Gain weight!!!..Why???...Newbie!!!!..Please help!

I started with the program 5 days ago and I exercised 3 days within this 5 days. I burned 1600 calories on elliptical so far and I checked my wight this morning, I was shocked I gain 2.5 pounds!!!!!
What happened, is that because I exercised a lot in short period of time (but didn't exercise before) or what is going on, someone please help?


  • FinallyFit28
    FinallyFit28 Posts: 53 Member
    Muscle mass perhaps. It's happening to me too but I've also noticed my waist is slimming. Don't stress too much, not good for the body & mind. Feel free to add me on if you'd like. Take care.
  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    1. Your body weight fluctuates from day to day.

    2. Your weight can "fluctuate" depending on when and how you weigh yourself. Did you weigh at the same time of day? Same clothes on each time? No clothes on? Is it nearing your time of month? Are you drinking enough water? Too much sodium?

    Most people recommend weighing once a week or just keeping track of it once a week. It isn't because you exercised a lot in a short period of time (3 days is not near long enough to gain 2.5 pounds' worth of muscle). Your muscles *might* be holding on to water. Drink more water to help with that. Otherwise, just stick with the program and don't let the day-to-day ups and downs get to you. Weight loss takes time.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    just too soon to tell, that's all!!\& of course there's things like water weight/retention that can fluxuate day-to-day... but for real weight loss, keep at it and wait a bit longer!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I started with the program 5 days ago and I exercised 3 days within this 5 days. I burned 1600 calories on elliptical so far and I checked my wight this morning, I was shocked I gain 2.5 pounds!!!!!
    What happened, is that because I exercised a lot in short period of time (but didn't exercise before) or what is going on, someone please help?

    You didn't gain it in 5 days. You're not going to lose it in 5 days.

    Come back after 30 days.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    Restarting working out causes water retention for the first couple of weeks. It's needed to repair muscle.
  • mish26
    mish26 Posts: 60 Member
    Muscle mass perhaps. It's happening to me too but I've also noticed my waist is slimming. Don't stress too much, not good for the body & mind. Feel free to add me on if you'd like. Take care.

    There is no way you can gain 2.5 pounds of muscle mass in 1 week. Especially not eating a calorie deficit.

    OP, it's tough when that happens, I know. Just keep at it! You will see results.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Restarting working out causes water retention for the first couple of weeks. It's needed to repair muscle.


    Anytime you start working out for the first time or change up your workout, or increase the intensity of your workout--you can expect to gain some water weight. It's normal and it will go away sometime between a few days and a week.

    You're going to be okay. Watch your food intake, intake healthy foods and keep exercising.
  • Aldijana80
    Oh, Thank you very much. That's what I thought too, I mean I really took this time everything seriously and i really exercise now. Before I just tried all kinds of diets and it just doesn't work, I always gain everything back and even more. So I will continue with all this and stay on track and will see.
    Tnx again.
  • Aldijana80
    Thank you all so much for your posts and opinions I really appreciate this, I don't feel alone :).
    I will take your advices and keep continuing with program.
    Thank you alllll!!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    What these guys said, but also, how much are you eating? If you burn a lot of calories and don't take in enough, your body can work to retain the calories needed for functioning.

    More than likely, your body is just retaining water since it's not used to working out.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    First, we can't see your diary so really hard to comment. But from what you said the first question would be how much are you eating? Are you burning 1600 calories a session? Is that what the machine says or MPF? Use the lower of the two not the higher.

    If you burn 1600 calories a day and you are at the min calories of 1200 per day then you need to be eating........2800 per day!!!! At least eat back a min of half of your exercise calories and cut back on the workout. Do a bit less more often.

    Yes, that is correct!!! Never less than 1200 calories per day, even the net calories. The calorie defict is already built in.

    Next other than water, how much protein and fiber are you getting?
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    First, we can't see your diary so really hard to comment. But from what you said the first question would be how much are you eating? Are you burning 1600 calories a session? Is that what the machine says or MPF? Use the lower of the two not the higher.

    If you burn 1600 calories a day and you are at the min calories of 1200 per day then you need to be eating........2800 per day!!!! At least eat back a min of half of your exercise calories and cut back on the workout. Do a bit less more often.

    Yes, that is correct!!! Never less than 1200 calories per day, even the net calories. The calorie defict is already built in.

    Next other than water, how much protein and fiber are you getting?

    Best of Luck!!!!
  • diane423
    diane423 Posts: 48
    1. Your body weight fluctuates from day to day.

    2. Your weight can "fluctuate" depending on when and how you weigh yourself. Did you weigh at the same time of day? Same clothes on each time? No clothes on? Is it nearing your time of month? Are you drinking enough water? Too much sodium?

    Most people recommend weighing once a week or just keeping track of it once a week. It isn't because you exercised a lot in a short period of time (3 days is not near long enough to gain 2.5 pounds' worth of muscle). Your muscles *might* be holding on to water. Drink more water to help with that. Otherwise, just stick with the program and don't let the day-to-day ups and downs get to you. Weight loss takes time.

    Awesome reply.. I agree fully..