Love carbs but they are the devil!!



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Hey! I’ve done multiple quick faddy diets that don’t last. I’ve learnt that I have a endomorph body but just love pizza,pasta, breads ..... have you guys got any low carb replacements? I couldn’t believe one bagel had over my daily allowance 😩

    just no.

    eat in a deficit, do some exercise, eat some veg.

    keto/low carb is also a fad diet

    I've been doing Keto for a little over 3 months now, in that time I've lost 59 lbs, my cravings for carbs and sugar are all but gone, and I'm more active/energized than i ever was on a SAD. Cutting sugar out of my life has changed my taste buds and opened me up to vegetables more than I ever would have before. I lost 40 lbs on a SAD going to the gym 5 nights a week and I was miserable. I quit going to the gym, then i quit eating right, then i gained all the weight back and then some. Keto is the best experience i've ever had trying to lose my excess weight and I intend to continue until i'm considered a healthy normal weight. Call it a fad all you want but the results are undeniable.

    There's like a massive world of nutrition between the SAD and Keto. Pretty much any movement away from the SAD is going to have results in both weight and health.

    Keto is a fad in the same way that paleo was the fad about 5 years, it's all the rage. I also know plenty of people for which keto just didn't work because it wasn't leaving them with a calorie deficit.

    I always wonder how many keto proponents have tried reducing carbs moderately. I can thrive on lower than SAD, but keto seems to trigger my stress hormones. I rebounded worse than ever before when I tried keto, gaining even quicker than I had lost.
  • mford_24
    mford_24 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to Keto; it's only been 12 days, but I can't believe how much more energy I have, and how much better I feel. This is the first "diet" I've tried that feels like more of a lifestyle change. I do eat bread... Keto bread I made that I actually like. I eat crackers... Keto crackers that I made and actually like. Thank goodness for alternative flours.

    Anyway, I'm down ten lbs., but at this point, I know that most of that is water weight. It still feels great! I'm a bit leery of the holidays...
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    There's an interesting thread on here about willpower and how we have a finite amount of it, and so we really need to pick & choose our battles when it comes to diet & health (or anything, actually). If keto makes a person's health & weight loss goals easier to achieve, they will likely stick with it and that will be a wonderful thing. If it requires a constant struggle to make the "right" choices, a person will probably tire & give up on that at some point, without having learned much about what balance of foods, and in what quantities, will help them meet their goals.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Thanks guys! Having tried every diet I found the only one that worked for me as Keto. This is why I’m strung up on carb counting.

    I will just focus on my calorie intake now and stop being so harsh on myself

    Keto is fine and will work if you like eating that way. Personally, I eat a lot of veg and fruit as well as beans, lentils, oats, potatoes, root vegetables, etc. Keto would never work for me, as those are some of my favorite foods given that my diet is substantially plant based. I am a carnivore, but I couldn't imagine just eating fat, fat, fat, and more fat and tons of meat...not to mention, my LDL cholesterol always jumps up when I start eating too much saturated fat.

    yeah I have similar experience to you. I can't keto because I like all the grains and potatoes and all that stuff. When I start to eat too much fat I actually start to feel nauseous (and no, not keto flu or anything like that becuase i've never dropped my carbs to keto levels).

    My last coach gave me a trial at higher fats lower carbs (again - not even at keto levels) and I was MISERABLE. Felt sick, was still hungry, hoarded my carb macros for dinner and ate them all then so that I wouldn't go to bed hungry.

    We changed out of that real quick and back to a more balanced split.

    So it does come down to what people prefer to eat as long as it's within the caloric limits.

  • cathyL11
    cathyL11 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes that’s what you do - you eat low carb forever. Not a bad thing in my opinion but somewhat challenging in our carb saturated world. You can reverse the symptoms of diabetes and heart disease by eating this way but that doesn’t mean you’re “cured”. You still have to eat mindfully just as someone who is celiac sensitive or peanut or dairy sensitive does for the rest of their life.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thanks guys! Having tried every diet I found the only one that worked for me as Keto. This is why I’m strung up on carb counting.

    I will just focus on my calorie intake now and stop being so harsh on myself

    Only one diet has worked for you? This is suspect because all weight loss (I mean 100%) comes from a consistent calorie deficit.

    Eating keto or low carb gives you a big whoosh of water weight loss in the beginning. You may be mistaking water weight loss for fat loss....these are not the same thing. Eating keto may eliminate enough favorite foods that you don't have to count calories nearly as accurately as you had to with other diets. Be patient, weight loss takes time.