Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    :smile: Looking forward to getting know everyone over the next few months in the run up to Christmas.
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    Wow! Wednesdays kick my booo - tay! Water aerobics for, usually 60 mins but had to get out early cuz my suit was falling off! :noway: Then about an hour, maybe more, of Zumba. After that I went to T.A. for the belly dance studio where I dance. That's four solid hours of exercise in the evening! I am beat! And, I have no appetite today. Weird! I hope that everyone has a fabulous Thursday!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    happy thursday! todays plan of action- 1600 calories, 5k training (35 min run) and ripped in 30; whats your plan for the day?
  • Caite_S
    Caite_S Posts: 42
    Hi, my name is Caitlin and I'm 23! Not married yet, but live with my boyfriend of over two years. Hoping for an engagement ring around Christmas time :happy: I've been on my weight loss journey ever since I can remember. I've lost a total of 35 pounds over the last couple of years and have about 20 pounds left to lose until I reach my goal weight of 115!
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    My Thursday's looking good so far - fresh fruit for breakfast, a nice 3.1 mile walk around the neighborhood before lunch, probably playing a session of Box-Fit or Cross Training on The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout game, and workin' on some yard work to burn off extra calories I don't need. All in all, today's plan is lookin' pretty solid.
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
    happy thursday! todays plan of action- 1600 calories, 5k training (35 min run) and ripped in 30; whats your plan for the day?

    Happy Thursday to you also... my plan of action ....1500 calories today burning 800 at the gym.. and taking my measurements..the scale isn't moving but my clothes are fitting differently..tootles for now:happy:
  • happy thursday! todays plan of action- 1600 calories, 5k training (35 min run) and ripped in 30; whats your plan for the day?

    Happy Thursday to you also... my plan of action ....1500 calories today burning 800 at the gym.. and taking my measurements..the scale isn't moving but my clothes are fitting differently..tootles for now:happy:

    1690 calories, c25k run on the treadmill tonight, and CONTROL THE SNACKS! ;) Happy Thursday!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Thursday's plan is 1600 calories, already swam 4,000 yards this morning, and a nice walk with my dog and hubby tonight! Hope y'all have a wonderful day :)
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Yesterday I overate, today Im wokring right next to a wendys, Im next to other restaraunts but its the cheapest so its definatly a temptation , made coffee this morning but didnt drink it, left home with coke zero, not eating until 2 at which time I will have a wrap from froots, also where Im working, at 4 I will go workout in the cardio cinema goal being 500 calories but today is not a strong day so maybe 300-350. If Im feeling unwell, Ill drink a pure protien shake, dinner plan is large chili from wendys with 4 saltines. If I get the shake nothing at home, if I dont 2 or 3 glasses of wine at home.
  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! My name is Julie and I would LOVE to join this challenge! I am 35 and have two children, 8 and 2 months, and am trying to get in shape after baby. I joined MFP a few years ago but have been having trouble staying consistent. Maybe a little "community" involvement is what I need to reach my goal. I am at 176 right now and have a goal of 145. That also means that I have to stay on track at 2 pounds per week until Christmas to do it. This would put me into the best shape of my life since high school and into those sweet "Miss Me" jeans I bought for when I get there! Christmas this year is in Vancouver with the in-laws, and boy do I ever want to impress - not to mention shop and eat the yummy, yummy food there with no regrets. Friendly, motivated, and looking forward to the challenge!

    I like the Monday weigh ins, as someone else said, it helps to keep the motivation up over the weekend.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Im afraid today is not going to be a great day, I ate my wrap early just now, but am not feeling much energy so cant see excercise happening really, will grab a caffiene pil out of the car in awhile and see if it helps, but am afraid now though since I ate lunch early I will eat more than i splanned
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Im afraid today is not going to be a great day, I ate my wrap early just now, but am not feeling much energy so cant see excercise happening really, will grab a caffiene pil out of the car in awhile and see if it helps, but am afraid now though since I ate lunch early I will eat more than i splanned
    Some days I think our bodies need us to eat a little more (for example sick or working out back to back). I would say take it easy today and maybe only exercise a little today to let your body recover. Keep positive and try adding something high in fiber to your diet today it should fill you up.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Hello friends!

    I am having a good day so far! Last night I had book club and it looks like I am starting a running group of other mom's for Tuesdays and Thursdays when my oldest is in preschool.
    I went swimming last night with a friend and we did 2400 yards in 40 min. /i makes working out so much better when you have a friend! Today I plan to go to the gym and run at lest 4 miles and weights for legs.

    This weekend hubs is doing a triathlon!!!
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    Happy Friday! Did we decide on whether weigh in would be Fridays or Monday? My scale died so I will have to make sure that I weigh in at the gym. This is not my favorite thing to do but it's probably better that I don't have the scale at home; this way I don't become obsessive compulsive about losing. This morning I decided to let my kids sleep in so I didn't get to the gym for water aerobics. I'll find another time in the day to get to the gym so that I can do some cardio. I have an audition to teach Zumba at a new club on Sunday so perhaps just being home to practice will be enough :P Tonight I have a faculty meeting and then I usually go out with a friend after to a restaurant we like; it's going to be hard not to order the all you can eat fish fry and to partake of the cinnamon butter! I will have to have a game plan before I go! Have a wonderful weekend!
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    I love working out with my friends! That's what makes dancing for me so fulfilling! Have a wonderful weekend and good luck to the hubs!
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Barri,

    Coffee is the way that I work around the whole eating too early - afraid I might eat too much scenario. However, this isn't always the problem solver that I hope it will be. I hope that your day gets better!