Fellow Swimmers?

Lindz2H Posts: 36 Member
I got back in the pool today after 8 years and (100+ lbs). I knew it would be rough, so I googled for some "easy swim workouts" and found one that, 8 years ago, was easy.

100 yd warm up (freestyle)
50 yd Flutter kicks on side (I have always had an unexplained aversion to the flutter kicks so I subbed it out with freestyle kicks w/ kick board)
50 yd Flutter kicks with kick board (again, I subbed)
5 x 50 yd moderate to hard intensity Freestyle focusing on breathing every 3-4th stroke
2 x 50 yd easy ( I chose breast stroke, my personal fav)
100 yd moderate intensity freestyle
100 cool down (I chose breast stroke for this)

Y'all I SUCKED! I'm not even going to tell ya how bad my times were because its mortifying. The old folks on either side of me had better endurance (to my own defense I did out swim them in both speed and intensity). It got a little easier as I got through it, but omg it took every last ounce of energy in me to flop out of the pool and roll myself into the locker room. Also, I selected "light to moderate freestyle" to log my exercise and "breast stroke, general"... it seemed to say I burned almost 600 calories... which I feel like might be generous.

Anyone maybe been in the same boat and have thoughts, advice, words of encouragement?


  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Never been a swimmer - but inspired by your determination to work on getting back to something you loved - even though the road seems to be long and hard. Awesome work! Keep us updated as you notice improvements, which I am sure you will.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    that's great!!! I'm not a proper swimmer but i've been swimming every saturday during school terms as my daughter has lessons and I figured instead of sitting there watching her or playing on my phone, I may as well swim! So I just do laps alternating between freestyle and breaststroke for 25 minutes.

    What I wanted to say though is that it's not easy! good job!!! you will find that you will improve with time - it will become much easier and it's such a good exercise :)

    Keep it up! It will soon be easy again! :)
  • lgrix
    lgrix Posts: 160 Member
    I would ease back into it. It's like any activity you haven't done for awhile, you will not be in top form but you can get back up to your prior level with a few weeks or months of regular workouts. I love swimming but my shoulders do not so I have to take it easy in the pool. I think that calories given for swimming are overstated, it depends on your form, skill level and intensity...the better your form, the fewer calories...
  • Lindz2H
    Lindz2H Posts: 36 Member
    lgrix wrote: »
    I would ease back into it. It's like any activity you haven't done for awhile, you will not be in top form but you can get back up to your prior level with a few weeks or months of regular workouts. I love swimming but my shoulders do not so I have to take it easy in the pool. I think that calories given for swimming are overstated, it depends on your form, skill level and intensity...the better your form, the fewer calories...

    True, so maybe I *don't* work on my form and just continue to flop around in the pool haha. I'm going to do some heavy research into calories burned. I should upgrade my fitbit flex to the fitbit flex2 since its swimproof and will give me a better idea on my workout.
  • Lindz2H
    Lindz2H Posts: 36 Member
    I found a lot of varying calculators and statements in articles. One had my workout at almost 700 calories burned, another under 550 calories. It all depends on intensity, which is hard to define. So I think all considered, MFP may just be a decent average. Would be interesting to see what it comes out to be once I upgrade my fitbit
  • ailsalw
    ailsalw Posts: 1,265 Member
    Just keep at it, honestly it gets easier, you get better and that jelly leg feeling when you get out the pool means you’ve worked hard
    Well done for getting back in the pool
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I've been swimming + acquagym for 23 yrs. I do an hour and 15 min. I think I get around 500 calories for it. I swim 3 x a week. I'd say--take it easy to start. You don't want to pull something--especially shoulders--the recomp time is long, so it's better to ease in. Then slowly up intensity and speed. Don't compare yourself to where you were before, just start from where you are now. Watch your calorie intake. Swimming makes many very hungry, and it's easy to eat all you've burned + more. I love swimming and it's an exercise that you can do when you're old. I'm 63.
  • Lindz2H
    Lindz2H Posts: 36 Member
    @snowflake954 what are you using to calculate calories burned? I just purchased a Garmin fitness tracker that claims it is A ) swim proof & B ) will track swimming activity and calories burned. I did some heavy research on the calories burned and found some suggestions that MFP should be much more generous and some said much less. :'(
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    that is fairly high on calories - my garmin estimates about 200cal per hour of swimming
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Come and see us on the Swimmers! group. I would post the link, but I'm not that smart... There's a great group of people with all levels of speed, endurance, experience, etc. Very supportive :heart:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    500 seems about right for an hour.

    Use it (or any other number in the ballpark) consistently and log your food and you'll at least have a starting point that you can then tweak based on results. I figure 300 cals per hour for myself for any moderate exercise and I'm 140 pounds. 500 is well within the ballpark.

    It's never *exact* - even with a Fitbit. All fitbit does is give you a consistent number, which again you can do using the above method.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited November 2018
    Lindz2H wrote: »
    I found a lot of varying calculators and statements in articles. One had my workout at almost 700 calories burned, another under 550 calories. It all depends on intensity, which is hard to define. So I think all considered, MFP may just be a decent average. Would be interesting to see what it comes out to be once I upgrade my fitbit

    Intensity is hard to estimate - especially since poor form can make an otherwise slow speed actually burn more than others would obtain with better form.
    Other than form, it'll be like running/walking - if you are moving so much mass at a certain speed, you are burning about the same calories. Longer arms means more torque potential on each stroke but less strokes perhaps, smaller arms opposite - but it balances out in the wash.
    Differences will be minor, less than inaccuracy in food labels. And unless swimming the English channel and refeeds vitally important - accuracy not that important.

    Always liked this site for comparison, since speed/intensity is part of calculation.

  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Lindz2H wrote: »
    I got back in the pool today after 8 years and (100+ lbs). I knew it would be rough, so I googled for some "easy swim workouts" and found one that, 8 years ago, was easy.

    100 yd warm up (freestyle)
    50 yd Flutter kicks on side (I have always had an unexplained aversion to the flutter kicks so I subbed it out with freestyle kicks w/ kick board)
    50 yd Flutter kicks with kick board (again, I subbed)
    5 x 50 yd moderate to hard intensity Freestyle focusing on breathing every 3-4th stroke
    2 x 50 yd easy ( I chose breast stroke, my personal fav)
    100 yd moderate intensity freestyle
    100 cool down (I chose breast stroke for this)

    Y'all I SUCKED! I'm not even going to tell ya how bad my times were because its mortifying. The old folks on either side of me had better endurance (to my own defense I did out swim them in both speed and intensity). It got a little easier as I got through it, but omg it took every last ounce of energy in me to flop out of the pool and roll myself into the locker room. Also, I selected "light to moderate freestyle" to log my exercise and "breast stroke, general"... it seemed to say I burned almost 600 calories... which I feel like might be generous.

    Anyone maybe been in the same boat and have thoughts, advice, words of encouragement?

    When I'd initially gotten back into the pool, I felt like a blimp in the water. Your mind in the water is used to the old you, whereas at 100+ lbs, you aren't that person anymore.

    Reacclimatise yourself to the water. Be present in your body as you attempt the simplest strokes - something you're comfortable doing. Not a stroke you're going to criticise your execution of, as you're swimming it. Once you're at ease with your new learning curve and your body, then attempt 1/4 of the swim workout plan. Increase strokes and variation adjustments as you improve.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Lindz2H wrote: »
    @snowflake954 what are you using to calculate calories burned? I just purchased a Garmin fitness tracker that claims it is A ) swim proof & B ) will track swimming activity and calories burned. I did some heavy research on the calories burned and found some suggestions that MFP should be much more generous and some said much less. :'(

    I get 545 calories for an hour of light-moderate swimming from the MFP data base. I use that and it seems to be pretty close for me. I'm 63, 5'11, and 175lbs.
  • Geyser_Mountain_Dreamer
    I just started swimming again after a long long long absence from the pool. On one had I'm just happy to be able to swim again. On the other hand it is a bit frustrating because I am just a naturally fast swimmer I guess due to proper form and lots of experience, but I have to force myself to go extra slow or else it feels like my heart is going to explode like a water balloon. I sure would love to be able to get back to 3,000 yards of mostly sprints everyday, but right now it takes me 65 minutes to do 2,500 yards. Very very very slow pace, but like I said, I'm just happy to be able to swim again even though the return has been extremely exhausting so far.
  • Bellavita32
    Bellavita32 Posts: 868 Member
    Does your pool have Waterfit??
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    Love swimming!
    This is the group girlwithcurls2 was talking about. Some awesome peeps in there.

    I started swimming again 4 years ago after about a 15 year break because swimming was a 'faff' and too time consuming.
    Started off swimming 3 times a week and I could just about do some breaststroke and maybe one length of front crawl. Built it up slowly over a few months and now I regularly swim 5 times a week before work and can hit 5km in one go.

    I started doing some kick drills and other stuff in a circuits class in my pool and I carry them on now the class has stopped. I like underwater work as well and am trying to get back to being able to do 50m underwater at once.

    I'm 5'8" and currently 187lbs and I use http://www.swimmingcalculator.com/swim_calories_calculator.php same as haybales cos it gives pace and other info.

    I generally get a burn of 630 calories for a 2km swim

    Love talking swimming :D
  • daveredvette
    daveredvette Posts: 88 Member
    Lindz2H wrote: »
    @snowflake954 what are you using to calculate calories burned? I just purchased a Garmin fitness tracker that claims it is A ) swim proof & B ) will track swimming activity and calories burned. I did some heavy research on the calories burned and found some suggestions that MFP should be much more generous and some said much less. :'(

    Welcome back to the pool. Your Garmin should link to MFP. I use a Garmin for triathlons and it has a pool and open water tracking. So check your Garmin.
    My last swim was 33 min, 1650 yards, 381 calories, I am 6' 200
  • daveredvette
    daveredvette Posts: 88 Member
    sorry, forgot, when done with swim Garmin will ask to save workout and then it links to MFP
  • almostsuperpowered
    almostsuperpowered Posts: 135 Member
    Hi! I have found getting into the rhythm of breathing when you are just starting back at swimming winds you pretty quickly. Stick with it and it'll get better.