Looking for some support

Hello!! I’m finally realizing how important it is to take my health seriously. I’m 37 and I know it’s only going to get harder to get in shape and stay in shape. I’m 5’2” and 161 lbs. After my daughter was born, I lost 100 lbs and over the last few years it’s started to creep back up. I know what I need to do. I even have a whole bunch of really nice workout equipment at home that collects dust and organizes laundry. I love the idea of a community and I’m hoping that I can connect with some folks on a similar journey to help motivate me and keep me on track. I could also use some direction with workouts and diet plans to maximize my results. When I go to work out, I feel pretty lost. I appreciate any help I can get!!


  • KrisMay2021
    KrisMay2021 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love some support as well. I am 41 and finding it harder than ever to even maintain my weight. After each baby I seem to have more that does not come off. I laughed at the laundry organizer work out equipment. I have one of those too.
  • starchaser22
    starchaser22 Posts: 10 Member
    Im 48 and been struggling for a while. Parents in poor health. I had a life changing injury. But on the mend now. Just need some peeps to have encouragement and to help others
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Remember that losing weight means a calorie deficit, first of all. Exercising adds to well being and means you'll like your body when you lose the weight. Plug your stats into MFP and get your daily calorie goal. Get a digital food scale and weigh and measure everything you eat and drink. Try to stay within that goal everyday. Don't set your weight loss goal too low (people want to lose as fast as possible and set their loss rate at 2lbs )because it makes it hard to stick to long term. Losing weight and then maintaining means changing how much you eat for the long term. Exercise as you can because MFP will give you more calories to eat. Good luck to all of you.