Young mother, dropping baby weight plus more

bc2061 Posts: 24 Member
Hi, I've been a MFP member for about 2 weeks, but have realized quickly that I need support and friends to continue this journey.

I'm 24, a mother of a 10 month little girl and am working to get off the baby weight plus a little extra. Prior to getting pregnant, I was 175lbs, which was heavier than my normal weight, which was typically 165lbs. I gained 55lbs while pregnant, and was 210lbs at my 6 weeks post-partum check up back in Nov. 2010.

In Nov 2010, I joined WW and was fairly successful. I managed to drop to 187lbs (23lbs). I started back to work in Dec 2010 and life was too hectic and I stopped attending meetings and stopped tracking... my weight snuck back up to 190-192lbs.

So here I am.. my current weight is 185lbs. My husband and I have plans to start TTC again in May 2012, so I would like to reach a goal weight of 153lbs by that point.

I definitely need the support and motivation from other mothers in the same boat :)


  • firefightinflip
    We're here for ya!! Welcome and good luck! This site rocks! Add me if you'd like!
  • JudyZ
    JudyZ Posts: 23
    Welcome! I can't say that I'm in the same boat as you (my "baby" is 13...almost 14)! :ohwell: But I'd be happy to support you! Sending you a friend request!


    P.S. I'm fairly new here. I've had an account FOREVER, but realized that "winging it" was not working for me!
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    welcome, this site has been very helpful

    I have a 23 month old and a 9 month old and gained 110 lbs between the 2 of them so I know where your coming from

    good luck and add me if you like
  • sarskin
    sarskin Posts: 11
    You can do it. Just remember that the small steps will equal big successes.
    I had just lost 50 lbs in my journey and now just found out I am prego and gaining weight. :( So I will be right there with you in about 8 months.
    Just do little changes, it makes a big difference.
    We are here to encourage and help eachother, so anytime you need a kick in the butt or help just write.

    Good luck
  • buttonpop
    Good Luck! I know what you are going through. My youngest just turned 12 weeks a few days ago and I'm trying to get back in to the swing of things with going back to work and having a 2 1/2 year old.

    I have only been on the site for 1 week but I can already see a change in my eating habits.

    Add me as a friend and we can work on this together! It's doable... you just have to make yourself accountable.

    I'm here for you sista!
  • JessicaHerleXO
    JessicaHerleXO Posts: 19 Member
    Goodluck to you! This site is awesome, it really helps put things in perspective and helps to keep track of food/calories so easily!
    Were all here for similar reasons, so welcome aboard!
  • lallbright
    lallbright Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm in a similar boat! I rejoined WW after baby #4 last year and I could never make it to meetings b/c my husband kept having to work at those times and it was getting expensive! I'm starting about the same weight as you and want to get down to 130. I am new to this- will try to friend you- We can do this, right!?? WHat is your exercise plan? I've done all sorts of things- jogging stroller, 30 day shred... Right now I am trying to get consistent with walking on the treadmill 1 hr during naptime... I
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    welcome..feel free to add me..i was always too lazy to work out, and started this site in kids are 7 and 8, a little late, but better than far, i have lost about 40 lbs, with about 15-20 to go..i look forward to having you as a friend, best of luck
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Great idea to get healthy before concieving again. I learned my lesson after the first baby. I went from 130 up to 180 then gained even more after he was born. By the time I conceived my second(6 years later) I was 220lbs and chose to gain as little weight as possible. I actually lost weight and weighed less at 9months than i did pre pregnancy! I know all the cravings and thinking we have to "eat more for the baby" is in our mind. I would love to help in supporting you in your journey!
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    congrats on the baby!! and we are def here...friend me if you need additional motivation from another young mother!
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    Welcome! My story is similar to yours I quit smoking, had a baby, joined WW- lost some, got pregnant again. Now my kids are 11 months, and 2 1/2 and I have 50 lbs to lose. Supportive friends really help on those days where the scale hasn't budged and you're ready to go get a Big Mac meal because nothing is working anyways.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'd love to help motivate you!
  • Jasperocks
    Jasperocks Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm not as young as you--I'm 38 but have a 13 month old son and am trying to lose the weight as well. My weight was almost the same--162 when I got pregnant, 208 full term and then stuck with the weight. I went down to 186 and then joined MFP. Since July 4th, I'm down to 172.5 (as of today) and my goal weight is 150-155. Feel free to friend me!
    Good luck!
  • llbreell
    llbreell Posts: 37
    welcome! I myself am trying to get prepreg and beyond. Support is KEY! good luck!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Hi. I gained 65lbs with my son and then lost over 80lbs. it can be done. :) I am back at this diet thing because i have slowly gained 29lbs again in the past 2 years. I want to get pregnant again but i dont want to gain weight like that ever so i am glade i found this site, it will be my best friend when i have more kids.
  • bc2061
    bc2061 Posts: 24 Member
    Wow! I am loving how supportive everyone is! This is great.