Where is everyone?

I joined MFP in 2012 but now I want to get serious about tracking my food and getting eating under control. I started working out daily in October of last year. I have all the gadgets to track my activity etc. After I started working out regularly, I decided to quit smoking to make work outs easier. (smoker for 30 yrs...geez that make me feel old). I have been a non smoker for 8 months now. I had the will to start exercising daily, and to quit smoking so I know I can do this. I keep gaining weight so it's time to get serious. 200 lbs is my max weight. Time to go down. My goal is to lose 35 lbs. I need someone for support to keep me on track and focused, and that I can do the same for. A lot of posts on here are old. Is there anyone out there???


  • beesknees47
    beesknees47 Posts: 13 Member
    I see you! Wow, congrats for quitting smoking!! I never did it, but from what I hear, if you do that, you can do ANYTHING!. I'm back after a couple of years, during which I somehow (ha ha) managed to add 10 lbs - so I'm wanting to be 40 - 50- pounds. lighter. The best I've done, so far (2 days in) is to make a huge pot of veg soup with some chicken, barley, and wild rice (not much of the starches). It is really good and makes me think I'm eating something. ;-) My husband is on the plan, too, so that is very helpful. We're just in to the early stage of Type II Diabetes and are trying to stay with foods that don't raise our blood sugars too much, also. So let's DO this. Best of health to you!
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Lots of regulars on here. Maybe go to the general posts section for more updated ones. I often forget about the getting started heading. I'm on daily if only to log food and Tuesday through Thursday on the boards. Welcome.