Anyone losing weight with no excercise?



  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    Yes and no.

    I've lost weight by doing no more exercise than I used to before I lost weight. My weight loss has come from reducing the amount that I eat.
  • lcharpentier2
    lcharpentier2 Posts: 350 Member
    I have to lose weight for my diabetise but doing it cut back on calories only. I have a bum foot right now. So walking more than needed is out of the question. I lost 5.2 lbs this week. Probably water weight as it is my first week of getting serious.
    Good luck to all
    We can do this\
    See you all lighter.
  • KatyCSTinPNW
    KatyCSTinPNW Posts: 28 Member
    Yep!! I felt it was the right place to start to create new normal of eating. Being more self aware. I want these changes to be for a lifetime. For me I know exercise has come and gone in my life depending on life’s circumstances. I also haven’t given up my favorites like ice cream, pizza, etc.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,506 Member
    I am not exercising, but I have done things like parking in the further garage at work (give me about 700 steps in to my station instead of 200, so an extra thousand per day. I also usually get stuck at the desk on the high counter at work, so I stand (completely apart from the moving and walking I do) for about 6 to 9 hrs of my 12.5 hr shift. If I get my lunch break, I will walk to the cafeteria to eat (takes 3-4 minutes each), vs eating in the break room that's only about 30 steps from my station. If we're slow, I'll walk a couple small laps every 30 or 40 minutes to keep the blood flowing. If it's not raining I park further from the door at stores, etc.

    I spent the last two days prepping and painting (1 coat primer, 2 of paint) a 12*14 room with 9' ceilings. This included emptying, moving and refilling a 65 gallon aquarium. Soon the room will have to be out back together, which means more furniture moving and repeating the aquarium. Turns out my garmin doesn't count climbing up and down the ladder 100 times to do tape and trim work as steps, lol.
  • willhogoboom
    willhogoboom Posts: 5 Member
    It's possible to eat less and lose weight without exercising. However I like to burn some cals and eat more.....or lose weight faster
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    I lost 4 stone a few years back on cleaner eating and calorie counting. I felt good because I was physically smaller. This time round I’m combing exercise with the calorie deficit and the feeling exercise has given me isnfar more rewarding, I feel stronger, more energetic and I’d say I feel like I’ve lost more than the previous time but I haven’t, I may have changed shape in a better way?
  • jojo19812018
    jojo19812018 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, I’ve lost 10.5 kilos (23pounds) in the last 8 or so weeks doing very minimal exercise. I eat 1200 calories. Just a question... for those that start out on a 1200 calorie plan, do u consistently lose weight until u hit goal on 1200? I’ve heard your meant to lower calorie intake as u get smaller but not to go under 1200.
    Thank you 😊
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    Hi, I’ve lost 10.5 kilos (23pounds) in the last 8 or so weeks doing very minimal exercise. I eat 1200 calories. Just a question... for those that start out on a 1200 calorie plan, do u consistently lose weight until u hit goal on 1200? I’ve heard your meant to lower calorie intake as u get smaller but not to go under 1200.
    Thank you 😊

    Due to normal fluctuations, no one consistently loses weight on any amount of calories:

    Also, unless you are very very short, 1200 calories is probably too few for you:
  • ruthvbailey
    ruthvbailey Posts: 23 Member
    I have not been exercising now for at least a month due to an injury and still loosing weight. I have lost 10kg to date. It a matter of having smaller portions and keeping within the caloric limits mine is 1200 a day. I try and eat as healthy as possible and look for alternatives away from all the sweet things and it seems to be working for me.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hi everyone. Was just curious if there’s anyone out there who’s lost weight / is losing weight by eating healthier and sticking to a calorie deficit without excercising?

    Of course you can lose weight without exercising. A better question is if you should not exercise.

    And this answer to that is if you can exercise, you should exercise. This doesn't have to be in a gym, although gyms are useful for strength training.

    Statistically speaking, active people will live longer and have a better quality of life. I can't find the recent thread about this, but here's another:

    Also: Ruth Bader Ginsburg workout routine keeps her too fit to retire at 85.
  • MHarper522
    MHarper522 Posts: 108 Member
    I was losing weight faster when I wasn't exercising tbh. Part of it was probably losing both fat and muscles, and part of losing slower now may be from gaining muscles/water retention/having less to lose overall. Losing the same % weekly would be fewer pounds than 45 pounds ago.

    I wouldn't go back to no/minimum exercise, I feel much better now.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited November 2018
    I lost 65+ pounds with no exercise, well...with the exception of N.E.A.T. exercising (decluttering my home, inside and out and maintaining my decluttering with daily regular/ordinary chores (dusting, sweeping, ironing, house cleaning, etc.). What's N.E.A.T. exercise?
    N.E.A.T.= Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis:
    (from website )
    "NEAT or non-exercise activity thermogenesis are the movements we make when we go about our daily business. NEAT includes the physical movement in our lives that isn't planned exercise or sports—sleeping and eating don't count either. Examples of NEAT include activities such as cooking, shopping, and even small movements such as fidgeting. While it might not seem like a lot, it turns out that NEAT can have quite a substantial impact on our metabolic rates and calorie expenditures. "

    With N.E.A.T, the scale moves downward REALLY slowly, BUT the inches off your body FLY off at nothing less than a miraculous rate. My 65lb loss took almost a year, BUT my body shrunk from a size 22w (219.8lbs) to size 10 (current weight=154.4) The incredible amount of inch loss comes when the scale hasn't moved in sometimes a month or more. It's MEGA encouraging to see when the scale isn't moving, my clothes sizes are/do move significantly downward/lower--I LOVE that! What's extra good to/for me is the "N.E.A.T. exercising/cleaning/decluttering" that I do, I get to "see" immediate results (a cleaner and prettier, more minimalist environment) AND because my environment is far less cluttered, that helps my mind (emotions--seeing/feeling more positive and more enthusiasm/hope with/in my life and thinking ) and my stress levels go down too (which helps me sleep more soundly and wake up with more energy and more positive and upbeat attitude and that helps me make better food and drink choices as well--it's so connected with weight blastification and I'm GLAD it is ) , so that encouraged me to start walking (to and from the grocery store instead of driving). Also in my N.E.A.T. "exercising" inspired me to listen to some jamming music and dance while I declutter/clean.

    Lastly, I'm a rebel at heart and HATE the idea that I must (fill in the blank) to lose weight. N.E.A.T
    exercising is helping me get down to size and live in a lovely, clean more organized environment WITHOUT going along with the crowd ways of doing things (what I MUST do to achieve success in (fill in the blank). Long story short, weight loss equals CICO, but adding N.E.A.T helps me mentally as well.
  • SuziCart
    SuziCart Posts: 21 Member
    No exercise for me due to some shoulder and hip problems. I'm seeing a chiropractor who also does naturopathic medicines. I miss yoga and my walking, but I will listen to my Dr and my body pain. I have exercises that he has given me for healing my injuries and he'll give me more as I progress. I have gained another 7 lbs though and need to re focus on food choices. I've been having a good ol time making excuses and now I have to start again with a new frame of mind. I need help losing weight without exercise and know I can find support here.
  • lin_be
    lin_be Posts: 393 Member
    Yes I did and I regret it. I lost a ton of muscle mass and could barely lift boxes during a move last year. I wondered how much I'd struggle if I had baby soon... if I'd be able to pick them up. So I am not in the gym.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    This excellent thread is worth a repost.

    If using upping NEAT instead of formal exercise, please make sure you are using the correct activity level.

    MFP's NEAT sedentary covers very basic daily activity and about 3500 steps. If you are moving more than that, you need the extra calories of a higher activity level to fuel your movements, even though they are not formal exercise.

    ie: (hypothetical because I'm maintaining, but based on my real life experience when losing)
    I have a couple of binge reading weeks a year, and have occasions where I am manacled to the computer, that is me sedentary. Once I start gardening or house renovating/painting etc consistently, my MFP NEAT cals would need to jump a level or two.

    Cheers, h.
  • swatson99
    swatson99 Posts: 53 Member
    I think at the beginning if you start exercising right away it can be overwhelming changing your eating and activity all at once. I started out NOT exercising but as I saw my weight loss slow a little, I felt the need to begin just walking to speed up the process. That made my weight loss progress faster and now I've lost 22 lbs. I've still got a ways to go to the tune of 120 lb. but I know I'll get there through healthy eating and moderate exercise. You don't have to exercise but it certainly speeds things up not to mention toning your muscles.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    As has been mentioned exercise is undoubtedly beneficial for your health and fitness.

    The problem I've found in the past is that strenuous exercise, at least during the initial part of beginning to lose weight, for me has been counter productive for a few different reasons.

    Firstly changing my eating habits as well as starting to workout at the same time was all a bit too much too quickly. That amount of change all at once just never seemed to stick as it quickly became overwhelming.

    Secondly starting rigorous exercise at my heaviest was downright disheartening. I was SUPER unfit and trying to exercise at that weight with almost zero fitness just plain sucked and I really made no fitness progress despite all my effort as I wasn't able to do enough to have any impact. It was horrible and it made me miserable which lead to quitting in frustration and normally a corresponding relapse in eating habits.

    Further exercising right away tended to cause me to physically and psychologically over eat. Physically, after hitting the gym I'd be ravenous and would demolish way more calories than I'd just burned. Psychologically I'd convince myself that because I was working out I could relax my eating habits. This quickly turned into weekend long food binges.

    In fact I consider my conscious decision to NOT exercise right away this time around one of the keys to my success where I'd failed so often in the past.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    I recently started exercising more thinking I would allow myself some extra calories to eat in a day but in burning 250 calories at the gym my appetite goes too crazy and I gain weight. I lose weight better when I dont exercise.
  • bvff35
    bvff35 Posts: 74 Member
    smolmaus wrote: »
    I got from 150-110lb with no exercise at all but at the end I still looked soft and flabby. Diet for weight loss, exercise for body composition.

    How long did it take you to lose all of that?