Weight loss correct on non digital scale??

So I'm hoping the my scale is right but I honestly have no clue. I noticed that you have to place your feet a certain way to get a accurate measurement. So I did. When I started which was 5 days ago the scale sad 212... I weighed 2 days later is said 209... I weighed my self over and over again to make sure it was correct.. Now I just weighed myself again. (I said I would do it every weeks on monday. But I just couldn't help myself) Well now it says 207 which is a total of 5 pounds.. I'm not sure about the measurement but I'm hoping it's right. I know no one can tell me for sure but I hope this will help. I've been watching my calories eating 1290 and burning atleast 300. This week I've drank all my water everyday, did 30 minutes of cardio, 20 zumba, and 50 sit ups (everyday this week). I'm very ignorant to what works and what doesn't in weight loss.. So a little help would be great. I promise I will get a digital scale!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    The only accurate way to tell is to stop weighing but every week. Your body should get rid of the weight once you've gone however many days it takes you to get to your 3500 calorie decifit. If you are set to lose 2 lbs per week and eat all your calories, including exercise calories, you should see a difference of 2 lbs in 7 days. Start weighing only once a week and start measuring : chest, waist (smallest part), belly (at bellybutton), hips (widest part of your butt), thighs (thickest part) and arms (widest part). Compare every couple weeks or every week or once a month - whatever you prefer. Inches are the true tester because as you lose FAT, you get smaller. As you lose weight (which could include water and muscle mass), you won't necessarily get smaller because you're not JUST losing fat.

    Hope this helps!
  • gabriellsotero
    gabriellsotero Posts: 20 Member
    Try to control yourself and just weigh once a week, it's really good!

    You are doing everything right! Keep it up!
  • lbruce14
    lbruce14 Posts: 13 Member
    I have a WW digital scale and it is the bane of my existence!!! I step on it about 300 different times and ways a day and only take the heaviest. I can get the same weight 15 times in a row, but then stand on it JUST so and it goes up 3 lbs. So my only suggestion is go with the heaviest, because I think if you can actually GET that heavy one, the weight must actually exist. Its screwed up my progress too, because when I first started to weigh myself I didn't want to know that heaviest so i settled for the first number...now I don't know how much I've actually lost. :(
  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    Are you just starting out? It's pretty common to lose a lot the first week or 2. It's mostly just excess water weight. I actually dropped about 12 lbs my first week, but it has slacked off since then.
    I have a digital scale and still wonder how accurate it is. I can step on it and weigh one weight, get right back on and there's a 2-4 lb difference from the original reading. I have decided to just step one once, about once a week and take that reading (even though I still "play" from time to time and step on it outside that weigh in time haha)
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Easiest way to check is to confirm that it reads 0 when there's no weight on the scale.

    Bodies fluctuate a lot in weight for all kinds of reasons. Time of day, last bowel movement, food eaten recently, weather, menstrual cycle if you're female, and more all play into it. The more you way, the more this fluctuation can be. The reason it's recommended that you only weight yourself once a week and at the same time each week is because if you weighed yourself daily that fluctuation can give you false measurements. You have to look at weight loss over time to get an accurate picture.
  • Maya_Erin
    Yes last sunday.