How much have you lost? Celebrate it!

We tend to focus on how much we have to loose yet. We should not forget to celebrate how far we have come and all the hard work we've done.

I have 19lbs. to go. But to this point..........:happy: I've lost 14lbs. and 5 1/2 inches....YES!
How about you?


  • babyhippo
    We tend to focus on how much we have to loose yet. We should not forget to celebrate how far we have come and all the hard work we've done.

    I have 19lbs. to go. But to this point..........:happy: I've lost 14lbs. and 5 1/2 inches....YES!
    How about you?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Great job
    As of this am I've lost 12 pounds...about 8 to go..

  • lcn42781
    lcn42781 Posts: 47 Member
    Lost 22, 33 to go, 3" lost off my waist, and $20 spent tailoring new uniforms 1 month after I bought them... HAHA :laugh:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I've lost 61 so far since September.
  • thewelch_family
    I have not lost as much as you all but I am still proud of myself. To date I have lost 4 lbs in two weeks. Congrats to you all! Keep up the great work!
    BUNNYB Posts: 91
    16 down and 4 (approx) to go!!!!
  • bricker06
    ive lost 23:smile: since dec 27 only 92:cry: to go.congrats to all of you what a great victory.:wink:
  • dhayes
    dhayes Posts: 216 Member
    51 lost, 127 to go!!!!!!!!:wink:
  • OntheSand
    Since January 21st, I've lost 17 pounds!!! :bigsmile:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I've lost 14 pounds so far! I am not sure how much I want to lose yet. My original goal would be in 9 more pounds but I may aim for another 5 on top of that! I'll see what I look like when I get to my original goal! All I know is that I am thinner than I have been in over ten years so I am celebrating!
  • mydogmesa2
    mydogmesa2 Posts: 205 Member
    Ive lost 10 lbs so far. My dh took me clothes shopping yesterday to celebrate and I actually fit into and bought size 6 jeans:noway: I couldnt believe it!! I was so excited. Yay me!:tongue:

    :heart: Congrats to everyone else too!
  • RowanC
    RowanC Posts: 38
    Congratulations to all of you!

    THIS is what inspires me... seeing this program actually work for people!

  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    As of this morning, I have lost 57 pounds and 34 inches. I started my journey in September. I have gone from a size 20 jeans to a size 12 and have 12 pounds to lose to reach my goal.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I have lost 19 lbs to date. Ihave 99 more to lose. GO ME!!!
  • dwalden
    dwalden Posts: 77 Member
    This is so great to see. I just found this site today and have been looking for something like this for a long time. I lost a lot of weight with South Beach about 3 years ago and felt great. I quit smoking a year ago and put it all back on. Summer is coming and I want to look that good again.

    I got a membership to a Gym about 6 months ago, but never solidly used it because I could not find anything to allow me to track what I eat and my exercise.

    Everyone's progress here has given me a lot of encouragement. Good luck to everyone and I will get my pictures posted with my progress. This is great!!!!
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    I've lost 45 lbs since Oct, 35 or so more to go.
    Lost 23 total inches & 6% bodyfat.

    Yea!! :drinker:
    31 pounds down baby!!!!

    4 more to go!!! and they are just REALLY REALLY stubborn!!!!!! Anyone else finding that the closer to the goal weight u are the harder it becomes????
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    :happy: 13lb down since Jan 6th!!! :happy:
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    31 down 4 to go!! Have gone from a size 12 ( and tight :blushing: ) to a 6!!