Quick and easy tilapia (microwave)

ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
Hey everyone. I threw this together yesterday because i lazy and not really craving anything and it turned out really tasty.

I buy individually packages tilapia so i put one in a microwave safe bowl, found a jar of chunky salsa in the fridge so i covered the fish with it and squeezed some lemon juice all over it. i covered it and cooked it for 2 1/2 minutes. I had left over white rice in the fridge so i added 3/4 cup of cooked rice to the bowl and broke up the fish at the same time. i microwaved it for another minute or so and then removed it from the microwave. Then i took a heaping tablespoon of greek yogurt and mixed it through the salsa sauce. added some garlic chilli sauce for some heat and that is it!

I made it again today because it was so good and easy. It is also filling, i cant finish it today but i am trying to at least eat the rest of the fish.

calorie count is about 250 calories.


  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Sounds great! Where do you buy your tilapia in individual packets? My bf HATES fish with a passion and doesn't like to be around me when I eat it, lol. So I want to know for next time he is out of town and I can make me a nice seafood dinner!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Costco in Canada sells a bag of 9 or so for about $15. each piece is about 100 calories.
  • Syntax_Error
    Syntax_Error Posts: 77 Member
    Sounds great. I've been making fish tacos out of mine but have been getting sick of the mass of sodium in the tortillas :-( I'll have to give this a try instead.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Sounds yummy... I don't think I've ever microwaved fish before (good time saver). I NEVER would have thought about adding the Greek Yogurt but you probably added some valuable nutrition.... THANKS for the recipe
  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    Wal-Mart also carries it for $12.00 a bag (has about 11 fillets). I've never had it in microwave gotta try it.
  • froggy15
    froggy15 Posts: 154 Member
    Sounds good. Thanks for sharing!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Sounds yummy... I don't think I've ever microwaved fish before (good time saver). I NEVER would have thought about adding the Greek Yogurt but you probably added some valuable nutrition.... THANKS for the recipe
    The yogurt makes it. Mmm
    The fish doesnt taste any different to me then when i cook it on the stove. I might have to try out some other recipes that i steam or saute food in chicken broth.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I, too, buy tilapia in individual packages. I buy a 4lb bag of frozen filets, individually wrapped, about 4 ounces each. But eww, the microwave? I'll take your word for it. I broil mine. Takes about 4 mins on each side under the broiler.
  • ksharon22
    ksharon22 Posts: 111
    I've had tilapia a couple times for dinner this week and wrap mine in foil with some RealLemon and grill it. I'll have to try the microwave prep idea! BTW-I've found my tilapia at Aldi-can't remember the price though. A bag of the individually packaged ones are the way to go!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I, too, buy tilapia in individual packages. I buy a 4lb bag of frozen filets, individually wrapped, about 4 ounces each. But eww, the microwave? I'll take your word for it. I broil mine. Takes about 4 mins on each side under the broiler.

    WOW really?/ That is great. Thanks for your post!

    You can take my word for it. I have never use the mic to cook meat until yesterday. It is tasty and fast. Maybe other want to try something new? Enjoy your broiled fish.
  • bump
  • Wonderful idea, thank you!
  • jsstein19
    jsstein19 Posts: 21 Member
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    Sounds like a nice speedy supper!