Alright so I have been Keto going on 60 days or so. I lost have lost 15lbs. I recently STOPPED losing weight and suffering from some ill side effects of the Keto lifestyle. I don’t know what to do now. I thought I was over the hump and started feeling good and now I am struggling staying hydrated due to constant loose stools. Everyone has told me that it would resolve on its own but it’s not. Any other Keto-ers having any issues or have suggestions?


  • 23rochelle23
    23rochelle23 Posts: 269 Member
    Up your sodium intake significantly
    3000-5000mg/day plus salting your food is a good baseline.
    Either supplement with straight salt and just lick it off a spoon or drink salty broth, pickle juice (sounds weird but so good), or Powerade zero electrolyte type drinks :-)

    Losing all that water means you’re losing a lot of salt - it should even out once you’ve upped your salt and the issues disappear.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I agree! Your electrolytes sound unbalanced. It can happen at any time. I still go through periods whe I need to supplement with sodium, and I'm well over three years Keto. Get a lot more sodium.

    Too much fast, especially MCT oil can also cause the runs, but my guess is low sodium.

    Good luck
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You can also add a bit of fiber to bulk thijgs up.

    What do your macros look like?
  • Larkspur94
    Larkspur94 Posts: 114 Member
    Like others said, Increase electrolytes like salt, magnesium and potassium since you're losing it with the loose stool. Are you getting enough fibre? I find it's difficult with the low carbs. Adding some psyllium husk to a smoothie can help. (tbsp of husks or a tsp of husk powder is approx 5 grams of fibre). Even better if you make it a savoury smoothy with spinach and avocado.
    As for the weight stall, are you eating enough? Needs to be at least 1000k cal depending on your BMR and exercise. Effects your metabolism. Also make sure you are getting enough fat. Found my weight loss slowed when I ate too little.
    If you are doing some muscle building, the muscle gain will increase weight and if you are losing fat weight it kinda evens out to no change. Depends on the rates of gain and loss.
  • dulcitonia
    dulcitonia Posts: 278 Member
    edited November 2018
  • quinnc2102
    quinnc2102 Posts: 2 Member
    I started supplementing magnesium and potassium when I noticed an eye twitch. The eye twitch subsided completely a couple days later. I have now increased my sodium and started focusing on replenishing my electrolytes. I have a noticeable change in my lower back pain now.

    In regards to fiber-I could probably use a lot more. I have noticed my appetite has decreased which probably led to my downward spiral because I was not eating enough.

    I also noticed that I have adverse reactions to sucralose so I have cut that out of my diet completely for the time being.

    I feel like I am back to the first week and I am refiguring out how to eat!