To the people who have used P90X

I have been thinking about getting it and trying out i was looking at the site and there os not one of them that are really over weight they are mostly skinny people i want to see someone like me starting and what there thoughts on it were. I def dont have that much strength but im willing to give it a shot and see where it goes

Give me your feedback if you have used it
what did you think about it was it worth it
what weight did you start at and what was your finishing weight


  • Lulumaguloo
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    bump. I am interested in the same thing.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    loved it. Enjoyed very much the P90x family on MFP also.

    P90x2 comes out very soon.... HOOORAH!!!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    ive started it and im not finished yet, but im an obese person and its a hard workout. its not impossible. some moves i have to modify. some moves i have to skip and come back to and try over and over... but i never stop trying. i want to workout not just play around. it's a serious program and a big committment
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I am probably one of those people that you were talking about who looked fairly fit before starting, but believe me, it doesn't matter what weight or fitness level you start at. P90X is one of the toughest workouts around. What you need is dedication to keep pushing play every day despite the soreness or how much you might not want to push play. I just finished my first round about a week ago. I've been taking this week off to rest and recover and decide what I want to do next, but if you want to look at my blog for pictures of the physical results, please do :-)

    Also, I can tell you, I lost 3 inches off of my waist and 15 pounds in total over those three months. I have abs for the first time EVER! I also have arm muscles that even the guys I work with comment on. No one wants to arm wrestle with me. I say Do It! Go for it! :-)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm on week 5 now w/ my husband-he is not in shape what so ever and he sometime has to pause to catch his breath. Otherwise he's lost 6 lbs so far in 5 weeks
  • JCGilbert
    I bought P90 (not P90X) becuse it was described as a less intense version of P90X. I find it VERY do-able. Like any workout DVD it can become repetitive, and some complain "boring" but I like th "boot-camp" type of exercises. You can easily modify it w/ varying/increasing handweights.
    I have about 15 lbs to lose and I was diligent thru 30+ days of it til my shoulder started acting up (old tendonitis inflammation.) I will get back to it once I get the all clear from my physical therapist. I sort of can't wait...check out P90!
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I started doing P90X at 320 lbs! Of course I couldn't keep up with them on a 1:1 basis, but I am starting my second time through @ 55 lbs lighter and I can keep up with most of the people in the workouts. I still struggle with pull ups, but I always have. Don't think you have to match them in every exercise, just "do your best, and forget the rest", as Tony says. It's really fun and I think I'm addicted to it now!
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    I haven't tried it but I've heard A LOT of people say that it is mostly used to really tone up and that it's better (and they got better results) once they lost some lbs before using it.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    <---- About to finish my 2nd round of p90x. It's not easy at all but, after you've been doing it for awhile it's not as hard.

    Here are some videos of extremely obese people who've had success.

    This one is my favorite.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I'm 5'9 and was 228 when I started it almost 3 months ago, I have 4 more days to officially complete my 90 days. I had been somewhat active here and there right before but still, when I first saw the 1st dvd I thought WTF and that it was a joke. There are many many many push ups on that 1st dvd and there was no way I could them. I think I could do around 5-7 girl push ups. I couldn't keep up, kept having to sit down, laughed alot... i even wrote on my exercise log (that you have to keep track in) "wtf" on a bunch of moves LOL. I'm now at about 17-20 on each set, regular style on my toes. It's amazing. I also ran about a mile yesterday for the first time in my WHOLE LIFE. I am not a runner. NEVER have been.

    I am now at 212. I'm extending p90x until Sept 10th because I'm going on a cruise the next day. I want to keep getting results until then.

    It's a hard workout, yes. But it's also awesome. The pictures online did give me doubt as well because all you saw were either already thin people who needed toning or people who needed to lose at the most 10lbs. I'm so glad I didn't let that intimidate me. My self confidence is high, not all because of my weight loss, but because what I've learned my body can do. I always had a bad knee (still do) but man I can do some lunges now!! AND SQUATS too. Again, just those things make me feel like a million bucks.

    I don't look like the informercial (yet) but I sure as hell feel and look a hundred times better than i did 3 months ago. Next is Insanity!

    Oh and the nutrition part is a HUGE part of p90x. I didn't even know there was a nutrition part to it. I struggled at first because it's low low carb in the beginning. Good luck on whatever you decide!
  • danadee
    danadee Posts: 49
    I can vouch for NewAustinite above. She looks awesome!

    I lost 22 lbs with P90X. I have used a few different beachbody programs. Look at my before and almost-after (where I am now). I was 230 lbs when I started my weight loss journey, and I am now 185. I am 5'11".

    P90X is not just about 90 days. It's about changing your life, forever. Sorry if that sounds cliche, but it's true.

    Some people do more than 1 round of P90X. I know a guy who did 5 rounds and lost 150 lbs! Anything is possible, if you follow the program and are willing to make the changes in your diet!

    So BRING IT! You will not regret it!

  • danadee
    danadee Posts: 49
    Oh, and I'm about to do another round of P90X. Stay on the journey! :)
  • ehlertmartha
    <---- About to finish my 2nd round of p90x. It's not easy at all but, after you've been doing it for awhile it's not as hard.

    Here are some videos of extremely obese people who've had success.

    This one is my favorite.

    Those were very inspiring to watch and they helped me view things
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I bought P90 (not P90X) becuse it was described as a less intense version of P90X. I find it VERY do-able. Like any workout DVD it can become repetitive, and some complain "boring" but I like th "boot-camp" type of exercises. You can easily modify it w/ varying/increasing handweights.
    I have about 15 lbs to lose and I was diligent thru 30+ days of it til my shoulder started acting up (old tendonitis inflammation.) I will get back to it once I get the all clear from my physical therapist. I sort of can't wait...check out P90!

    Like JC mentioned, I'd also suggest looking at P90. I've never used P90X, and don't think I would have been able to do it, considering I was going from having zero exercise, overweight by about 40 pounds, and 51 years old. My son and I both did P90 religiously and found it to be challenging (boring near the end) and beneficial. We both lost around 40 pounds each. We then moved onto P90 Master Series, which is an in-between program by Tony Horton to get you ready for P90X.

    With that said, everyone is different. But you owe it to yourself to check out these other options.
    Good luck!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm obese and I love P90X!!!! I started out just doing the strength training DVDs, and walking on my cardio days. I was having a knee issue and didn't want to over exert. Now that my knee is healed, I'm doing the DVDs daily (and only walking once a week). I had a 1.6 pound loss this week, which is about double my average weekly loss. I attribute that to adding in the more cardio-focused workouts. It's a hard program, but you will feel amazing. And it's quite motivating, too. Sometimes cheesy, but mostly it makes me smile and feel good to hear Tony say the dumb stuff he says.

    Modify, take loger rests, but don't stop. I can feel my body getting stronger, and even though I'm not seeing the super high losses others my size see (who do more cardio first), I know I am building a strong foundation for my future fit body. We all know more muscle means more resting fat burn, right??

    Friend me if you want - I'm always interested in friends that love P90X!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    p90x is amazing, and you dont need to be superfit. My mom, nukebhs83, has the same issue with the before and after pics on the site. beachbody programs are great, but they all give the illusion that you have to be a gym rat to do them when you dont. Anybody with any type of body can do it with no previous workout or weight lifting experience. Message my mom or i if we can help you at all
  • dlovesjimma
    dlovesjimma Posts: 39 Member
    I started my fitness journey with P90X and finished my first round in March of this year, I lost 20 pounds (combined with the South Beach Diet). I am now 5 weeks into my second round - but I added in Turbo Fire - so I use the P90X weight/strength training DVD's and the Turbo Fire cardio routines in place of the P90X cardio routines. I love it, drink the water, you will love it!
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    My first day of P90X I weighed 297 lbs.
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member

    That was an awesome video..I'm coming up on the end of Week 2 and love it. Yes its hard but I can see a difference even in week 2 over week 1. Dropped almost 3 pounds the 1st week but I'm bringing it every workout.