6 Week Xmas Challenge - 12th Nov to 24th Dec



  • aosborne81
    aosborne81 Posts: 39 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    aosborne81 wrote: »
    pacsnc6 wrote: »
    @aosborne81 could be too much salt with the healthy choice dinners everyday. that could cause water retention

    hmmm thats a thought. I should track my salt intake for awhile.

    Could be any of the things previous mentioned, but also if you've started working out differently - more or just working different muscles, it can cause water retention until the muscles heal. It's really a pain because you can actually go up in weight (due to the water retention), but still be getting leaner.

    Recommend doing something other than the scale to check progress too. Hopefully you are doing measurements (chest/waist/hips and if motivated include neck, shoulders, arms (upper and lower), legs (upper and lower)). Tape measurements kept me sane when the scale wouldn't cooperate. And I'd typically see a drop in the tape measurements one week and the next week I'd see it on the scale.

    Also have you needed to adjust calorie burns for any weight lost / and adjust calorie intake yet? As you get lighter, you burn less calories for doing the same exercise, and you also get less calories for eating as you get lighter (which is why many of us will exercise a bit more so we can keep eating normal amounts and not bird portions, though some on the forums seem to have issues with that idea).

    I did do measurements, but for me they are the last things to change or they are so small that I am not sure if they are measuring placement error or an actual loss. Plus where I need to lose is the last place to lose and i see the loss in my chest and then next to nothing in hips and stomach area. I try to only measure once a month for that reason.

    I did have an adjust but honestly it hasnt been that big of a deal. I have actually been struggling to hit my target and some days it is a struggle to hit 1200. Not because I am trying to eat under but during the week I am really busy at work and dont have the time a lot of it to sit and eat, so its mostly quick cold things that I can eat on the go (nuts, veggies, fruit,etc). The weekends I do hit my cal target as I am home and have time to sit and prepare and get more of an opportunity to snack. The program I am doing changes workouts every 2 weeks. And i do the same workout every 3rd day, so I am not consistently doing the same things, so I dont think it is that.

    Maybe it is just an off week and stress related. I feel like up till then I wasn't as stressed as I have been the past week. The stress factor should go away soon and the stress levels will be back to normal instead of consistent
  • sebling
    sebling Posts: 1 Member
    I see I'm late, but would love to join!

    SW - 150

    11-19 - 150
    GW - 145

    I'm trying to go low carb, my main weakness. I'm totally about joining a motivated group!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    I'm late, but would love to join!

    SW - 168

    11-19 - 168
    GW 160 healthy weight for my height
    UGW 150
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member

    I typically weigh 'for record' on Fridays (while I understand starting out the week with a goal, I have never understood weighing yourself after a weekend as to me that's when eating is most challenging), but I'll play along with the Monday weigh ins for this challenge (though I may post my weight on Fridays too for fun). ;)

    Hope everyone is hitting their goals! If you need to, reset and try again...this is a new week! <3(And remember, through the holidays, just maintaining is a huge win (hey, you didn't gain)...any loss is a major victory).[/quote]

    I could never weigh in Mondays! I recon I'd perpetually weigh 5lbs more. I'll probably take my Saturday weights :)

  • LusciousLoser
    LusciousLoser Posts: 1 Member
    I’m late as well lol. But definitely interested...need some accountability 😏

    S/W- 172.6

    G/W- 160
  • bradles73au
    bradles73au Posts: 1 Member
    SW- 121.6kg (268lbs)
    19-11 121.6kg
    GW 110kg (242lbs)
  • gamespriteicon
    gamespriteicon Posts: 66 Member
    SW: 165lbs
    11/19: 164.8
    GW: 160lbs
  • thattoothfairy
    thattoothfairy Posts: 34 Member
    edited November 2018
    Realized Im packing water lol, buuuut, I know it's temporary ! :wink:

    SW: 160
    11/19: 162.4
    GW: 150
    UGW: 140
  • sarahsunshine4
    sarahsunshine4 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all! I'm entering this challenge a bit late. I have gained 20lbs recently, and I need to stop the trend. I'm excited to get started!

    SW- 183 lbs
    GW - 173lbs
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving! I at way too much at dinner today, turkey and all the trimmings - but on the other hand I will skip supper because I am FULL. I am OK with this for one day. It will not become habit for me.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,101 Member
    edited November 2018
    SW - 135 lbs
    19 Nov - 134.2 lbs (-0.8 lbs) / 23 Nov - 133.8 (-1.2 lbs)
    26 Nov
    03 Dec
    10 Dec
    17 Dec
    24 Dec
    GW (for challenge) - 130 lbs
    GW (ultimate) - 120 lbs

    My usual Friday record weigh in...figured I'd post here too. Looks like a loss, but know I was weighing less yesterday morning before my Thanksgiving feast. No biggie, the scale is fickle and will fluctuate...and is headed in the right direction.

    Think I'm working on drinking more water this week. I've been sorely behind most days since I started tracking again. I drink so much less when it's cold out, so it's really a challenge for me.

    I could never weigh in Mondays! I recon I'd perpetually weigh 5lbs more. I'll probably take my Saturday weights :)

    I know, right?! It has always puzzled me why most weigh-in challenges have you weighing after a weekend, when, for me, it's hardest to not be tempted since there is so much to do over the weekends. Though I guess for some, maybe it's easiest to control their intake over the weekend and it is time they can actually exercise more because they are home and not at work or out and about. Different strokes...nice thing is people are usually pretty flexible on these forums as it is all about personal accountability more than it is about a specific day of the week. :smile:
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,101 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    LOL! Love this!

    I was mad at myself because I forgot the salad fixings the other day at the store, and then I heard the reports (and I always buy romaine lettuce)...lol...guess there was a reason...and it definitely allowed for more room for the pie!! :wink:
  • aosborne81
    aosborne81 Posts: 39 Member
    b3achy wrote: »

    I typically weigh 'for record' on Fridays (while I understand starting out the week with a goal, I have never understood weighing yourself after a weekend as to me that's when eating is most challenging), but I'll play along with the Monday weigh ins for this challenge (though I may post my weight on Fridays too for fun). ;)


    I still strugglw with moderation, but for me I knew if I weighed in on a Friday, I would go nuts friday night, saturday, and sunday morning, with the mindset that i have a whole week to worry about it, lol. for me Mondays work better so I can make aure I work out on the weekend, and not go super crazy, and then I start out my week well.

    Thats me though because I still am working on self control and moderation, and its getting better!
  • Kiwi015
    Kiwi015 Posts: 4 Member
    SW- 177lbs
    11/19: 177 but body fat down to 38.5% from 39.7%!
    GW: 165 lbs
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member

    SW - 168

    11-19 - 168
    11-26 - 167
    GW 160 healthy weight for my height
    UGW 150

  • kristawatkins52
    kristawatkins52 Posts: 148 Member
    Count me in!!

    SW - 73.4kgs (161.8)
    GW - 68.9kgs (151.58)