

  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Last minute Thursday check in:

    Apparently Thursday was a rough day for many of us. I am no exception. Breakfast--good; lunch--Good; dinner--epic fail!! Gah! It makes one feel as if all the good decisions of the day are over-ridden by the crappy ones that end the day. Oh well, at least tomorrow is Friday, and that is sooooo something to be happy about!!!

    1) logged everything...grudgingly!
    2) Sodium almost 3000 because of bbq chicken for dinner. DRAT!!
    3) No exercise calories earned or burned today, so calories were almost 300 over goal. DOUBLE DRAT!!

    On to a BETTER Friday!!

    BTW...MAK thanks for the translation! LOL I totally should have gotten that, but I kept thinking it was some other weird workout system that I had never heard of. :laugh:
  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    So my goals so far this week ..hmm I have done 1 pilates session so that leaves me with 2 more days to get my other 2 sessions for the week in .
    I have more than reached my do 3 extra workouts I have done carsio kickbox, an extra shred ( but I'll get to that it's not really extra) a 2hr hike and 2x 1hr vineyad walks and still have 2 days to go :)
    As for the shred everyday but Sunday hmmm I did level 1 & 2 on one day but I missed tue so I'm counting the extra as tuesdays shred, I have also missed thursdays so that means if I do today and tomorrow and sunday I have still reached my goal :)
    So as of today I have 3 more shreds and x2 pilates sessions to complete in order to reach my goal .
    On the plus side it looks as though I will beat exersize calories from last week which is ultimatly what I wanted to do .
    Hope you r all going well goodluck for the last few days :) x
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I would like to join :o)

    My week starts on Monday

    My goals are to
    1) work out every day for 60 minutes straight (only little breathers in between routines)
    2) not eat after 7pm every night
    3) cut out carbs by at least 20% (I have way to many carbs in a day right now)

    Thanks for doing this! I had a horrible week last week (gained 2.3lbs) and need some help trying to get my body to do what it needs to do!

    Thursday's Check In:

    1) I worked out for 60 minutes straight :smile:
    2) I did have a snack after 8:30 pm. I was starving! I tried the trick of drinking water instead, but after downing 32 ounces in 5 minutes, I was still hungry. :cry:
    3) My carbs were only at a 166 out of 205, which means I cut them by 20% again. :smile:
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Starting today, I'm adding a goal which can float over to the next mini one week challenge. I need to eat less carbs. I'm doing good with the veggies, but I'm going over my carbs sometimes which is odd because I don't feel like I eat a lot of carbs. I need to analyze what I've been eating. I know I go over my fiber, but I'm ok with that.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My last night's check in (I was beyond exhausted so didn't check in):

    1) Log in and stay in goal: it was close, Thursday I go out to lunch with coworkers and as long as it isn't mexican, it's manageable. It was mexican, but I did it by sacrificing snacking and a light dinner.
    2) I didn't excercise today, but I was extremely busy/active all around town, barely sat down, so not too bad anyhow
    3) Try something wise: last night I wanted chocolate so badly, but I kept telling myself if I wanted it in an hour, and then another hour, when that was up, so finally it was time for bed and I denied myself something that would have sabotaged me. A win, but I don't know if that's the best strategy: I still felt denied something.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Very good trick with the chocolate. :-)
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    TGIF!!!! Check-in for Thursday:

    Very happy to report that I DID NOT get up and eat after bedtime. Big accomplishment. Amazing how much better I feel in the morning when I don't eat at night :smile:

    Didn't exercise, but stayed at calorie goal!

    Here's to a successful day for all and a great start to the weekend :drinker:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Hey everyone... I've been a horrible checker-inner. LOL

    My daughter was being bullied at camp and that took up a lot of my personal time. My time at work has been non-stop from the minute I get in until the minute I leave.

    I have continued to exercise every day this week though!
  • marlymarly
    marlymarly Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all! Didn't check in Wed or Thurs...

    wed - did not meet goal even part way. No cardio. Brilliant list of excuses - my sister phoned, my son was coughing, etc.etc.:frown:
    thurs - knowing my brilliance for coming up with excuses, I had my exercise clothes on and left for a 30 min run, the second my husband got home from work :smile:
    today... just scarfed down three timbit donughts - how the heck did that happen:frown:

    lttee - sounds like you and I are in the same boat!
    Niakshmi - congrats on the one hour workout - that's impressive!
    MAK_01 Congrats on the 50lb loss! And for getting on the P90X
    Everyone - thanks for the motivation!!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Mak, thanks. Just so nauseous. A massage sounds glorious!

    Philosohoe, time of month. Blah.

    Everyone, you guys are amazing and inspiring.

    Sorry guys, TOM is making me sick. Pushing through, but with work starting back I'm just too tired to check in.

    1. Eat heatlhy lunches and learn to pack fun stuff that is healthy. -full day training, ate Chinese. Making itup with healthy low sodium dinner.
    2. Keep up the water drinking. -done!
    3. Still get my exercise in. Keep trying turbofire along with my classes while waiting on my weights to come in. -weights came in today! Resting today,but on it tomorrow with zumba/chalean extreme.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    hi :) just saw this post and was hoping i could start my mini goals next week, since this weeks challenge is almost over, wish i saw it earlier. add me if you would like, i think this group is just what i need!

    All are welcome here!
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Ittee - awesome job with the chocolate. . .good tactics

    danlyn - be very proud of yourself. . . that's a hard one to control

    SuzMac1981 - sorry about your daughter . . . you need the exercise for the extra stress prob!

    As for me, eating a HUGE salad with lots of raw veggies in it: spinach, red pepper pepper, cucumber, avocado, grape tomatoes (ok the last 2 are fruit). This is my veggies for the day and more because I ate green beans at lunch too.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    ate tooooo much today way over my goal I don't know what's the matter with me and I was way too embarassed tooget on here and say it without putting back the effort to reduce those extra calories
    SO I got on the treadmill and did a C25k W1 routine that was only about 300 calories so after I got the kids to bed I went out and did a second C25k W1 outside I cant decide if I like to run better inside or out still undecided. I managed to work off nearly 700 calories when I was done for the night. I hope thaqt means I will sleep like a baby.
    Ladygloria TOM does suck If I could go back in time I'd slap that apple out of Eve's hand. She DAMNED us all.
    Suz being bullied sucks too!!!!! I hated the bullies in my school actually punch one of the biggest bully boys right in the face when I was in the sixth grade. It didn't win me any points with anyone but he did finally leave me alone.
    marly glad your back and checking in
    Mak way to go on 50 down.
    keep up the hard work everyone!!!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Hey Kris--Way to take back the day woman! Good job with the extra workouts!

    Friday night check in:
    1) logged everything--went a tiny bit over on calories with dinner, but hopped in the pool and swam myself some exercise calories to balance out
    2) sodium was about 650 over goal because of chicken sausage w/dinner, but still a whole lot better than my Pre-MFP food choices, so I'm not beating myself up about it.
    3) didn't over-consume my exercise calories for the day; stayed just over 1400 consumed calories

    Overall, a pretty good finish to a rough work week. I think I might even reward myself with a dessert plan for Saturday or Sunday since I avoided that nasty birthday cake at work EVERYDAY!

    Happy Friday everyone. Have a great start to your weekend and ttytomorrow!!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Friday check in:

    10 minutes cardio - check

    If I guessed the calories of my breakfast correctly then I ate a lot of calories yesterday, theoretically balanced them out though with my 10 minutes cardio and a modified walk before bed, the modification was to skip some of the way (using that HRM again, skipped till it beeped "too high", walked till it beeped "too low").... my boyfriend was mightily unimpressed with the skipping. I was chuffed to have an average heart rate of 154 (and a max of 182), my legs hurt a little today though.

    Kris: very good effort burning those calories off :-)

    Faith: That salad sounds delicious.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    KrisPage - Sounds like you and I were in the same boat yesterday. I ate a bunch of candy it was so good but not worth the calories. As a bonus I ended up with a stomach ache to top it off. Way to keep going with C25K. Keep it up!

    FaithsVegWorkout - You are doing AWESOME with your veggies this week!! I may have to take this mini goal on myself :)

    laumar3012 - You can join for the end of the week and we do a new one each week. The link for next week will be posted on the thread when the new one is created. Hope you join in!

    1a1a - I LOVE my HRM too! I never thought I'd get used to the chest strap or the watch (I don't usually wear a watch when I work out). I was shocked how fast I got used to both!! I used to do karate (bad knee sidelined me and I never went back) I loved it I agree with you, you don’t realize how much you are doing while you are doing it. I never thought it would work my abs but it really does, I would have sore abs the next day! BTW, I’m 5’ even and I’d like to think I could handle myself … but would defiantly avoid the poorly lite parks. LOL!

    philosohoe - On to a better Friday is a great mind set. And I hope you had a better Friday. But I still think you did great today. I like to think about it this way when I have a day like this. 9 months ago I would have had 3 meals that were epic failures. I would have not logged any of it, I would not have thought tomorrow would be better and if I was writing down what I ate I would have lied. So the fact that you were honest with yourself and wrote it down, you had two other good meals, and your great attitude makes today a winning day in my book. HUGGS!!

    jaybee25 - Good luck with the rest of your week and getting in the sessions you have left. Great job burning more calories this week then last! Sounds like a future goal I could might have to use!

    Crystal_Rudolph - Nice job on Thursday! Cutting carbes by 20% is awesome. I have found sometimes the water trick doesn't always work and sometimes it really is hunger. I bet you picked a good snack :)

    FaithsVegWorkout - Sounds like your all set with your goal for next week :)

    Ittee - I had a similar situation on Wednesday. We had a farewell lunch for a co-worker and the calories were through the roof. But I balanced it out with a smaller dinner. I think that's a good lesson I have learned along the way accounting for meals out and good calorie management in those days. As for the chocolate situation, I’d have to say it was a pretty good way to handle it. But you don’t want to always deny yourself, I know personally if I don’t ever let myself have the thing I’m craving (usually chocolate) I usually have a break down moment and eat way too much. I feel like it’s finding that balance. Didn’t have it Thursday night, so maybe the next time you left yourself have some. That way you aren’t totally denying yourself but you are not giving in to every craving. Just my two cents

    danlyn - Congrats to you for not getting up last night! YAY!!! TGIF indeed!

    Its ok Suz life gets busy! I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter getting bullied. Glad to hear you are getting your workouts in and taking care of you. I know taking care of us one if those things that is easy to skip when life gets busy. Kudos to you for still getting those workouts in!

    Marlymarly - We all have days when we don't make our goals. The key is to come back strong the next day, like you did Thursday. Way to go. As for the donughts... seems like a donught filled week for us. LOL!!!

    LadyGloria - Way to balance your meals! And you are doing a great job with your water. Keep it up!

    FaithsVegWorkout - your salad today sound FABLOUS! We have been growing grape tomatoes in our garden, they are so wonderful, I have to pick them as soon as they get ripe otherwise my dog likes to come and eat them off the vine. He does that with green beans too, he tried to do it with a pepper, but I caught him before he could get it off. He also likes to dig up carrots. It’s pretty funny.

    KrisPage - Way to go and get on the treadmill and burn off those calories.

    philosohoe - Way to log today! And I'm glad to hear you are not being too hard on yourself for being over your sodium. Have a great weekend

    1a1a - way to get your cardio in. Skipping is a great way to get cardio in and it's fun. It's nice to do somethign differnt everynow and then and not just walk/run every day.

    Friday check in:
    1. week 10 P90X – Week 10 day 5 done – today was Yoga… I have a love hate relationship with this one. It’s a great workout and I feel awesome afterwards, and I’m always shocked at how much more flexible I am these days. Down side, its 90 minutes LONG!!! But I tough it out each week.
    2. 3 non P90X workouts – Ok I’m failing at these this week. I am aiming for one tomorrow, which would give me 2 for the week. I’m thinking I need to change up this mini goal and try a new one for a while.
    3. Try a new food or recipe everyday – Went out to lunch had had an egg white omelet with asparagus, red peppers and onion. It was AMAZING.

    My oldest friend (I’ve known her for 26 years) is getting married on Sunday and I’m the matron of honor (BTW is it just me or does “matron” just makes me sound old). Today was spa day, so much fun, and so relaxing. Tomorrow I’m spending the night at with her so I will try and check in before I head out.

    Everyone is doing so great this week. Let’s keep it up and have a great end of this week, and start next week off strong. Have a great night everyone!
  • laumar3012
    ok! I am in for next week, I already have been thinking about what mini goals i am going to go with, I have two picked for sure, but am still undecided on the third! Looking forward to starting!
  • littlemount
    Well did well this week. Did 3 days zumba and ate rice and pasta 3 times per week.
    Did check my weight during this week.
    Will plan goal for next week.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Really enjoy reading everyone's posts and like many of you, I am back at work and am crazy busy:sad:

    Think we all need to breathe a little more!

    Loved the post about the chocolate! Lately I have been having eating urges at night so I will try that too.

    Thinking about my challenges for next week. Think I will do three will post on Sunday night.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I would like to join :o)

    My week starts on Monday

    My goals are to
    1) work out every day for 60 minutes straight (only little breathers in between routines)
    2) not eat after 7pm every night
    3) cut out carbs by at least 20% (I have way to many carbs in a day right now)

    Thanks for doing this! I had a horrible week last week (gained 2.3lbs) and need some help trying to get my body to do what it needs to do!

    Friday's Check In:

    1) No workout for me yesterday, my body needed the rest I think
    2) I had dinner after 8pm--it was a busy, busy day
    3) My carb total was 150 out of 160; which means I cut carbs by 9% I think it was higher because of the lack of exercise
