
At it again... the struggle is real. I am here to get control of my health. I am ready to get real.
How are you all doing?
My name is Sarah and I’m trying to lose 80 lbs.


  • BonitaJas2911
    BonitaJas2911 Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it!!! I started in January & right around June I quit after losing 20lbs... but honestly no one can do this for us.. we have to love our health more than we do the lifestyle we lead... now I am at a total 30lbs weight loss & I am committed to lose another 25lbs... I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS... just remember you have to love yourself more than the food you’re ingesting... plus it doesnt have to be that hard... you can have the stuff you like in much smaller portions ❤️
  • sdoyle3241
    sdoyle3241 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! What a great message to get started with. Congratulations on reaching 30! Sounds like you are strong and will make your goal! Very inspiring 😊