Just a mother trying to look after herself now 💕

Hi I am 26 years old 5ft 2" and usually weigh 7stone 8-9lbs. After giving birth to my baby I dropped all my weight within weeks and became slimmer than I was before pregnancy. I barely ate went to the gym everyday and did insanity along with minding my baby. I just have always feared becoming over weight so it became an obsession. However the past months I have been emotional eating with the stress of being a mother and have gained a little over a stone. I know it's not a lot but being short does not help lol. It's just so noticeable on me. I'm not happy about it. So past two days I have reduced calorie intake and I'm feeling good! Just discovered that there was a community on this app so I'm excited to get to know some people. Love Lilefitzskinny💕


  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    Welcome! Raising little humans is hard for sure, on both a physical and a mental level. Best of luck to you <3
  • leah928
    leah928 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello. I have a three year-old and I almost lost the weight, but gained back some. Feeling not great about my weight at the moment. I also definitely eat emotionally.
  • Nova1202
    Nova1202 Posts: 2 Member
    I also had baby this year who is now 9 months and found myself in the same situation as you, lost all the weight quite quickly after baby but gained quite a bit back. Today is my first proper day on MFP. Hope to become friends and support each other on this journey :)
  • DeniseWilson43
    DeniseWilson43 Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome to mfp