Exercise = No weight loss! What gives!?!

So when I was just dieting I lost 10lbs without exercising.
Well, I thought wow if I am losing this much by just dieting I bet with exercise I will really start to drop the weight. I started hitting the gym, doing cardio, videos, and walking outside more. And I have not lost anything... in fact I am gaining!!!

I'm still staying around 1200 cal/day and drinking my water.

Why am I gaining!?

Sooo frustrated!


  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Most likely because you burning more calories now and your TDEE went up. You need to eat more to compensate. Also make sure you hit your macros every day as well.
  • efarester
    efarester Posts: 158

    Hang in there - this does happen and it is okay!! Here is a great article about why the scale sometimes goes up when you start a new workout routine. Hope it helps!!


  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Im having the same problem I exercise like mad and I put on 2pds!
  • loseatonlady
    Building muscle - give it some time. I had same thing happen when I started excercising! Lost & lost, then added movement & gained! Don't quit - PUSH on & this will change! PROMISE! =)
  • allenlisa
    I have the same problem. Some weeks are good some aren't. I have no idea why. I was doing great doing cardio, and running. I started P90X and have actually gained weight. Let me know if you find any good answers! I'm at a loss.
  • doinme2011
    doinme2011 Posts: 42 Member
    i recently was going through the same thing!! i was working so hard and scale was not moving at all. i do a lot of weight training so i realized that i was gaining muscle. i imagine that is what is going on with you as well. i had to learn to be patient. i love the way my arms and legs look now that i am gaining muscle. you don't want to just lose and not tone because then you look flabby. you want to tone so when you lose you will look and be lean. i have been at this for two months now and only have lost 4 pounds, BUT my body fat has gone down 10% :-) i used to be so dependent on the scale(i would weigh every morning) but now i will weigh only once every two weeks. do not obsess over the scale, just look at "the total package". i know it is hard not to get on the scale but i had to tell myself over and over again that i am toning
    hope this helps!! whatever you do, stay motivated and DON'T GIVE UP
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    forget the scale and take your measurements.....I bet your clothes are fitting better :wink:
  • luckyandme
    luckyandme Posts: 19 Member
    That can be completely frustrating. I had a good two years like that one time. Was going to the gym faithfully 4-5 days a week doing cardio and weights as well as various classes offered at the gym I belonged to at the time to help keep things from getting repetitive and my body from getting use to things. 2 years and although my waist size got a little smaller my actual weight didn't change what so ever...maybe a pound or two here or there but it was like I was playing with the same pound or two. It's not like I was plateauing yet or something because I hadn't lost any weight. People told me it was because I had gained muscle from working out so much...idk. I know you do but is it enough to make it appear to be making no progress? Frustrating. Good Luck.
    So when I was just dieting I lost 10lbs without exercising.
    Well, I thought wow if I am losing this much by just dieting I bet with exercise I will really start to drop the weight. I started hitting the gym, doing cardio, videos, and walking outside more. And I have not lost anything... in fact I am gaining!!!

    I'm still staying around 1200 cal/day and drinking my water.

    Why am I gaining!?

    Sooo frustrated!
  • Pete_Mann
    My own personal experience has been the first weight loss comes off big and fast, then it will slow down as you continue to work out. It's important to eat back your exercise calories, or at least most of them, to keep your metabolism going. When you hit a plateau, and we all do, it's time to switch things up.

    Do you also have a "cheat day" in your schedule where you go over in calories?
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Building muscle - give it some time. I had same thing happen when I started excercising! Lost & lost, then added movement & gained! Don't quit - PUSH on & this will change! PROMISE! =)
    You won't build muscle with a calorie deficit. Actually this topic is posted here daily. Read through the Fitness section of the forum and you'll quickly learn that you aren't eating enough.

    And yes, try the Scientology, I hear it's delicious! :-)
  • kaymac1908
    kaymac1908 Posts: 39 Member
    Have your % Body fat measured and take it again in 4 weeks. I bet you are building muscle, which weighs more than fat. I also bet your clothes fit differently. Keep up the good work!
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    i recently was going through the same thing!! i was working so hard and scale was not moving at all. i do a lot of weight training so i realized that i was gaining muscle. i imagine that is what is going on with you as well. i had to learn to be patient. i love the way my arms and legs look now that i am gaining muscle. you don't want to just lose and not tone because then you look flabby. you want to tone so when you lose you will look and be lean. i have been at this for two months now and only have lost 4 pounds, BUT my body fat has gone down 10% :-) i used to be so dependent on the scale(i would weigh every morning) but now i will weigh only once every two weeks. do not obsess over the scale, just look at "the total package". i know it is hard not to get on the scale but i had to tell myself over and over again that i am toning
    hope this helps!! whatever you do, stay motivated and DON'T GIVE UP
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    if your net calories are at or below 1200 then most likely you need to add some calories. 1200 is what is commonly referred to as starvation mode. if your at or below that level your body will store that as fat and nut burn it off since you do not have enough fuel to keep the fire going so to speak. like a previous poster mentioned make sure your getting enough of your daily carbs, proteins and fat.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Have you ever thought about trying Scientology?
    Is that a workout program or a meal plan? Or is it injections? I'm so confused. :tongue:
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm soooo glad you shared this. I have started Tae Bo last week & been faithful & have not LOST one pound. So I will just keep it up & see how it goes. BE PATIENT! cause I do FEEL better.
  • fishburp
    fishburp Posts: 4 Member
    I had the same problem when i changed my exercise routine. It turns out I was doing too much (maxing on cardio) and have dropped 2 more pounds since I switched back to a fat burning heart rate instead of the more intense routine. I also don't feel so fatigued, actually I don't feel fatigued at all but the weight loss is there so I know it works. There was an excellent blog post about anaerobic vs aerobic exercise about a week ago, I can't find it now :-(
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Your NET needs to be 1200, not how much total you consume. So if you're working out, you're probably not eating your exerise calories back and if you don't have a lot of weight to lose, not doing that will make you gain because your body isn't getting enough fuel and it's holding onto what you are giving it.
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    Have you ever thought about trying Scientology?
    Is that a workout program or a meal plan? Or is it injections? I'm so confused. :tongue:

    i thought it was a religion! ;) lol
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Eat more. Plain and simple. You are attempting to hold FAR too large of a caloric deficit now that you are exercising.
    You aren't gaining muscle, don't hang in there & keep doign what you are doing, just eat more.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Net at least 1200 calories a day, drink at least 8 glasses of water daily or more during a workout, and watch your sodium levels. Having TOO large of a calorie deficit is incredibly detrimental to weight loss, unless you have a hundred lbs to lose or more.