Young at Hearts, Ladies in their 50s.....

I know there is already a group here for ladies in their 50s but it seems to be very well established and a large group. Was thinking of starting another smaller group here if anyone interested. Looking for people who are truly young at heart, don't want to grow up, and like to have fun! Motivation and support for all!


  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Just bumping this up in case it got missed with MFP being down a good bit yesterday! :)
  • hereslibby
    hereslibby Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Joise! I am 54, not sure how I got this old, don’t feel like I am out of my 30’s. Would love to join a group of like minded women to support each other. Feel free to add me!
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    hereslibby wrote: »
    Hi Joise! I am 54, not sure how I got this old, don’t feel like I am out of my 30’s. Would love to join a group of like minded women to support each other. Feel free to add me!

    We can just keep this thread going instead of creating a group! I am 53 but act like 20s/30s sometimes LOL! Sometimes I feel old (more due to menopause LOL!) I don't feel old in my thought processes! A little about me.. 53 married (2nd time around), no 2 legged kids but 4 4-legged ones! Used to live in PA but we hated the cold and wanted to live near beach so we picked up 5 years ago (tomorrow) and moved to Florida. We love it here. Struggled most of my life with weight, never being obese but definitely overweight. Did all the fad diets, starvation, you name it. Had some major health issues this year due to an injury from a routine gynecological surgery that resulted in a temporary colostomy. I had the colostomy reversed over 5 months ago. It was an awful time in my life but made me appreciate the life I have and know what changes I want in my life. I run (completed my first marathon in February) and I lift weight, yoga, and walk my dogs. Struggling to lose what I think should be 10 pounds but realistically I would be happy with 5!

  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Me too! I am 54 but think I am 25 most of the time. Love to travel and have fun. In fact, my motto in life is "Just Have Fun". I am married with 2 adult kids. Have a sweet old Golden Retriever. I live in California where it is warm most of the time and we don't wear a lot of heavy clothes so being in shape is important to me. I set traveling goals too. Usually to warm places where I will have to wear a bathing suit. That definitely helps me stay in shape.
    Age is just a number. Just have fun.
  • englishmuffinruns
    englishmuffinruns Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone! I turned 50 a few months ago, although I certainly don't feel it. I've been married for almost 29 years to my high school sweetheart and we have a daughter who will be 24 in a few weeks. We have two dogs and a cat (all rescues). My New Year's resolution for 2014 was to walk three times a week. Long story short, that paved the way to a healthier lifestyle. We kayak, hike, go to the gym, and run. We're doing our second half marathon in two weeks!

  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome every one! I will try and get us started each day to post our trials, tribulations or just fun stuff!
    Flippy1234, I live in Florida so bathing suit season nearly year round! It is definitely motivation but still not easy sometimes!

    Englishmuffin - hello fellow runner!! Love kayaking too! There is a place I can go 3 miles from my house... don't know why we don't do it more often. The last time we went we saw dolphins like legit Flipper jumping in the water! Best day ever!!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Just popping in to cheer you all along.
    I love that you are all in your 20-30's mentally. It doesn't have go away. Hold on to your youthful minds.

    I started losing weight (30lbs) at 54 and went through menopause at the same time. I'm 65 now and still maintaining my loss and thinking I'm 25. Makes my 45yo son shake his head at times.

    3 cheers for bikinis (if you like wearing them) on Florida, or any other, beaches. I wear them and don't care what anyone thinks, I'm dreading the day I have to retire them.

    Cheers, h.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Just popping in to cheer you all along.
    I love that you are all in your 20-30's mentally. It doesn't have go away. Hold on to your youthful minds.

    I started losing weight (30lbs) at 54 and went through menopause at the same time. I'm 65 now and still maintaining my loss and thinking I'm 25. Makes my 45yo son shake his head at times.

    3 cheers for bikinis (if you like wearing them) on Florida, or any other, beaches. I wear them and don't care what anyone thinks, I'm dreading the day I have to retire them.

    Cheers, h.

    Okay you sound like the type of person I want in this group for sure! and yes I still wear a bikini although struggling to get back to it since some abdominal surgeries left my stomach distorted...
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Not to my 50s yet, but it's sneaking up.

    Just popping in to cheer you all along.
    I love that you are all in your 20-30's mentally. It doesn't have go away. Hold on to your youthful minds.

    I started losing weight (30lbs) at 54 and went through menopause at the same time. I'm 65 now and still maintaining my loss and thinking I'm 25. Makes my 45yo son shake his head at times.

    3 cheers for bikinis (if you like wearing them) on Florida, or any other, beaches. I wear them and don't care what anyone thinks, I'm dreading the day I have to retire them.

    Cheers, h.

    I'm also 45 and my mom has a few years on you. Tell your son the best way to deal with a mother who won't act her age is to behave even worse. :bigsmile:

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    edited November 2018
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Not to my 50s yet, but it's sneaking up.

    Just popping in to cheer you all along.
    I love that you are all in your 20-30's mentally. It doesn't have go away. Hold on to your youthful minds.

    I started losing weight (30lbs) at 54 and went through menopause at the same time. I'm 65 now and still maintaining my loss and thinking I'm 25. Makes my 45yo son shake his head at times.

    3 cheers for bikinis (if you like wearing them) on Florida, or any other, beaches. I wear them and don't care what anyone thinks, I'm dreading the day I have to retire them.

    Cheers, h.

    I'm also 45 and my mom has a few years on you. Tell your son the best way to deal with a mother who won't act her age is to behave even worse. :bigsmile:

    Son behaving even worse than me would scare me. He has always been a grown up- even when 5!
    I was just relieved when he started drinking the occasional beer or whiskey in his 30's.
    Good thing is- he inherited his mothers silly sense of humour.

    I am always surprised when I realise I am old enough to be a lot of the people on here who I like's mother. I don't feel it.
    (One of the joys of semi-anonymity)

    Cheers, h.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited November 2018
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Not to my 50s yet, but it's sneaking up.

    Just popping in to cheer you all along.
    I love that you are all in your 20-30's mentally. It doesn't have go away. Hold on to your youthful minds.

    I started losing weight (30lbs) at 54 and went through menopause at the same time. I'm 65 now and still maintaining my loss and thinking I'm 25. Makes my 45yo son shake his head at times.

    3 cheers for bikinis (if you like wearing them) on Florida, or any other, beaches. I wear them and don't care what anyone thinks, I'm dreading the day I have to retire them.

    Cheers, h.

    I'm also 45 and my mom has a few years on you. Tell your son the best way to deal with a mother who won't act her age is to behave even worse. :bigsmile:

    Son behaving even worse than me would scare me. He has always been a grown up- even when 5!
    I was just relieved when he started drinking the occasional beer or whiskey in his 30's.
    Good thing is- he inherited his mothers silly sense of humour.

    I am always surprised when I realise I am old enough to be a lot of the people on here who I like's mother. I don't feel it.

    Cheers, h.

    You don't look it either. Plus you're just awesome. :heart:

    (I'm not very well behaved, I'm sure my mother would agree)
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Workouts done for the day... 2+ mile dog walk, hit the weights (New Rules of Lifting for Women) followed by 15 minutes interval training on stationary bike.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Got my run in this morning and dog walk but also had her run with me for about 2 miles. She was not into it today LOL... just like sometimes I am not. I got a total of 3.7 in though. Got some ab work to do later and yoga class this evening. Damn scale does not want to leave 149.8!!! I swear it is stuck there by some mechanical issue! I weigh daily using app called Happy Scale to see the overall picture so I am not thrown off by one bad day but sheesh its stuck!
  • allarounddice
    allarounddice Posts: 39 Member
    I just turned 50 this year. I feel young at heart really. But I am trying to develop better eating habits and start working out more. I want to look as young as I feel inside. I gained a lot of weight sitting with my Dad while he was battling cancer. But I am glad that I could be there with him. I'm excited to have found my fitness pal.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Heading to the Gym soon to do my kickboxing. I am sore from yesterday but I will power through.
    Gotta wear my bikinis in 3 weeks. Heading to Maui!
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    allarounddice... sorry about your dad... I lost my mom February 2017... still very hard and emotional eating is a thing for me.
    flippy1234 Exciting going to Maui... have you been before? On my bucket list of vacations!

    I walked the dog, a bit over 1.5 miles. Did a good bit of ab work and my New Rules of Lifting for Women workout. Scale is not budging but I feel like I look much leaner than a few weeks ago so I will focus on that. Going to a wine tasting tonight which spells trouble LOL!
  • glenavonkate
    glenavonkate Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all. I turned 50 in May and lost 9.5kg in the 4 months leading up to it and have lost another 2.5 since. These last 3-5 kg are really hard to budge but I am still working on it. I’m just happy I didn’t slide back into all my old habits after the big party. I live in Sydney with hubby, 18 year old girl, 13 year old boy, Labrador, Cavalier, Burmese, and 2 diamond pythons! I love Tennis, golf, skiing, snowboarding, photography, pets and travel. Would love some MFP friends to keep me accountable.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome Glenavonkate! Congrats on your weight loss! I had to do some math to see what kg translates into pounds! Good job!! I am struggling with the last 5-10 or so. I have a Labrador also, as you can see by my pic also a cur hound/pit mix... 2 cats! No kids... EEEEK on the snakes!

  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Today was a running day and my daily ab challenged... a little over 4 miles today and about 2 miles of walking. Scale still not budging but that is okay... its not going up either!
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Was MIA yesterday... was my rest day but I was busy doing a yard sale with my friends... of course lots of Bloody Mary's and bad snacking throughout the day. The water weight gain today is crazy! Also going out on the boat with friends today but will limit my adult beverages today! Getting in a run today at least before I go and my daily ab work!