 442 Member
    yayamom3 wrote: »
    @smolmaus Would you mind sharing your recipe for the flatbreads?

    Mine is barely a recipe @yayamom3 ! If you look up socca recipes you'll find lots. I do 25g of chickpea flour to about a 1/4tsp of baking powder (depends how fluffy you want them) per flatbread and whisk in enough water to make it a thick pancake batter consistency. I add onion salt, pepper, sometimes garam masala or cumin and then just fry in a pan with spray oil until you see bubbles and it starts to brown and go crispy. You can also do crepes without the baking powder (excellent for vegan and gluten free tortillas). It's really an eggless pancake but very savory!

    I also make cookies, muffins and stuff with chickpea flour but you kinda have to be into the bean-y flavour to enjoy the sweet things lol
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Dilvish wrote: »
    the gas part is always present when you consume a lot of fiber...the smell part is due to foods being consumed that when processed in the gut become foul smelling. Typically people who eat a lot of crap, sweets, pastries, fast food, processed meats, have generally foul smelling gas and poop due to all the crud in the food.

    It is likely your "smelly gas" is due to the protein powder. If you are in a maintenance program and are not exercising to lose weight, I'd skip the protein shakes in favor of high protein foods. Eggs, Pumpkin seeds, Greek yogurt, Trail mix, Tuna or Salmon, lean meat and poultry are better for you. And since when is whey "junk"'s just a dairy bi-product. Little Miss Muffett ate her curds and way all the time.
  • somethingsoright
    somethingsoright Posts: 99 Member
    LOL, it's interesting how foods affect people differently. I always stayed away from beans, thinking they caused bad gas. Turns out it's not the beans by themselves--it's overeating in general while eating beans. If I stay within my calories, a cup of beans a day is no problem. If I overdo the calories along with those beans, then watch out because I'll take you to funky town.
  • wilsonov7
    wilsonov7 Posts: 2 Member
    Have you tried any OTC gas relief tablets?
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    edited November 2018
    My biggest issue is sugar free candy. It sounds like you aren't ingesting that but if you are...... I also started taking probiotics to help with some issues and it did the trick. Another thought is yogurt just to ensure your intestinal flora is healthy. One other throught would be some natural digestive enzymes to help digest it. Otherwise you may just find that particular protein powder doesn't agree with you. Good luck.
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Yep I've had a problem with the protein shakes in the past. I did find that it subsided after awhile of being on the stuff.
  • bigbandjohn
    bigbandjohn Posts: 769 Member
    You may want to try eliminating anything that may be causing it, and slowly re-add them back in to see what affects you most. There are also items like "beano" and "culturelle" that can help in many cases. I can't remember what the dairy based one is.

    My bad item is beef jerkey. There was a time when I use to gorge on it as a snack, and the results were deadly.
  • MissLotte
    MissLotte Posts: 101 Member
    I have noticed that significantly cutting down on my dairy and starchy carbs has seriously reduced my bloating and therefore - gas. I haven't been tested but I suspect that I have intolerances to these because of the amount of bloat and gas they give me.

    As others have said, cut out or reduce one thing at a time and see how you get on.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    smolmaus wrote: »
    yayamom3 wrote: »
    @smolmaus Would you mind sharing your recipe for the flatbreads?

    Mine is barely a recipe @yayamom3 ! If you look up socca recipes you'll find lots. I do 25g of chickpea flour to about a 1/4tsp of baking powder (depends how fluffy you want them) per flatbread and whisk in enough water to make it a thick pancake batter consistency. I add onion salt, pepper, sometimes garam masala or cumin and then just fry in a pan with spray oil until you see bubbles and it starts to brown and go crispy. You can also do crepes without the baking powder (excellent for vegan and gluten free tortillas). It's really an eggless pancake but very savory!

    I also make cookies, muffins and stuff with chickpea flour but you kinda have to be into the bean-y flavour to enjoy the sweet things lol

    Going to try this. Thank you!

  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    LOLOLOLOL!!! Protein farts! Welcome! Hahahahahahahahaa!!

    Very very common reaction to whey protein.

    To combat that, I now use vegan protein (the one I currently buy is pea based) or else beef protein (which is not whey, it's actual moo cow, but it's more expensive and tastes worse than the vegan one). Neither give me gas though. The beef one I find even better than the vegan one on the stomach.

    Otherwise, you can also increase your protein intake by taking gelatin or beef colostrum instead of protein powder.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    Broccoli ... that's my bane. Mix that with several whey shakes a day and the results can peel paint. Although it doesn't keep me locked in my house, I'm sure there are several people that would like to lock me in there. ;)

    LOL. I'm the same. I just need to look at broccoli and I start to fart. It also bloats me massively.
  • Spadhnik
    Spadhnik Posts: 130 Member
    High fiber food is my issue too.
    Whenever I eat salad (veg), I always end up with weird sounds from tummy which normally settles down after I eat banana... do you eat salads daily.

    I don’t take protein shakes so no idea on that.