65 lbs weight loss goal, who's with me?

So I've been crazy off the wagon for like half an year or something. I always find an excuse to not count calories and exercise but I know that I'm just plain lazy af. I've never been heavier as of this moment and I'm horrified that I let myself go like that. I will be graduating university next May and my goal is to be at the exact weight I was when I started which is 130 lbs. Starting weight now is 194 lbs. I know that 65 lbs is super ambitious and honestly I won't be upset if I don't reach the goal but as far as I work hard towards it I will be content with myself. I am looking for people who will help motivate me to whip my butt back in shape and I will offer motivation and support as much as I can. I am 27, 5'4". Feel free to add me!


  • aljohnso510
    aljohnso510 Posts: 1 Member
    girl. you got this! I had the same goal that I started back in January 2018. I had gained 65lbs from taking a new medication. good news is, with a whole lot of motivation and support of my friends/family, I am now sitting 45.8lbs down and that much closer to being between 135-140lbs. keep your head up! reach out anytime. even now, I still need the motivation to keep me going some days 🙂

  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    You can do it just believe and make a healthy schedule to follow
  • determined_M_91
    determined_M_91 Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you both! I've been able to lose around 30 lbs with MFP before but sticking to healthy habits proves difficult for me, so with more motivational people around me this time I believe I can do it!