Run v walk cal burn q

I run on a treadmill and I know it's not a very accurate calorie count on the machine but surely I burn more running than walking? I completed a 20 minutes run, 15 minutes walk today (for a total of 35 minutes) and according to the machine I could have burned almost the same calories as if I had walked the whole lot. (I walk that time on my days I don't run) I do run quite slowly - 5.6 kms an hour at present and walk at 4.8. It's abit discouraging!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    You burn more calories running...

    The equation for running is .63xbodyweight (in Lbs)xmiles

    For walking, replace the .63 with .31

    This is a pretty tried and true formula from Runner's World.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Yes running is roughly twice as inefficient a movement as walking (as per formulae above) so approximately twice the calories for each mile but your treadmill can't know you are running when your running pace is really in the walking pace range - so don't blame the poor dumb treadmill for not knowing what it can't possibly know.

    Why is it discouraging?
    You are walking/running faster than everyone sat on the sofa!
  • smcurtis1981
    smcurtis1981 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the info :)
    I only say discouraging because if the numbers were to be believed then why put in all the effort.
    I'm happy with my progress otherwise, I used to run 35 kms a week and do 160km endurance horse rides... Then I took 3 years off and did nothing. It's nice to be back on the hamster wheel

  • smcurtis1981
    smcurtis1981 Posts: 53 Member
    I just realised I sound like I should know the difference given that I've done the running thing before, sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else that its worth it.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    There are fitness benefits even if the calorie burn is close. I guess it depends on your goals. Have fun!