Bar Method

I know there has been a previous thread about the Bar Method, but I wanted to know if anyone has tried the new videos Super Sculpting 1 and 2. I have been doing the Bar Method for a little over a month, and I recently acquired SS 1 and 2. I have to say that these are probably some of the only exercises that I actually enjoy. I play sports, and I like to dance on occasion, but that's it as far as workouts. With the Bar Method I feel like I am getting a great workout without bouncing around and killing my ankles (years of sports does that to you!) Has anyone else had great results with the Bar Method? Would you recommend supplementing other types of workouts? Any input would be appreciated! I'm trying to fit into a wedding dress in a year! :)


  • eldenstein
    eldenstein Posts: 4 Member
    Started the Bar Method classes and very pleased. Wish that MFP wd sync with the Bar Method app to log exercise.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Happy upcoming 6th wedding anniversary to the OP. This thread is almost 7 years old.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Happy upcoming 6th wedding anniversary to the OP. This thread is almost 7 years old.
