22 days later, no change...

angeliquedefrance Posts: 2 Member
edited November 2018 in Motivation and Support
Hey guys...
So. I’ve been using the app for 22 days in a row and I have no change at all in my weight...
I am always below my every day goal but still eating at my apetit. I don’t eat between lunch and dinner, I have no snacks except for pineapple or apple when I really need it. I try my best not to get meals with high level of fat, when I take desert it’s always fruits or soy yogurt with granola, and I don’t eat meat every day.
But I still have no results whatsoever... I am mretty sur I am at the stage where nothing is happening and it is easy to quit because you’re trying your best just to get frustruated even more because of the non results...
I could really use either help/tip/or motivation..!
Thank to all of you who will get back to me on this


  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    How much are you trying to lose?

    Do you use a food scale?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    What are your stats and what have you set MFP to lose per week and what's your daily calorie allowance?

    Do you weigh your food? We often under estimate weight of food and over estimate calories burned. If you weigh your food you can log more accurately.
    Do you exercise?

    22 days also isn't a very long time
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    yoghurt with granola sounds like a low calorie 'snack' but if your portions are anything like what mine are (otherwise it's just one mouthful) then you're looking at a good 300-400 calorie "snack". At least. When i'm not counting seriously my yoghurt granola and fruit "snack" can go up towards the 500 calorie mark.

    And what people above said. If not weighing everything to the gram (not using "cup" and "spoon" measurements, using actual WEIGHT), then big chances are you're eating more than you think.

    Not eating much meat isn't going to make much different in anything either.

    But don't give up!!! 22 days is early days! takes time to adjust to things and weight goes up and down - the loss is not linear. with more accurate logging you will start to see what foods give you calorie bang for your buck and what foods are a total waste of calories because you eat it and 2 seconds later you're hungry again.

    Keep at it :)
  • Hey guys
    Thanks for everything above.
    To answer your question
    - I don’t weight the food. We order at our office our lunch something that has a specific details of kcal details (carbs/fat/saturated fat/fiber/sodium/protein) and at this time of the year, dinner looks like homemade soup almost every day except when we have people coming over or are out of the house. So I do my best with our lifestyle to combine everything.
    - Regarding snacks, last time I had the soy with granola was actually 2 weeks ago ^^
    - Goal is to weight 10kg at a normal pace, so 0,5kg per week
    - I do exercice 3 times a week 30mn each switching between active yoga and trx. And I walk a lot (2 doggies helps :smile: )
    - I actually usually don’t eat in the morning. Don’t feel like eating as soon as I get up

    I am aware that 22 days is not a long time. But it is hard to see that you have no results whatsoever when you decide to try. My IMC is good, and I am in a normal scale. But I also know that if I could, at least, loose 5kg my body would thank me.

    I just wen’t on pro on the app to see if more contents can also help me better.

    And hi from Paris France :)
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Calorie counting can have a lot of gray areas. At some point, not quite yet I think, you may have to consider that the restaurant NI is not reliable and/or the times you are making estimates under count calories.

    Try to keep an attitude of experimentation. Make small adjustments until the scale starts to move in the right direction. There’s a pretty long calorie counting learning curve.
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    Hey guys
    Thanks for everything above.
    To answer your question
    - I don’t weight the food. We order at our office our lunch something that has a specific details of kcal details (carbs/fat/saturated fat/fiber/sodium/protein) and at this time of the year, dinner looks like homemade soup almost every day except when we have people coming over or are out of the house. So I do my best with our lifestyle to combine everything.
    - Regarding snacks, last time I had the soy with granola was actually 2 weeks ago ^^
    - Goal is to weight 10kg at a normal pace, so 0,5kg per week
    - I do exercice 3 times a week 30mn each switching between active yoga and trx. And I walk a lot (2 doggies helps :smile: )
    - I actually usually don’t eat in the morning. Don’t feel like eating as soon as I get up

    I am aware that 22 days is not a long time. But it is hard to see that you have no results whatsoever when you decide to try. My IMC is good, and I am in a normal scale. But I also know that if I could, at least, loose 5kg my body would thank me.

    I just wen’t on pro on the app to see if more contents can also help me better.

    And hi from Paris France :)

    I also participate in a lunch program at work so have a meal that I really don't know exactly what is going on. It's only one meal out of the whole day though. Weigh and log everything else you eat for the rest of your day and make the closest guess you can for your lunch.

  • I’m having the same problem. I’ve been tracking for over a month and I’ve gained 2 pounds. I’ve been really careful making homemade meals so I can get the correct calories, but I’m not seeing any progress. I don’t know what more I can do, I’m at 1200 calories a day and I still gain weight.
  • vixvox
    vixvox Posts: 2 Member
    I understand the frustration. I went full on exercise plan and tracking calories (1200). After 6 weeks I had lost 1/2 pound. So frustrating considering the changes I had made. My husband does nothing and gets up one day and says, "Oh hey, I lost 5 lbs." You just want to scream. But have faith that something will start happening soon!
  • orenshani7
    orenshani7 Posts: 34 Member
    I feel like it has to be said, that using MFP by itself, will not make you loose any weight.
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    EAT. LESS.

    Seriously. Whatever you're doing in terms of weighing, measuring, tracking, too many calories are entering your body. Yes, it is possible that you have an anomalous metabolism that doesn't hew to the MFP calculations. And perhaps if you see a doctor, they'll find a medical condition that causes metabolic derangement. Or you take a medication that interferes with weight management.

    In all likelihood, it's none of those things. So if you can't weigh/measure (such as lunch that's brought in) you should just eat a smaller portion. But if you're not weighing and measuring, you are likely taking in more calories than you think. You'll just need to eat less of those things.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you're not weighing your food, you're eating more than you think.